12 month WBV results

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by vharrison1969, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    So we took our boys to their 12 month WBV after they turned 13 months old; it's a long story but they got off schedule due to going to the ped every month for their RSV shots. ANYWAY, we were hoping Jack would be 20lbs because that's what the urologist wants him at for his hypospadias/chordee surgery. Well, he almost made it:

    Nate - 29 3/4 inches (25-50%), 19lbs (not even on the chart!)
    Jack - 30 7/8 inches (70%!!!), 19lbs 15oz (5-10%)

    I got me some tall skinny babies!! :eek: I CANNOT believe that Jack, my IUGR 3lb baby, is now at the 70th percentile!! Whoa, talk about an overachiever!

    Ped is very happy with their milestones; Jack is walking like a champ, and Nate has several words.

    Okay, so this was just a brag post, but I'll ask a question to make it less obnoxious ;):

    Jack is now on the chart, but Nate has never been (except for 1 time at about 4 months old). The doc says he's getting closer, which is good, but I want to make sure he's getting enough nutrition. I already give them avocado, whole milk yogurt, etc. Any other tips for high-calorie foods that don't involve tons of sugar or salt? He eats pretty well, but he is definitely more of a picky eater than Jack.

    Thanks for listening! :)
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Valerie, it sounds like they (and you ;) ) are doing a great job!! :clapping: I'm not sure about the high calorie foods, I know I add butter to things to give it a higher calorie count (and my two really like anything with butter :rolleyes: )
  3. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    My boys are like that too....tall and skinny!
  4. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    Congrats! Sounds like they are doing great. All my kids are tall and skinny too.
  5. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I've never been trying to put weight on mine, but the pedi says they need fat, so we do lots of cheese and I put butter on things (or olive oil spread or something). Mine love guac, but you said you are doing avocados. Fatty fish?
  6. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    Hi Valerie!
    I am so happy to hear your boys are doing great!Isn't it nice to see your guys on chart, meaning all your hard work pays off! skinny and tall is good, my dad always joked that clothes fit on me better than on my mom and sister, since I am the tallest and skinniest in the family.
    As for me, mu guys are in 95% for height but in 2-5% for weight. I am feeding these guys with fatty and healthy foods like there is no tomorrow. Will see is my effort pays off in October for their 15 month check up.
    GL to us.
  7. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a great visit! As for fatty foods, we do avocado, cream cheese on toast, peanut butter on toast, cheese cubes, full fat yogurt. I also make my own mac/cheese with cream cheese/a bit of butter/milk and cheddar cheese and stir that in with rotini pasta.....they love it!
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :clapping: for a great appointment!
    In our SY guidebook we have a link to high calorie foods for toddlers.
    When my twinks went for their 12 month visit, they were on the 5th percentile for weight (did not cross the 20 lb mark until 18 months). Our pedi suggested giving them 24 ounces of milk, fatten up their foods with butter & giving them full fat foods. I also added Carnation Instant Breakfast to their milk in the morning for extra calories. I tried Pediasure but the twinks did not like it, don't know why but they can be picky like that.
  9. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Hey Daiva!

    95%!! Wow, you're growing some good-sized babies!! :Clap: Hope your 15 month checkup goes well!

    Thanks for all the responses and ideas. I do have 1 question: How on earth do you feed peanut butter or mac and cheese without having to power-wash your LOs afterward?! I've tried sunflower butter (like peanut butter for cowards ;) ) on toast, and more of it ends up on their outsides than on their insides. Same thing with mac and cheese; they find it too hard to grasp the little slippery tubes of pasta. Or do I just wait until they're old enough to eat a sandwich and use a fork?? :unsure:
  10. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    For the PB, I just mush another piece of toast on top and then cut into small bite sized pieces. For the Mac/Cheese, I find with the cream cheese it's pretty easy for them to pick up, you could always add some flax seed or something to give it a bit of texture to make it easier for them to pick up. Good Luck!!
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I have the same issue too... I think at 16 months my ds is finally past 20 pounds... mine went from 7 & 10% at 12 mo. down to 3% at 15 months... ugh! my doc really made me feel bad for the skinny part of them... they are 50 & 75% for height. I mentioned to other local friends about how to add calories etc. and my friends had a good point for NOT adding butter/etc. to veggies... I dont want them to "have" to have buttery veggies to eat... mine eat lots of veggies right now w/o the extra additives, and I like that.

    I think I wasn't giving ours enough extra foods like pasta and such... I was really doing a lot of veggies, fruit, legumes, yogurt, etc. I've started doing more cottage cheese, and trying for more breads - my dd doesn't like breads so much.

    The other thing I've really tried to implement lately is good snacks. I wasn't really doing a full snack, as it seemed we just got done eating and it was nap time. But they will chow down a 1/4 - 1/2 cup of cheerios, and cheese bits, or tofu, or banana, avocado etc. seems that we do breakfast at 8am and then they are getting a snack a little after 9am... I think this past month that I've started the more substantial snacks they've gained a good pound - YAY!
  12. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    As long as he's growing on his own curve he's doin good. Jessy was a tiny tot and still is she has recently fell off her growth curve(from 10% to 5% weight 75% for height). Jazz is currently 95% for height and 50% for weight so your boys maybe tall and skinny like mine. I can't remember what they were at a year but it should be in my siggy.
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