17 weeks: Feeling only 1 baby...Normal?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jpgeyer, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. jpgeyer

    jpgeyer Well-Known Member

    I'm 17.5 weeks pregnant with boy/girl twins. I had an ultrasound at 15 weeks and everything looked great. At exactly 17 weeks (5 days ago) I started feeling baby b (the boy) moving around. A lot of the time when I'm lying down I feel his back/head or behind pushing out, and then he turns around and I can't feel him anymore (maybe 2x/day). However, I haven't felt the other baby. I don't know if I should be worried. Has anyone else had this experience? I realize that it's still early to feel anything, but baby b seems so active. I should qualify this by telling that I have a very active 2 year old boy so maybe his little brother is following in his footsteps.

    Would love to hear any feedback!
  2. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    I started feeling little bumps and moving around as well around the same time frame as you. At first I mostly felt Baby B (girl) and it seemed like she was really active, since last week though it's been mostly Baby A (boy) doing the rocking and rolling around the most. I've read that at this point you should never worry if you don't feel a baby every day or even sometimes not for a few days as they are still so small that they really have to be in the right position (and you have to be quiet and focused on it) to really feel all of the movement. I have also read that they are starting to have more defined waking and sleeping times so you never know maybe your Baby A is very busy at night when you are sleeping and not noticing it! Also they are small enough that don't forget that it's possible that you could in fact be feeling both babies in a similar spot as there's no guarantee that they are on the "sides" you expect them to be on all of the time.

    I personally can't tell even now as you seem to what in particular the babies are doing in there...I just feel bumps and wiggles...no idea what part of their little bodies is doing it!

    Soon enough you won't be able to stop feeling them moving!!!
  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I didn't start feeling both of my girls until around 21 weeks ~ also, they moved around a bit so it was difficult to tell who was moving that early on.
    Do you have an appointment soon at the OB? That always reassured me :)
  4. AmyH

    AmyH Well-Known Member

    I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow and I feel the babies move, but I really have no clue which is which.. Sometimes I can feel movement in my lower right side and almost at the same time at the top of my belly.. That's really the only time I know they are both moving..

    I love feeling them move!! It's my favorite part of pregnancy!
  5. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    I had the very same concerns as you mentioned, but then a week ago I really could tell the difference between the two babies. It will come and then you will be able to relax, I have to admit I was very tense about it, but now every night especially when I first get into bed I feel them having a dance party or something in there, and it's a huge relief. :woohoo:
  6. jpgeyer

    jpgeyer Well-Known Member

    THANK YOU for all of your feedback. I guess at my 15 week appt (and the several U/S's i had before) baby A was always on the left and B on the right. However, I suppose it's possible that they've moved around and are not quite 'left and right' anymore. I have an appt on friday (no U/S) but at least they'll be able to check for the heartbeats. I'm going to see if I can get in a little bit earlier just to put me at ease.

    This is such a great forum! I really appreciate your feedback!
    Best to all!
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can tell you that throughout my pregnancy, I could always feel baby B move more then baby A...my OB explained that where she was hanging out, it would be difficult for her to be felt. His kicks and movements were always stronger then hers sometimes if we were lucky, we could barely feel her!
  8. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I have had this worry for a number of weeks (and OB visits) now - probably since 26-ish weeks? I can't remember for sure - I am now 33 weeks. I do mention to my OB - every time - that I feel Baby B a lot more than Baby A. He has confirmed on my ultrasound that the (single) placenta is on Baby A's side of the house and it is sort of acting as a muffler, which is why I don't feel Baby A as much. Makes sense to me, but still a little disconcerting to feel lots of movement from B and not so much from the other guy.
  9. samimax

    samimax Active Member

    At 17 weeks, I was just feeling the fluttering and the little pops- I couldn't tell who it was, either. I really couldn't feel them all the time until about 24 weeks! At my 20 week ultrasound, I found out that my girl had an anterior placenta, which made it harder for me to feel her. I always feel my boy more- in every ultrasound he's all over the place, she's much more "chill"! As you get further along, you may be able to tell the difference. Since I know what where they are, I can (kind of) figure out who's who. It does get easier as they get bigger!

    If I want to do a kick count on her, I lay on my right side and drink a glass of ice water- she does NOT enjoy that and lets me know it!

    Best wishes!
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