17 month activity schedule?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by infinity62202, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. infinity62202

    infinity62202 Well-Known Member

    Being a former teacher, I believe in structure.
    My mom is at home with the Parker and Sydney during the day and she says they get bored with their toys sometimes. She doesnt take the kids out for car rides(we all agreed not ready for this yet), but takes them for walks once and sometimes twice a day.
    My question is..."Do any of you have a schedule for your day? Not naps and meals..those are scheduled. I mean activities. Such as from this time to this time we do this and from this to this we do this."
    Are they still too young for that?
    Should it continue to be loose or should they have schedule of activities??
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    My girls are a month younger than your kiddos and we're just starting with a very flexible schedule. I don't plan exact times for activities, but I do try to map out what they'll do during the day so that they don't get bored. We have a nanny who stays with my girls while I'm at work full time and I think it's important to give her ideas for things to do. For example, here are today and tomorrow:

    This morning: go to the kids science museum
    This afternoon: go outside and explore, play with blocks, climb up the stairs and fold laundry, draw with crayons.

    Tomorrow morning: make playdough and play with it in high chairs, go for a walk and look at flowers, play with puzzles
    Tomorrow afternoon: fill up the bird feeder (and play with the seeds), dress dolls and undress them, go outside and paint the house with water in a bucket, play in ball pit.

    My girls will play with a ton of other toys; the activities are the ones I have up my sleeve when they need something new or want directed play. It helps me ensure they're getting all sorts of activities and that they're using all of their toys, not just the easy to reach ones.
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    We didn't, and still don't, have a structured schedule for activities, other than one hour prior to lunch we watch Sesame Street. The rest of the day has always been fly by the seat of your pants. They moods/temperaments/sleepiness change from day to day so I found it hard to try and predict what could be done in a day. I did try and limit activities out of the house until after naptime because that's when it seemed to be the most beneficial to them.
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We don't have a schedule, but do we do try to keep things new and interesting for the girls. We removed a bunch of their toys and now only give them a few at a time. They actually play with them now. We did the same thing for books. They also play outside every day (unless its pouring rain and they we still get out of the house and run errands). Basically their day consists on lots of free play (with dolls, drawing, cars, etc) both inside and out. They go to the park a couple of times a week too and we are trying to do more playdates for them as well. HTH.
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