14 Weeks-Back Pain, Abdominal Pain & Brown Spotting

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by nenasangel, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. nenasangel

    nenasangel Member

    Once again my daughter who is 14 weeks & 3 days pregnant with twins is having some back & abdominal pain that we thought was round ligament pain since we had read that is very common at 14 weeks. Today she has some brown spotting. This is about the third episode of brown spotting but ultrasounds have showed everything to be ok. Her last appoinment was Feb. 17 and her next is March 17. She did have one episode of brown spotting a few days after her last appointment but the nurse said as long as she wasn't cramping and there wasn't bright red blood not to be concerned. She said it was old blood. Has anyone else experienced this? My daughter is scared death as she had a horrible experience last June with a Blighted Ovum. Please surround her in prayer for those of you who pray. This sight has been wonderful and I appreciate any advice.
  2. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Sorry, no real advice, i would say to go get checked by the doctor or at the hospital if she is worried, a week is a long time to wait anxiously :hug: [/SIZE]
  3. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    I had light brown spotting off and on throughout the entire pregnancy. I now have 13 month old healthy, happy twins! I would agree with the previous poster though- get it checked out to ease her mind. I always called and talked to the Dr. just so I felt better :)
  4. stephi5882

    stephi5882 Member

    I had brown spotting from 4 weeks to 9weeks after almost any type of activity. Even just walking small amounts. I was put on light duty and part time at work and the doctor seemed to think it was just one of the placentas lying low. Haven't had any spotting since then and I'm now 21 weeks with healthy twin girls with no real complications to speak of.
    I also called the doctor or went to the ER every single time I started spotting. They already know me by first name at the doctors office (they are wonderful, and haven't made me feel like a "crazy" pregnant woman).
    My doctor said that spotting or bleeding in pregnancy is never "normal" but with twins it is extremely common and many many times it turns out to be nothing.
  5. nenasangel

    nenasangel Member

    She does seem to be carrying very low. I think she is going to have to take it easy. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. I will keep you updated.
  6. nenasangel

    nenasangel Member

    My daughter is on her way to the hospital. They are concerned she maybe having contractions. Please keep her in your prayers.
  7. nenasangel

    nenasangel Member

    :banana: My daughter is fine and babies are fine. My daughter was diagnosed with a yeast infection about 2 weeks ago. Today they are saying she has a urinary tract infection. The back pain is partly due to the infection and partly due to the uterus pressing on her back. They did tell her to schedule an appointment to have her cervix measured this week. The abdominal pain was from ligaments stretching due to the growth in the uterus. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers and please continue to remember them. I think she is going to have to take it easy.
  8. nenasangel

    nenasangel Member

    Quick update= I told you ladies my daughter has a urinary tract infection. She actually has a bladder infection. Good news: Babies are fine, have excellent heart rates and are now toe to toe and kicking each other.
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