18 month old w/ "clumsy walk"

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jennifer Jean, Jan 17, 2007.

  1. Jennifer Jean

    Jennifer Jean Well-Known Member

    One of my 18 month old twins has been walking since 13 months still looks like a relatively "new" walker. He walks and falls over all the time. He goes to take a step and loses his balance and kind of spins around then sits down. He trips very easily and falls forward, hands out in front like he's sliding into home.

    They had their well baby check up on Monday and my mom asked my ped about his walk. He told us it looked like he had a "clumsy walk" for an 18 month old. He wasn't worried but gave us a referral to a neurologist for peace of mind. His appt. isn't until May.

    Has anyone had any experience with this type of problem and what were the results? Thanks!
  2. Jennifer Jean

    Jennifer Jean Well-Known Member

    One of my 18 month old twins has been walking since 13 months still looks like a relatively "new" walker. He walks and falls over all the time. He goes to take a step and loses his balance and kind of spins around then sits down. He trips very easily and falls forward, hands out in front like he's sliding into home.

    They had their well baby check up on Monday and my mom asked my ped about his walk. He told us it looked like he had a "clumsy walk" for an 18 month old. He wasn't worried but gave us a referral to a neurologist for peace of mind. His appt. isn't until May.

    Has anyone had any experience with this type of problem and what were the results? Thanks!
  3. jacob+twinsmom

    jacob+twinsmom Well-Known Member

    We had our ped look at Alex at our 18 month visit because Nick is just a much "smoother" walker if you know what I mean. I am a physical therapist (no experience with kids, but I did learn some pediatrics in school) and I was worried that he had one leg longer than the other. Pediatrician checked it all out and said it looked fine. You may want to check this first (cheaper than a neurologist). One way to check is to lay them on their back, bend up the legs so that knees are to belly and then straighten them all the way out while holding feet. Then just look and see if one is longer than the other. Another thing our pediatrician did was to lay him on his stomach and make sure that the folds around his buttocks and thighs were symmetrical on both sides. If they are assymetrical, than you probably have a leg length discrepency.

    Our pediatrician just said that he was slower developing a smooth gait, but that it would come. He is 19.5 months now and we have already noticed a big improvement. You may not even keep your May appt.

    Good luck!
  4. mamaslilbears

    mamaslilbears Well-Known Member

    My younger daughter did this for a long time, and as she got older started walking into things, I chalked it up to being clumsy. When she was three, we discovered she had no depth perception, and that is why she had those problems, She is 11 now and has adapted to it, she still is a little on the clumsy side but nothing like it used to be.
  5. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    My boys will be 3 in June and one of them is still like that a little.
    I've always worried a little about it, but the Docs don't seem to be.
    Beau walked later than BRandon which was no big deal, but he's SO heavy footed.
    He kind of waddles if you know what I mean and he's SO NOT smooth.
    I'll be asking about it again soon.

    Go w/ your instincts, I think women have VERY keen instincts and even my Pedi says Mom's are rarely wrong when it comes to suspecting something w/ the kids! [​IMG]
  6. mama3

    mama3 Well-Known Member

    Our DD didn't start walking untill she was 13 months, she is now 19 mo. and still is wobbly, and easily off balanced. She does not run. I had taken her to the ped when she started trying to pull up and said that there was a problem, he noticed nothing. At the 12mo checkup, I told my doctor that I needed her refered to physical therapy. Nothing. By 15 months I was back, and made him sit and watch her for five minutes straight. The ped reluctantly gave referral. DD has been in therapy 6 months once a week for 1/2 hour, and while she is still not walking like her twin, her general gait has improved. She does not run. The therapist suggested her eyes be checked and they were perfect. Last week she started her first hour long session and is alternating b/w water therapies and walking/balance therapy. The therapist says she has low muscle tone (upper & lower) and it could have resulted from overcrowded prenatal conditions. Depending on what the therapist says, I will see a neurologist, tho I don't know what they do or what the appointment would consist of. The therapy is costly, and slow, but I do see progress. Good luck with your situation!
  7. yvonneinoregon

    yvonneinoregon Well-Known Member

    Both mine are "clumsy". I had EI PT eval them, he said they were totally normal.

    I think the PP gave some good advice, but I will lay odds, all is fine and normal. Just another thing to worry about until its gone though! [​IMG]
  8. Jennifer Jean

    Jennifer Jean Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all of your replies. I am glad that there are others who have experienced this. I will say that he tries to run and jump (usually falling in the process),while his twin is much more cautious.

    I will check the length of his legs the next time I change him. Thanks for the tip. Hopefully I won't need to keep the May appt.
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