12 weeks - contractions or tightness

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by MyOwnMeadow, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. MyOwnMeadow

    MyOwnMeadow Well-Known Member

    Hi, I looked back through old threads to see if I could find the answer myself, but I finally gave up. :)

    I'm 12 weeks today. Not sure what kind of twins we're having, waiting for another dr appointment and ultrasound (which is a whole other post. frustrating!)

    I went to the grocery store today and didn't make it very far before I had really uncomfortable tightness in my lower belly, almost like contractions and shortness of breath. I actually had to leave because I was so freaked out. No spotting. I feel better now that I've been sitting and laying for the last few hours, but I'm still having a hard time taking a full breath (which I just read was normal).

    I know I should call my ob and ask them, but I don't want to freak anyone out over nothing. I have 3 kids and a husband and taking an unexpected trip to the dr's office is a total PITA.

    Did any of you experience the tightness this early? Is it normal? It's been so long since I was pregnant with my 3rd who is now 6, almost 7, that I can't remember!

    Thanks in advance.
  2. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I did have a ton of BH pretty early (probably around 12 weeks if I am remembering correctly). Dehydration can make them worse, so make sure you're getting plenty of fluids and resting as much as possible.

    If they're ever regular in frequency or intensity or in your back, go be seen by a doctor.

    Hang in there!
  3. aquarius

    aquarius New Member

    I am just about 12 weeks myself and I have been experiencing some tightness/contractions for at least 2 weeks. Nothing painful but sometimes I need to take a deep breath to shake it off. According to guidelines given here (Iceland, where I live) it is normal to experience contractions up to 4 times pr. hour all through the pregnancy. If they are no more frequent, there is no pain and no bloody show you should not need to worry. My attending midwife wanted to know about it though, so we could keep an eye on it as the pregnancy progresses. So you should probably mention this to your OB once you have an appointment. And just stay hydrated and rested, I think that is the key to most things in early pregnancy ;)
  4. Krystine

    Krystine Well-Known Member

    I have had some BH in the evenings starting after 13 weeks. I thought it seemed crazy early to have them but drinking more seems to help.
  5. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    I experienced them on and off throughout as well.
  6. MyOwnMeadow

    MyOwnMeadow Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone!

    My husband ended up taking me to the ER last night when I had stabbing pains and a little spotting, and it turns out I have a corpus luteal cyst in my left ovary (normal, but ouchy) and pulled some muscles when I threw up the night before. Babies are excellent, both right on for size and heartbeat. Still couldn't tell what kind of twins they are. Good to see them so active and ok. I was scared.

    I'm relieved but I feel like I got run over by a truck today. Also got a new prescription for reglan instead of zofran. Hopefully it works because the zofran didn't. Vomiting is extremely painful now and I'm afraid to eat anything other than my eggs and veggie soup. Pick it up today, so we'll see!
  7. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Glad everything is okay! Hope the reglan works!
  8. Krystine

    Krystine Well-Known Member

    I hope your cyst resolves soon. I had one during a different PG. It was so very painful.

    I hope the vomiting lets up soon. For me, 12 weeks was my very worst week for vomiting and it's getting better now at 15weeks. Hang in there!
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