11 month old, miserable

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twinletmommy, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. twinletmommy

    twinletmommy Well-Known Member

    Hi there,

    My little guy has been off for the last 10 days or so. We took him to the peds last week, b/c he wasn't interested in his bottle or solids much, and at the time the dr. noticed his ear to be slightly red, but not an infection at that point. DS for the next few days was eating solids like a champ, but still refused the bottle. He is also teething (he has several teeth coming in at once).

    Sunday we noticed a siginificant decrease in his desire to have solids and he still REFUSES any liquids (in any form, bottle, sippy cup, cup). So we took him to the ped again. Turns out the left ear is now more red, and ds now has a congested cough.

    He had a very rough night last night. I am worried about him. He is on amoxicillan 3X/day. He takes NO fluids, but will have a couple of yo-baby yogurts per meal now. I liquify it with formula to help get some fluids in.

    How long will this last? he was started on the antibitics just yesterday-last night he didn't sleep much at all. I am really worried.

    Can any of you moms offer any advice as to what hubby and I can do? Did any of your kids refuse fluids? Will this phase pass at all?

    He hasn't had a fever, and as of now his chest is clear, it seems all upper respiratory.

  2. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    We just went through this. Once the antibiotics kicked in, about 48 hrs, my little one started eating and sleeping again. I know they tell you to get in lots of liquids, but I know its hard. Once he feels better he will start eating again. My one girl is still fighting a cough but not enough to keep her up.
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We haven't had ear infections, but we have had days where they just didn't feel like eating much with colds or teething. Just to get fluids in him, try giving him a bit of juice cut with water and/or a popsicle. He'll probably be back to himself in a day or two when the meds kick in. Hang in there.. poor little guy.
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It is sooo tough! Hang in there momma! Give the antibiotics some time to work, and hopefully he should be on the mend soon! I would offer pedialyte, juice, freeze pops, popsicles-anything. Even maybe some jello or broth. Whatever you can think of try. And if there still is no improvement after the 48 hours or so, I might be inclined to call the pedi again for some other suggestions, or bring him in.

  5. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    It's the sucking motion that hurts his ears. Try spoon feeding him the formula instead or using a dropper or syringe instead. Fluids are KEY. GL. WE were plauged w/ EIs til we tubed the twins. It's horrible and LOTS of ibuprofen for the pain!
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    And sleeping at an incline will help w/ the pressure as well, also be sure to do a recheck in 5 to 7 days to make sure the infection is not antibiotic resistant. You'll want to do this each time he/she gets an EI. GL! I'm sorry :)
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