15 month apt frustration

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by annabell, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    We went to our 15 month apt. and the kids are doing great, with the exception of Eliza's weight. She posted a big 18 lbs 6 ozs but that put her still below the 5%. The doctor said her blood work that was done at her 1 year apt. came back fine but she thinks we should get some more blood work done to check her liver enzymes. Well, let me just say the blood being drawn from Eliza was one of the worst experiences of both our lives. She cried so hard the whole labs felt bad for her. I started to cry and couldn't hold her still. They pricked both arms to get the blood. So needless to say I said no to the blood work up. I said lets wait until her 18 month apt. I just get upset at these %. She was born at 2lb 15oz. you would think they would be happy with her progress. Sorry for the vent, I just wish for once they could say good job Eliza and let us get out of the office without any specialist referrals or lab work. :angry:
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :hug99: That weight doesn't sound half bad!! i'm sorry your appt. didn't go so well. I remember the blood draw from when they were about 9 months old I think. My son slept through his! I hope it gets better!
  3. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    My bestfriends daughter is 17 months and weighs 17 lbs and some odd ounces...she was born at 6lbs and some odd ounces, SO, I say, WTG Eliza!!! And Hugs from me :)
  4. mom2twinboyz

    mom2twinboyz Active Member

    That weight isn't bad! Yeah, she is light and small but my one guy Nate has been below the 20% for weight since he was born. His build is so different than his brother Jake and it's just how some kids are. Some are petite as can be and others grow into chunky monkeys!

    I'm glad you waited to the 18 month appt. It must have been so hard for you to see your little girl go through that.

    I would have done the same thing as you did!

    Meg, Mother of Fraternal Twin Boys
    Born June 10, 2006 @ 36.6 weeks!

    Jacob William
    Birth-7lbs & 20 inches long
    1 Month-8lbs11oz & 22 inches long
    2 Months-12lbs4oz & 22.5 inches long
    3 Months-14lbs10oz & 23.75 inches long
    4 Months-17lbs & 25.5 inches long
    5 Months-18lbs3oz & 26.5 inches long
    6 Months-19lbs1oz & 27.75 inches long
    7 Months-20lbs2.5oz & 27.75 inches long
    8 Months-21lbs15oz & 28.75 inches long
    9 Months-23lbs & 29 inches long
    10 Months-23lbs12oz & 29.75 inches long
    11 Months-24lbs9.5oz & 30 inches long
    12 Months-25lbs10oz & 31.25 inches long

    Nathan Alan
    Birth-5lbs7oz & 19.5 inches long
    1 Month-7lbs7oz & 21 inches long
    2 Months-10lbs7oz & 21.75 inches long
    3 Months-12lbs10oz & 23.5 inches long
    4 Months-14lbs3oz & 25.5 inches long
    5 Months-15lbs12oz & 26.5 inches long
    6 Months-16lbs5oz & 27.5 inches long
    7 Months-17lbs2.5oz & 28 inches long
    8 Months-18lbs7oz & 28.75 inches long
    9 Months-19lbs5oz & 29.25 inches long
    10 Months-19lbs6oz & 30 inches long
    11 Months-20lbs10oz & 30.25 inches long
    12 Months-21lbs4oz & 31.5 inches long
  5. Mommy Rash

    Mommy Rash Well-Known Member

    okay i'll have to get back to you but the boy's 15 month check up is on friday and I'm sure they are only 19lb maybe 20lb and they were born 37weeks and 5.7 and 5.10 so to me it sounds like she si doing good! I know all about the blood work too. They did it at 9 months and didn't get enough blood to run the test so they had to redue it at 12months. SO BIG :hug99: from me!! And at 1 year my were both in the bottom 3% and my Dr said that if they were doing great other wise (walking talkking and so he wasn't worried
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    dd &ds born at 38W1day. Dd was 4lbs 11oz

    at our 15 month check up dd was 18 lbs 14oz. My doc just said, she's probably going to small but let's check back in 3 months instead of 6.
    at our 18 month check up dd was 18 lbs 15oz. My doc said, yup, think she's going to be small. HE knows us and knows my children eat healthy foods and are well taken care of. All of her 1 y/o blood work was normal too.

