16 weeks...shouldn't I be more hungry? Need your thoughts

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by marchtwins, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. marchtwins

    marchtwins Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone,

    I'm 16 weeks today. When I was first pg I was really hungry and eating all the time...even waking up in the middle of the night. For some reason now that I'm in the 2nd tri, I'm not really that hungry. I eat small meals throughout the day, but I'm not as ravenous as I would expect with twins on the way. Last time I had an u/s they measured ok, but it's been nearly 3 weeks since I went in for a check. I guess I should mention I'm petite and started out underweight...which makes me wonder even more why I'm not packing on the pounds.

    Is this something I should call the doc about or did any of you experience this early on?

  2. Cynthia3200

    Cynthia3200 Well-Known Member

    I didn't get my appetite back until around 20 weeks. Before then I was never really hungry and actually lost weight. Now I'm making up for lost time!
  3. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear it wil come back. I lost mine, and in trying to keep up with Dr Luke's diet, I've put on 16lbs for my 15 weeks. Dh is always getting me food lol!
  4. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    i didnt have an appetite at all.. i actually had to force myself to eat...
  5. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    I think most of us have gone through phases where we have to force ourselves to eat. I feel you though, chick. I was about 12 lbs underweight when I found out I was pregnant (mind you I didn't find out until 8 or 9 weeks). And I ate a lot in the beginning (I think it was mental) and then all of a sudden had no appetite what so ever even after the sickness subsided. Now I am 25w2d and my appetite is normal. I'm was such a disciplined eater before I got pregnant that it really helps now. Just find foods that work for you and that you can eat comfortably and if you have to eat the same thing for dinner EVERY night than do it. I've learned to mix it up a little bit the past week but I work full-time and am busy being of service to people when I'm not working and eat the same snacks and the same lunch and the same dinner, daily. Haha. If it works, work it. ****!
  6. coveytwins

    coveytwins Well-Known Member

    I actually have no appetite at all. I have to force my self to eat every meal......or I will go until I am starving and then eat too much and end up sick. And eating too much for me is still not very much food. I ate a lot when I was pregnant the first time around but with twins I am never hungry. Fo rme it ended up causing one of the babies to be too small and have IUGR. So they are making me eat,. chart my calorie intake and stay in bed most of the day. Everyone's body is different. I started out pretty thin too and I am quite petitie also. I have gained 12 lbs. in 29 1/2 weeks. All 12 were a struggle to put on. I guess it just depends on the specific pregnancy, becasue like I stated earlier I ate like an animal my first pregnancy and still had a VERY hard time gaining weight and had IUGR with him also. You do sound like you are eating an adequate amount throughout the day. If you are concerned jsut try to chart your calorie intake and see where you are at. I was shocked when I started charting because I was at 1750-2000 calories AFTER I was force feeding myself. I can't imagine my intake before that. KEPP YOUR CHIN UP!!!!
  7. marchtwins

    marchtwins Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys. This makes me feel a lot better...I'm not alone on this one. I never had a big appetite before pregnancy and I just assumed everything would have changed by now. I'll ask the doc about it when I go in next week...obviously if the twins are still growing well it will put my mind at ease.

    On the plus side I am developing a bump! :D
  8. kdoleva

    kdoleva Well-Known Member

    I am right there with you- I am never hungry. I used to love eating, now... I can barely eat half a normal portion. I just feel so full all the time.
  9. erinh56

    erinh56 Well-Known Member

    I started my first trimester eating everything and anything (before I knew I was having two!), then I slowed down around weeks 18-22 and have actually gotten my appetite back! The scale will certainly show that I am more than baby(ies) at this point!
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