13 mnths ... can't go to sleep on own

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Bridge, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. Bridge

    Bridge Member

    I can't seem to get my 13 month old girls to go down in their bed to sleep on their own. It is a constant battle every night. Rocking them each to sleep can sometimes go on until 10pm. I tried putting them in there bed to cry it out and I just can't seem to bring myselft to go longer than 15 minutes. Or one may go down and the other crying so I have to take the other out and rock her so she doesn't wake the other. Or I resort to the swing but they are growing out of that and need to go down on their own. What else can I try?
  2. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    Try the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". It gives great information on how to help.
  3. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    Are you sure they are "full enough?"

    It really sounds like you've gotten them used to your efforts to help them sleep.

    What is your bedtime routine? Maybe you should try putting them to sleep a little earlier, if you think they are overtired.

    Otherwise, you might need to let them cry it out ... do the go in after 10, 15, 20, etc. routine if you can't stand to hear them cry ... but when you do go in definitely, definitely, defintely do not pick them up. Hug them, rub them, give them their blanket (or whatever) and then leave. Once they understand you mean business they will go to sleep.
  4. Deborah73

    Deborah73 New Member

    Hi, how are you. My twin boys are 1 year this month (2/15) and I have to agree I am in the same boat. My husband and I go back and forth on this one since they really get worked up when I try to let them cry it out. It is so frustrating sometimes. Things I tried and sometimes it works and other times they win - but I've made progress.

    I try for bedtime usually between 8 - 9 pm. - I start by putting their blankets (around 7:30 pm) on the floor and I usually notice them going to them to rest and lay down them on - (my que that they are sleepy) - also a calm video (Sesame Beginnings is their favorite bedtime video)

    I keep reassuring them that its 'night,night time' - I use this phrase every night and also for naps.

    Also, I give them 4 oz of warm milk right before putting them in the crib. I then put them in the crib and brush their teeth / wash their face with warm washcloth - they usually realize at this time that its their bedtime routine - which has helped.

    When all else fails, I usually rock the one that is most upset and sing one of their favorite songs - usually Wonder Pets Theme song works until they settle in. also, I put on their crib mobiles (Fisher Price Butterfly) which helps too.

    Hope this helps - I just need to figure out how to get my little ones to sleep through the night and without waking each other and thinking its time to play at 3 am. -
  5. Bridge

    Bridge Member

    I do believe they are full enough. We do dinner around 6pm, then bath, teeth, and then start trying to put them down for bedtime. I know most of the time they are tired because they are rubbing there eyes and start putting there head down. I just wish they weren’t so dependent on us and could go down in there bed on there own. I have tried the 10, 15, 20 minute theory and it worked a few times with one of them but not the other and that is when we have to take one out of the room so she doesn’t wake the other. I guess we just have to stick to it. Thank you so much for your input.
  6. Bridge

    Bridge Member

    Thanks Deborah73...I may have to try a video as well. And I know what you mean about the 3am issue. Hailey wakes around that time every night for the last week standing in her bed and the only way she goes back down is to put her in the bed with us. Something I am not fond of. But in order to get sleep, sometimes it is what you have to do.
  7. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    I don't know if videos are the answer ... for some babies "tv" can be too much for their senses and actually make them more awake. That's just one school of thought.

    Are you (both) doing bedtime routine in their rooms? That was key for us.

    The similarities between both of your stories seems to be a later bedtime ... I would defintely try putting them to be earlier, unless they are waking up later in the morning.

    You might be surprised at the results .... and please update us!
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