    I understand the low % thing. Sorry you and your baby needs to go through this. Have you thought about a second opinion if you are unhappy with your doctor? It sounds ot me like your sweetie is doing a great job growing!
  7. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    I think it a great weight. Good job Eliza!! :banana: I have to question your ped about if she know ehat she is talkng about. My Drs always say that if they are show more gaining the doc shouldn't be worried at all. I am glad you said no to the blood work.

    Good luck. Maybe you should look for a new ped, just a thought.

  8. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry and I can understand how you feel about all the lab work. 18 lbs sounds fine especially if she was 2 lbs when born. My DD is still only 19 lbs at 14 months and she is fine. Good for you for waiting until the 18 month.
  9. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    I know exactly what you are going through. Sophie was born at 3lb 4 and now at 17 months only weighs 19lb 1 (her brother is 26lb 5!!). I think she is in the 3rd percentile. The doctors were worried about her to begin with but now they can see she is just going to be small. There is nothing wrong with her development at all. I think they tend to compare them to your other child too which in my case doesnt work as Jack is like 7lbs bigger than Sophie and gains weight at a faster pace. I would agree with motherof2sets about the doctor thing even if you look into a second opinion. Hope it all works out for you. Pm me if you need to talk x
  10. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a great weight to me! My DD is 16 months and only BARELY 18lbs. She was 17.13 at her appt last week and got weighed yesterday for another doc and was, like I said, BARELY 18lbs. My pedi is not concerned at all. She's not even on the chart! lol. The important thing is that she's following her own curve. Your DD seems to be doing awesome! Keep up the good work!
  11. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    Mia is 14 months and 17 pounds and I am dreading the 15 month appointment. Our pedi did mention that the switch to cow's milk can cause weight gain to slow. Mia has always been in the single digit percentile, around 3 to 5. I don't think that my pedi is worried but I guess I will find out next month.

    I just wanted to let you know that there are other skinny minnies out there and that Eliza's weight sounds just fine to me!
  12. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    It sounds like she is going great and the doctor is just wanting to make sure everything is 100 percent fine. Hang in there. :hug99:
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Emilie was only 18 lbs. at 15 months, and she was 1 lb. 10 oz. at birth. And our ped was fine with that. She has a small frame and will just always be petite, unlike her mother! Even my oldest DD at almost 7 is only 45 lbs. and she was 9 1/2 lbs. at birth. Every kid gains weight differently. I feel as long as she is eating, active, healthy, and happy that is what counts. Emilie has never even been on the charts for her weight, but it doesn't stop her one bit.

    Your DD's weight sounds fine to me, and like you said she was a preemie, so she has still come a long way!
  14. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    at 16mos my DD weighs barely 18 lbs and was 3.5 at birth at 36w - she's just petite - doc is ok with it...

    and what is this bloodwork of which everyone is speaking? mine had no b/w at a year
  15. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    My skinnies never had bloodwork either.

    I have to wonder if your doctor is looking at her rate of gain or simply where she is on the chart? The charts are made from stats of full-term babies and she should not be expected to weigh the same as a full-termer.
  16. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(AmynTony @ Sep 19 2007, 01:39 PM) [snapback]414686[/snapback]
    at 16mos my DD weighs barely 18 lbs and was 3.5 at birth at 36w - she's just petite - doc is ok with it...

    and what is this bloodwork of which everyone is speaking? mine had no b/w at a year

    Mine had no bloodwork either.
  17. Debbie F

    Debbie F Well-Known Member

    I don't see anything wrong with that weight considering she was 2 lbs when born. My daugter was 3.8 when born and only 21 pounds at 15 months
  18. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(summerfun @ Sep 19 2007, 06:40 PM) [snapback]414794[/snapback]
    Mine had no bloodwork either.

    The blood work at 1 year was lead levels and red blood cell count. Lead levels are common but the red blood cell maybe because we are at a high altitude. The blood test the doc. wants now is to look at liver enzymes.
  19. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    My Gracie was just 18lb 14oz at her 15 month appointment (which was 3 weeks late), and the pedi was not concerned. She was born at 3lb 8oz, and I think she's just going to be petite. The women in DH's family are all petite with tiny feet and Grace is too. Lily, on the other hand, is built more like the women in my family - not huge by any means, but just not petite either.

    I think Eliza is fine and I'm sorry you both had to go through that.
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