12 hour + flight ...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sofiesmom, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    We'll be moving to Hong Kong on Sunday with our entire family (my husband is arriving Wednesday to pick us up). We'll travel on Cathay, it's a direct 12 1/2 hour flight. All children have their own seats. I am debating whether to put the twins in car seats yes or no. Yes, I know it's safer, but it's also a hassle to get on board with all the other stuff we're taking (I have special bags for the seats, one with wheels and one is a backpack and Amsterdam Airport has trolleys too after security). My oldest was always fine without one (18 months +), but she was just by herself. It's hard to get the tray tables out because their car seats are big (Marathons). They don't sleep well in planes, carseat or no carseat (they sleep perfectly at home but will fight it on a plane). Without a seat you have a little more room to lay them down, but it's harder for them to stay in the same place.

    We'll be leaving at 2 pm, arriving 7 am, so after a couple of hours it will get dark. We can take 115 kg (20kg per passenger x 4 + my husband can take 35 kg due to his frequent flyer status), which I guess is close to 200lbs. We should be fine if we check them ...

    Anyway, I just don't know what to do ... I am now thinking just to take one and check the other one (+ my oldest's Radian), so that we can switch them around if necessary.

    Any suggestions? Last time we took them both, but they were only 13 months ... they just turned 20 months now.
  2. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I probably wouldn't....I think we used the carseat for my older one around that age for a short flight, and she was tall enough that she kicked, kicked, kicked the seat in front of her the entire flight. Oy. We checked it on the way home, and she was fine.

    If you're worried about containing them, I would look into the CARES harness:


    Good luck! I want to take my crew to India some day, but just can't fathom how I would do the flights with three of them.
  3. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    I would definitely take car seats for that long of a flight.
  4. Mia D

    Mia D Well-Known Member

    How big are they? At that age on flights, when she was in a car seat one of my girls feet were pressed against the seat in front of her, which wasn't comfortable for her OR for the passenger in front of her and also meant that we couldn't use the tray table for eating or playing (coloring, etc.). It was the only truly miserable flight we've had.

    I flew alone with my twin toddlers 11 hours LA to London without the seats and it was much easier. They stayed belted in for the most part, and when there was going to be turbulence, the captain gave us enough warning.

  5. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I don't have twins your age (mine are 8.5 months) but since my family is in Canada I'm always looking into how to travel long distance flights. Here are some things I've read.

    -- bring extra baby food (sorry don't know what yours are eating right now) since what they offer is NEVer enough

    -- pack separate diaper bags for each adult so if one adult is walking or in the bathroom you will have access to wipes, bring lots of grocery bags.

    -- new toys wrapped up ... give them a "present" to open even if it is just wrapped in tin foil

    -- ech-a-sketch are great. Or use the clips used for soothers to attach toys to them.

    -- your airline Cathay is known to be helpful with children.

    -- make-believe game of flying ahead of time using kichen chairs.

    -- some international ports have a "parents with infants" queue at customs.

    -- ensure your car seats are available at your destination or check your seat in as checked luggage for use upon landing

    -- always call the airline to check for delays

    -- load classical or kiddie music onto an IPod or handheld for above 7 years

    -- order ice in plastic cups for entertainment and hydration

    -- reins (wrist straps) are essential for toddler safety at airports. or a lightweight umbrella stroller. (you can buy connections for these for about 15.00)

    -- possible front or back carrier -- they have those big ones.

    -- clean shirt for you on the plane

    -- easy no fuss outfits.

    hope this helped. All the best with your trip.

  6. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Skip the seats. We flew here when they were 20 months. They were uncomfortable in the seats and we haven't bothered again.
  7. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I would skip the seats too. I took my oldest at 2 for a 6 hour flight and he didn't use the car seat. He was so much more comfortable. I was able to put his seat back so he could sleep too. Good luck!
  8. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    We are flying to England in a couple weeks with our two. We booked one extra seat and we are not taking our carseats. There is no way they would sit in it the entire time and they can both share one seat to sit it to play extra. We will hold them in our laps for takeoff and landing.
  9. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all your replies. I'll discuss with my husband but we'll definitely not take more than 1 seat onboard. I have to make it happen with the weight too. According to my info I have 88 kg left (27 for the 3 seats as hold luggage, 2 Britaxes + 1 Radian) so as long as we can make that happen it should be OK.

    I've done plenty of transatlantics, my oldest has done 10 or so and the twins 2, so we know the drill. I know what it's like to have them in business, economy, own seat, lap (in business though), just too many things to think about, and with 2 it's always a different ball game, isn't it?! And it's now 12+ hours instead of the "usual" 8 ...
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