13 months - Food menu and schedule

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MyBBTwins, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. MyBBTwins

    MyBBTwins Well-Known Member

    Here againg for the food menu thread.

    I have 13 month old boys and i'm not sure about their feeding schedule. Most of the days, they wake up around 5.30 for milk, so i guess, i'm not feeding them enough in the day time. They are completely in the regular milk no formula. Their schedules are

    7.30AM - 8oz milk
    9AM - Breakfast (2 4oz of veg/fruit + 5 tpsn of cereal)
    12 noon - Lunch (2 4oz of veg/chicken + 6 tspn of cereal + one slice of bread + butter)
    4.30PM - 70z milk + snacks
    6.30PM - Dinner
    7.45PM - 6oz of milk

    My questions are
    1. What do you prepare at home for their solid feedings (My kids are bored of jarred foods),
    2. How much quantitiy do you give them (an example would be perfect)
    3. How much and how many times milk in a day?

    Appreciate your help...

  2. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    My twins are almost 13 months old. They are only on table foods. I give them whatever we are eating. So their schedule looks like this:

    They wake up usually around 6 & have 6-8 oz of milk then go back to sleep.
    Breakfast usually around 8. They usually eat waffles, pancakes, banana, bacon, sausage, cheerios, etc - we mix it up every day.

    6 oz milk usually around 10 or 11

    Lunch around noon. I fix them grilled cheese, hotdogs, chicken nuggets, sandwiches, etc. They have a fruit and goldfish or something like it.

    6 oz milk around 3

    Dinner - whatever I have fixed. I have just found that they LOVE sweet potato fries, so that will become a staple in our house!

    8 oz milk around 6:30PM

    Once they started table foods around 9 months, they wanted nothing to do with babyfood anymore. They usually split a sandwich or hotdogs. They will eat 1-2 chicken nuggets. I usually just put quite a variety on their plates and let them eat what they want. Some days are better than others...just depends on how hungry they are!
  3. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    My girls aren't quite 13 months, but here is our schedule:

    6:30 wakeup

    7:00 breakfast - one waffle, pancake or piece of toast each, share a banana or other fruit, 5 oz milk sippy

    11:30 lunch - 2 or 3 chicken nuggets each, or macaroni & cheese, or lunch meat, or a grilled cheese sandwich, plus a veggie and a fruit, sometimes goldfish crackers or arrowroot cookies, sometimes applesauce, yogurt or cheese cubes, plus 5 oz milk sippy

    2:30 snack - 4 oz juice/water sippy, goldfish crackers or animal crackers

    4:30 dinner - usually leftovers from dinner the day before, so meatloaf, spaghetti or other kinds of pasta, lasagna, chicken breasts, etc., plus a veggie, plus 5 oz milk sippy

    6:00 bed

    The girls haven't had pureed food in a few months - they were ready to make the switch to table foods around 9 1/2 or 10 months. Our pedi said no more than 16 oz of milk in a day, otherwise you risk drowning their appetite and they won't eat as much food as they should.

    Hope that helps [​IMG]
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    8:00-8:30 get up
    9:00 breakfast(cereal, freezedried or canned fruit and sometimes cereal bars, water{as much as they will eat})
    11:00 snacktime(as many goldfish as they want)
    12:00-2:00 nap time
    2:00 lunch time(cheese, lunch meat, slice of meat{all in bite size pieces}{again as much as they want start small if they eat it give them more}
    4:00 maybe another nap
    5:00 another snacktime
    7:00 dinner time{what meat we are having cut small, a cooked veggie, a pasta and a bread}
    9:00 bedtime

    I offer milk when ever they want it. Amount isn't a big thing just feed until they are tired of feeding. Mine usually take around 45 minutes to an hour to eat a meal. The sign for down is a good one to teach so you know when they are done and want down(one finger pointing to open hand touch center of palm several times). At 9 months we were so done with baby food, your an angel for dealing with it this long.
  5. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    My girls are on all table foods. They do still eat oatmeal and applesause for breakfast the majority of the time, but that's just because I figure its good for them and want them to keep that up as long as possible. They eat everything I'm eating.

    Sorry, no help here. Is there a reason that you're not giving them table foods at this point?
  6. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    My boys are a little over a year and our schedule is similar to the other pp's. They take around 18 ounces of milk per day (6 ounces @ the 3 meals). They get water/juice with their snack.

