14+ hour drive each way and lived to tell

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debid, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I'm back from our journey in search of a turkey dinner with family we don't see often. Let me start by saying that the boys were troopers about driving. They did much, much better than I would have guessed. They also adapted to sleeping in their peapods without much fuss.

    However, it was still the worst vacation I've ever had. We stayed overnight halfway there and DH got sick around midnight. Violently ill. I was off at the pharmacy getting supplies at 1AM. So, I basically got 2 hours of sleep since he was up and down all night and then had to do all of the driving the second day with MANY, MANY stops and ridiculous quantities of caffeine. 48 hours after he got sick, the boys had it. His version was 3 days in duration and much more intense, theirs was sporadic and weaker but lasted about a week (they were over the puking just in time for the drive home). SO, they were basically sick the entire trip and all of the family we don't see often now thinks they are quiet and sedate little angel boys (not to mention that my plans for DH to get the full effect of being with two busy 2-year olds full-time were squashed). Our saving grace was that we had rented a house with laundry facilities rather than staying at a hotel for the week. I lost count of how many loads of laundry I did but I'm guessing 20. We did very little while we were there and I don't even remember eating any turkey because I was busy trying to get two sickly boys to eat a few bites of bread. Still, DH thinks it was a "great trip" which makes me wonder if there is amnesia involved with the illness. Oh, and I never did get it (knocking on wood).
  2. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    OMG, not a funny thing to live through but you have a great sense of humor portrayed through your story telling. So sorry everyone was sick. Maybe you'll have to repeat the event at Christmas and end up with some turkey after all!
  3. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Deb, thank goodness you have such a great sense of humor!

    I had sickies (DH & both boys) over the holiday too, but think we kept our vomit-soaked laundry count to about 4 loads. :bad:

    It's a real shame that DH didn't get the full effeect of life with overactive boys...maybe you'll have to do it again for Xmas, just as a little reality-check for him (and a Xmas present for yourself ;) :p )
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Sounds like besides the illness, it went relatively OK. Sorry about DH being sick and the kids, at least they weren't puking in the car! We're traveling at Christmas and I am both dreading it and looking forward to it, if that makes sense.
  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Oh no :( I'm so sorry to hear about the sickness! I hope everyone is feeling much better now! Glad to hear you survived!
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