14 mo. old getting into trash can!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ghanigirl, May 6, 2009.

  1. ghanigirl

    ghanigirl Well-Known Member

    Yes, it was gross and I only turned my back for a minute! I know, I know, those are the "famous last words".

    We are in need of a new trash can anyway, but this definitely cinched it. Any suggestions of styles from the experienced families out there?

    We don't always have the choices in brands in AK, but do have Lowe's and Home Depot, which seem to both have just about any style. I just don't know if it is worth it to spend the money on a really expensive one or if a simple one would keep our sneaky, sneaky children out of the trash!
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I battled this during that age too. I have an expensive one and it just took a lot of "no, no, no, yucky" to get them to stop pulling things out of it...or putting their toys in it. For their diaper pails I turned them around so the lid opened backwards and it took them a while to figure that out. Now they like to throw their own diapers away (I only let them have the nicely packaged ones :) ). You may want to consider something that goes under the sink and can be locked away.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We don't have room to put our trash can under our sink and our kids were in it all the time. What we did was put it up on the table where they couldn't reach it. Like Meg, we've also had to turn the diaper genie around so they would not get into it and now they will help me throw diapers out. I've never understood why trash is such a fascination!
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have the exact same trash can (I think) as Meg. I know it's from BB&B b/c it was actually a wedding gift but when we moved into our house it was too small to use as our main trash can so we moved it into the girls room. It works pretty well except that they have somehow managed to break the step-on part on the bottom off so now they can easily open the lid and they sometimes throw stuff in. I get the regular Glad trash bags that are scented and it keeps the smell in their room good.
  5. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Oh, what a fun stage... :crazy:

    We have a step-to-open trash can, and latched the top shut with a flat latch that conforms to the shape of the can. I can't find an example of it online but I think I bought it at Target. It's been going strong for well over 6 months, and now Jackson will frantically run up and latch it shut if the latch is left open. :lol: They do come full circle eventually!
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    we also have one just like mommymeg and although they cant step on the bar at the base, they like to just lift the top up. Another wonderful use for the SUPERYARD XT! LOL
    We have our dog food/water next to the trash in the kitchen. We use our superyard to block all those wonderfully fascinating things!
  7. ghanigirl

    ghanigirl Well-Known Member

    I think I actually found my answer! Thank you ladies!!! You certainly helped me find the perfect choice (and only 40 bucks)! :)

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