11 months old and not crawling.

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by christie76, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Should I be concerned? She barely rolls at all too. She will roll from back to belly if I really push her to, but never belly to back. I usually have to help her the first time to remind her what to do. We had Early Intervention for her sister, so I know what I should be doing with her, but it's not really helping. She is very laid back and has zero interest in doing it. When she's on her belly, she'll go in circles and backwards, but just can't figure out how to go forward. I've been helping her get on her knees and rock, but she can't get up on her own. She just goes backwards when she tries. I'm debating on calling EI for her. She'd need to have a 30% delay to qualify and I kind of like not having them coming every week. I know they say that crawling isn't a milestone, but it's hard to see her sister almost walking and she's just stuck watching. She does get mad if I put toys out of her reach and she can't get to them. I keep thinking she'll figure it out, but it's been a couple months now and nothing. I know that eventually she'll either crawl or walk, but I guess I have no patience. I hate to see her miss out on the fun her sister is having exploring. What would you do?

  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I would call Christie. Even if it's 'nothing' at least you would have peace of mind you know?
  3. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    Both of my almost-11 month olds are not crawling. My DS is SO close, and is pulling himself up. My DD, not even close. She can side sit beautifully, grab things way out of reach, but once she's on her hands and knees she gracefully lands on her tummy.
    Does your DD pull herself up at all?
    I think the therapists (both occupational and physical) are annoyed with me that I am putting such an emphasis on crawling. They keep saying "walking's normal range is 9 to 18 months) and are using that milestone for me to aim for.
    I would call for peace of mind. I know it stinks after awhile, doesnt it? We are down to 1x a month for my son and we'll find out for my daughter in a couple days if it will be once a month as well. Beats every week.
  4. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    If you hold her hands, she can pull herself up. I also notice that when she is sitting, she will sometimes go up and over her feet and land on her belly. She doesn't side sit at all. She's not very flexible. Her sister is much thinner and I think that has a lot to do with it. She can move her legs in all different positions, no problem. Abby has more meat on her bones, so I think it makes it harder. Who knows? I just want to make sure this is normal at her age. I know they say crawling isn't a milestone, but when did those kids walk? My friend's baby never crawled, but walked at 9 months. My mom keeps asking me why I want 2 babies crawling/walking at the same time. I ask myself that question too. Am I crazy?
  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I would call, too. My boys weren't crawling yet at 11 months. I called EI and had an appt. scheduled for 12/30 - just a few days before their 1st bday. They both started crawling right around Christmas. They rarely rolled over, too. They sound very similar to your daughter. Now, they are speed racer crawlers, but they are 15.5 mos and still not walking. Well, one is walking 10-20 steps when he wants to - but my other little guy will only take steps when you hold both of his hands. He did qualify for PT services, which just started this week and she said his muscle tone, etc. is just fine and she would actually call him "gravitationally insecure", which would explain his distaste for rolling - it was scary for him not to have his back on the floor b/c he felt unsteady when he was in the middle of a roll.

    Anyway, long story short (too late?) - she will be seeing him 1xweek and she will be sharing ideas with me on making him more comfortable and confident in his walking skills.

    Good luck! :)
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would call too. It's worth it for the piece of mind. It may just be a confidence thing for her, like she will do it when she feels confident enough to do it. That was how my DS was crawling and walking. He crawled at 10.5 months and took first steps at 12 months and became a confident walker at 14 months. My DD was totally different: crawling at 8 months and walking between 10-11 months. We had EI come out an evaluate DS because he was just moving his arms to get around and right around the time they were due to come out, he started crawling. He did not qualify for services but I was glad I made the call.
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My boy was so lazy that he just started crawling on his hand/knees a couple weeks ago and he just turned one yesterday. He did the inchworm crawl before, so he was moving around. It wouldn't hurt to call though because it does seem like you are very concerned. :hug:
  8. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becky5 @ Apr 23 2009, 08:17 PM) [snapback]1286212[/snapback]
    I would call Christie. Even if it's 'nothing' at least you would have peace of mind you know?

    I would call too, just so that I wasn't always saying "what if". That being said, my boys didn't crawl until the first weeks of 11 months. They did the army crawl first and didn't get up onto knees until a few weeks after that. They walked around 14/15 months. Its so hard to be patient, but she'll get it.
  9. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    It's so funny. Since I wrote this post, she got up on all fours and rocked this morning a few times for a couple seconds each time. Of course, right? I know it's only a matter of time before she gets it. I'll try give her til her 1st birthday and then I'll call. I think the physical therapist is coming back to go over Ellie's final evaluation soon, so I can ask her then what she thinks. Thanks for all the advice. It's nice to know I'm not the only one going through this.
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