12 month stats..

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by babymOmmax2, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    The boys just got back from their 12 month wellness checkup. Anthony is 25lbs8oz (2lb gain & 75th%ile) 31.5 inches & Angelo is 28lb12oz (4lb gain & 90th%ile) & 32 inches! The pedi is a bit concerned with Angelo's weight gain as it should be staying steady instead of increasing due to more mobility they should be having. He also has a cast on his arm from his thumb surgery which accounts for a good pound plus he can't do much with it on.

    I DID mention EI & the pedi totally agrees with me. She said it is a bit concerning when a child doesn't pull up or crawl by their 12 month checkup. She did say that them walking with assistance (us holding their hands) is a real good sign though. She referred me & we'll be making the call soon!

    Other than that, they received 3 shots.. painful shots.. more to me I think! They'll be going for their lead level blood work tomorrow & that's about it!
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Sounds like they are doing great! :good: If they aren't crawling or walking yet then they definately, I don't think, lose to much weight from just scooting/rolling. I'm glad you and your doctor agree on the EI. :hug: I hope that you get an evaluation soon and start those boys on mobility!! :hug:
  3. sv2001302

    sv2001302 Well-Known Member

    sounds like you had a great appt! Those weights are really good and they're going to be tall boys!
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a good appt. I am glad that you will be getting an EI evaluation. I think that will really help ease your concerns and get them the help they need it they need it.
  5. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Wow, big boys!!!!! That's about like Olivia...I take her on Monday for her well baby for 12 months. She's around 28 lbs (I'm guessing). She only started crawling about 5 weeks ago and started pulling up about 2 weeks ago. She's not cruising much, just VERY slowly. Her weight gain doesn't seem to be slowing much to my arms when I'm picking her up all day long. At 9 months, she was 24 lb 9 oz. and the pedi wasn't concerned b/c she was 29.75 inches tall...so 97% for both height and weight. I'm anxious to see what the 1 yr appt brings.
  6. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Great weights. I am hoping the boys are at least 20lbs LOL That is great the ped. agreed with EI. It is always nice when we have a concern that the ped is there with us and we can get what we need for our kids.

    Hope they are doing ok from the shots.

  7. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :) Your one-year-olds are the same size as my 3yo!! I grow'em small!
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds like they are doing great! I am hoping that mine will reach the 20 lb mark by their 15 month appointment. I am also glad to hear that they walk with your help. Good luck with the EI process and I hope they feel better from the shots. I think shots are worse on the parents then the babies!
  9. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Good appointment. Big babies!
  10. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    Wow. Those are some big kiddos! Having a scrawny kid, and a chunky monkey myself I think weight has a lot to do with their mobility in the first place. My skinny one was crawling at 5 months and walking at 9. My chunky monkey crawled within a few days of his brother, but still isn't walking at 12 months despite having been pulling up and crusing for a really long time. I think it is much harder when they are heavier to build their muscles up enough to support themselves and all their weight. At least that's my theory. :)

    Even though he can't walk by himself yet he loves to walk with a walker (the push kind). We have several and he toodles around the house with one chasing his brother. He seems to be getting much better at walking even with the walker and I think walking with it he sees the benefits of being able to walk and is more motivated to try on his own and spends more time cruisng around the tables, and furniture in the house and pushing every toy we own around like it is a walker.

    Good luck with EI - let us know what they tell you!
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