15 month old still up in the night

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by heathertwins, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    So I was very routine with the twins but when this one came along I wasn't as strict. Because she was such a great eater (not like my 3% / 15 % twins) when she woke in the night to be fed I gave her a bottle. At 8 months old we travelled and she was in a different time zone, less structured naps, and was up often in the night. So for many reasons I feel I've contributed. So now she goes to bed at 6 pm and like last night woke up at 3:45 ready for a bottle. Returned to sleep until she heard the house up at about 6 am. (sunlight comes early here) There are times she has woke at say 12:30 or other various times. Drinks an entire bottle and maybe a bit of talking but returns to sleep after only a short rub on her back.

    I 've tried CIO -- she would go on and off for over an hour -- quiet for 10 - 15 mins then cry and that would go on and on for hours until I got up and fed her. Yup tried the water thing but basically I ended up with the crying on and off for hours. yes I can be hard core when it comes to sleep but she has me beat.

    I want to know.... has anyone else had this and did it get better ??? Am I asking too much since she is sleeping almost 10 hours in a night -- not the best hours but still 10 hours worth ??

    Since you may ask, she has one nap about 11 am and sleeps for 2.5 hours usually.
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have to say that i'd be getting rid of that bottle already :) It's just going to get harder and harder, the older they get the more stubborn/set in their ways they get. If you want to do it then you'll have to bit the bullet and do it.

    I would probably jump straight to water in a sippy cup, and cut out the bottle completely. She's old enough that she doesn't need the nighttime nutrition (unless she's severely underweight), and by now it's a comfort thing. She's going to cry, she's not going to like it at all :hug: :hug:

    10 hrs a night is good, but 10 hrs with night wakings isn't really great sleep. My twins sleep 12-12.5 hrs a night and no night wakings, and take one 1.5-2 hr nap.
  3. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Danielle. and I would let her CIO again. She might be stubborn but she will eventually get the idea. Good luck!! (((HUGS)))
  4. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    My DD was like this at 12 months. We tried a lot of the 'no cry' sleep solutions, but it didn't work. She still wanted to take a bottle at night. We ended up going to a sleep specialist (her brother/twin had different sleep issues). For our DD, we planned on a weaning process. She normally woke up around 3 am for a feed. I set my alarm to feed her one half hour before her normal waking time. I started out feeding her the full amount (5 oz). Each night I continued, but reduced the amount of milk by 1 oz. She really didn't wake up during the feedings, but she drank the milk. If she woke up at her normal time and cried, then I knew she wasn't really hungry and we let her cry. We provided verbal reassurance for her at , 10 and 15 minutes, but didn't touch her.
    It took us about a week or so to finish the sleep training. The first few nights were rough. She cried for about an hour and a half the first night she woke up. The next night it was about 50 minutes. After that, it shortened and then she was finally STTN. The only way I could stand listening to her cry was because I had just fed her and knew she wasn't starving. I felt really guilty, but none of us had slept well for a year. We all felt much better once we were sleeping regularly and could function during the day!
    GL, let us know what you decide! Beth
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Since you've already tried straight CIO and she outlasted you, I wouldn't try that again for a couple of months. However, you might have luck with weaning, as PP said. I did this with Amy at 14 months and finally got her to give up that bottle.

    I didn't set the alarm to wake her up, just waited till she cried for her bottle, but I reduced the amt by 1/2 oz every couple of days. Then when I got down to about 3 oz, I started replacing 1/2 oz at a time with water (while keeping the overall amt of liquid at 3 oz). By the time we were down to 1/3 formula, 2/3 water, she was only drinking half of it and then getting bored. After a few days of that, I just didn't go in to her when she fussed the next night. I think we had 15-20 minutes of crying for about 2 nights, and then she started sleeping through.

    As PP said, I needed to know for sure that she wasn't hungry before I could stand to listen to her cry. I think it also helped her body get out of the habit of expecting food at that hour. GL!
  6. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    She doesn't have the bottle any other time during the day. She drinks from a cup that looks like a drink box style.
    I guess what has been hard is that she does go 9 - 10 hours of sleep uninterrupted.... but then wakes up for something to drink. Ok I'm going to try again and try reducing the amount each time. The twins sleep 12 hours uninterupted and it is so much better. .... Wish me luck.
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