    One thing that helps me is preparing meals a day ahead. While the boys and my DD eat dinner on Monday night, I'm in the kitchen with them preparing meals for the next day. That way, all I have to do is heat it up when it's meal time. I wish I were organized enough to do it all at once for the whole week, but one day ahead is all I can manage right now. Some people mentioned cooking a week's worth of meals on Saturday or Sunday.
  7. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    Mine are not yet 13 months but we are feeding similar, transitioning to table food. I love to see thses sample menus/ideas! [​IMG]
  8. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    I feed my girls as much as I can get in them, especially at dinner. They usually eat meatballs or meat stix, some pasta or grain, fruit and a veggie. They love fruit and most veggies so those are easy; meats are more of a challenge, but they do well.

    I put everything I want them to eat (except fruit and dessert) on a plate on their tray and let them eat what they want. When they start playing, I know it is time for the 2nd course. I give them as much fruit and grain as they will eat.

    At dinner, I follow up with both water and a tiny bit of juice to quench their thirst.

    We do sippy cups of milk after each meal, and those are usually no more than 4 ounces each. I serve lots of water in between meals, and two snacks. A lighter snack in the morning and a heavier snack in the afternoon.

    My thought is that your kids might not be getting the calories they need from baby purees and milk and that you need to increase table foods as best as possible. At 12 months, I was still offering maybe one jar of food a day to supplement, but that was it.

    Canned green beans are a huge hit in my house even when nothing else works. I give them to them whole to bite off of. Some other early foods that were easy -- and still are -- are meatballs and muffins -- both very easy to sneak fruits and veggies into! Now, a staple is toast topped with pumpkin butter or peanut butter.

    good luck!
  9. mom_stacyX2

    mom_stacyX2 Well-Known Member

    My babies are a little over 12m and our schedule is:
    6.30 Wake Up (water sippy)
    7.30 Breakfast (pancakes, waffles, french toast, or scrambled eggs) they can each eat a pancake, etc (or 4 mini's). 6oz Milk Sippy
    12.00 Lunch Grilled Cheese (one a piece)or a graduate meal, or pasta pick ups, plus fruit and veggie. 8oz Milk Sippy
    3.00 Snack Yogart each + share banana. Bag Mini muffins + banana.
    6.00 Dinner Whatever we are eating. Or lunch meat and cheese crumbles, or pasta pickups, grilled cheese...6oz Milk Sippy
    7.30 Bed
  10. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Let me think back...

    Breakfast: Sippy of milk, and oatmeal (or biscuit and gravy chopped up little, waffles, pancakes) everything was in little bitty pieces.

    Snacks: goldfish, crackers, yogurt with juice in a cup.

    Lunchtime: Grilled Cheese, hotdogs (in little pieces), chicken nuggets, french fries, and they LOVED all kinds of soups, their faves were the campbells brands with veggies and meats. Milk to drink.

    snacks: same as mentioned before.

    Dinner: Whatever I fixed... it usually involves a meat and side dishes, such as fruit cocktail, or veggies. Also containing either baked potatoes or mashed potatoes. They always drink milk with the big meals.

    Cup of milk before bedtime.
  11. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I have 13 month old girls and here is our schedule:

    6:00 Wake up, change diapers, etc.
    6:30 usually oatmeal with baby food fruit mixed in and a banana or peaches chopped up for them to eat while I am fixing their food. Usually at least 5 oz of milk.

    10:00 4 oz of juice and a snack or 8 oz of milk if they didn't drink any at breakfast (some days they won't drink their milk after eating)

    12:30 We usually eat left overs (whatever we have had from the night before--steamed veggies, mashed potatoes, carrots, etc.) or I will give them a large jar of #3 baby food split between them both and a veggie a piece as well as some form of dessert (cookies, etc) and then 5 to 8 oz of milk, depending on how hungery they are.

    3:30 An 8 to 9 oz of milk and snack

    6:00 Whatever we are having for the night if it is healthy and will still finely chop any meat in the food processor. I don't know how much I feed them at night--usually until they stop eating and will give them sips of milk while they are eating. If they don't eat with us then I feed them just like at lunch time.

    8:00 8 to 9 oz of milk (sometimes they drink it all and sometimes they don't, really depends on how much they ate at supper)

    Hope this helps.
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