15 months-need play & toy ideas

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kerry1976, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member

    Hi...my twins are 15 months and I'm a SAHM but work on tuesdays only while my mom has them to keep my sanity! lol. We go to a play group on thursday mornings if the weather is not too cold or snowy as we have to walk.

    I have noticed my DS getting bored with the toys he has and mostly wants to play rough and tumble and I can only take so much of that. DD is such a little girl who loves her dolls/bears etc and books.

    What games are you playing with your 15-16 month olds and what toys are they playing with?

    They do like to play pots & pans when I make dinner and "help" me fold laundry.

    I am worried about surviving this winter staying indoors! We only have one car so going out isn't much of an option unless the weather cooperates.

    Any advice?

  2. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I got a set of plastic/melamine dishes, plates, and cups at Target for like $2 each. Those were obsessively played with from 14m-....um, well, still going strong.

    The other thing they loved was sorting/stacking boxes. I kept empty cardboard boxes and let them go to town with them.

    Our water table was also a big hit during that time (but it was summer)....

    Block stacking was big for us and the Laugh & Learn Home by Fisher Price.

    I'm sure I'll think of some more later.
  3. malone550

    malone550 Well-Known Member

    My two are at that age I have found the greatest toys are a pillow (king size)and blankets DS loves to roll on stuff and this gives him that outlet (not to use his sister)and blankets they play peek-a -boo with they honestly love these more than their real toys they also love an old cell phone (make sure the battery is completly dead it can still call 911 even if not in service) they also love shoes I dont know why but DS will walk around all night with his shoes in his hands! :p
  4. Kathy1109

    Kathy1109 Well-Known Member

    My two like tea parties/picnics. We throw a blanket on the floor and go to town. They also like the Melissa and Doug puzzles and the little people toys. Good luck! At this age, I think their attention spans aren't too great!
  5. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    Mine are a little bit older, but mine LOVE to color. I only started giving them crayons in the last month so I don't know if they would of liked it before this or not. I sit them at there little table, give them non toxic washable crayons with a few pcs of paper and let them go for it! Also like a PP said, mine loved (still do) pillows to jump and fall on.
  6. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    Mine love these large bead necklaces (you have to be watching when they play with them :))
    I also got a tunnel and little house that they love to play in. They love bouncing balls and they love to throw and retrieve anything. They love to "read" books and do puzzles. They also have the anywhere chairs from Pottery Barn and they love to climb and sit on them all the time.

    Also...they really love to go outside, no matter the weather. I try and take them out for 20 minutes a day...they love to point at the trees and touch things...while I just shiver! LOL
  7. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Lots of good ideas. Other things mine seem to spend hours doing-putting mine and their own snow boots off and on, as well as their mittens and hats. They can spend an hour easy putting things off and on. Plus, playing in laundry baskets, even in the dry bathtub. Sometimes just going upstairs or to the basement for an hour makes life fun. Both my boys LOVE trains, and I have two little trains they spend forever putting together and taking apart. We also have a drum with other musical instruments, and they enjoy making alot of noise!

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