13 Months

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ainsleyr, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. ainsleyr

    ainsleyr Well-Known Member

    My DD's turn 13 months old tomorrow, and what has previously been a fairly predictable routine now seems totally all over the place! I read somewhere (I've got to stop all of this reading!) that at this age toddlers should be eating 6/day. How on earth does anyone fit that in??!!! Currently, my girls take 2 naps/day & our shcedule looks somewhat like this:

    6:30/7am wake, bottle (whole milk)
    8am breakfast. We're totally in a breakfast rut - cereal, fruit, toast. Sometimes an egg
    9:30/10am nap
    11/11:15 wake up, bottle (whole milk)- sometimes a snack, if they wake closer to 10:30am & it is longer time until lunch.
    12:15 Lunch
    2pm Nap
    3:30 (ish) wakeup, sippy cup of milk & snack
    5pm Dinner
    5:30 ish - bath
    6:30 bottle, books and bed by 7pm.

    What does your schedule look like around this age? And when did your little one's transition to 1 nap/day? Some days my guys skip their morning nap & go down at 11:30, but other days they sleep for 2 hrs in the morning & refuse an afternoon nap. Those are not our greatest days!!!

    Thanks for your help.
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Your schedule looks pretty much like ours did at that age. I wouldn't put too much into what you read, as long as your kids seem full, and are gaining weight, they are probably getting enough and are fine. All kids are different, and what works for one doesn't always work for another. It helped me relax immensely when I learned to read my kids, and less of the internet. :)

    My girls went to 1 nap a day at around 18 months. Again, I let them lead on that one. When they started boycotting their morning nap consistently we slowly moved nap time back until we only had 1 nap per day. GL!!
  3. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    That is pretty much identical to ours! As far as one nap, Im following their lead. Somedays they wont take their afternoon nap...UGH!! The only thing Im gonna work on here soon is getting rid of the bottles.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our schedule at 13 months was:
    7:30-8 am : wake, morning bottle of milk
    9:30-11 nap
    11:30 lunch
    1:30 snack
    2:00 bottle of milk
    2:30-4: nap
    6:00-6:30 snack
    7:00 get ready for bed, night time bottle
    They had a sippy of water throughout the day. Mine did not transition to one nap until 15-16 months, I let them take the lead on that. I waited until they started boycotting the morning nap. I think your schedule looks pretty good!
  5. ainsleyr

    ainsleyr Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone, this has really helped. I like the idea of an earlier lunch and a snack before the afternoon nap - that may help them to sleep a little better if they have a little something in their bellies. (well, a girl can dream, can't she? :)) They are doing well with their sippy cups and today both mastered the "straw" sippy, which I am very excited about!

    Thanks again!
  6. twinmommyoh

    twinmommyoh Member

    This looks EXACTLY like our schedule. Evan and Connor turned 1 a week ago.
  7. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    My boys can wake up anywhere from 6:30 am to 7am, i wait about 15 minutes or so before getting them up, let them get fully awake and do some playing in their cribs..

    Breakfast anywhere from 7am - 7:30 (depends on time of getting up)
    Nap around 9:30 - 10am, sleeps anywhere from 1.5 - 2 hrs
    Lunch - noon time
    Nap time - anywhere from 1:30 - 2pm, sleep for 1.5 - 2hrs
    Snack an hr or so before dinner
    Dinner - 5pm

    Bath time 7pm (every other nite)
    Sippy cup
    Bed 7:30pm

    MY BOYS have been using sippy cups for a couple of months now, and on whole milk since 12 mos.

    The only time they miss a nap is when we are out running errands, they will nap in the car though.
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