11 month old in size 6 diapers

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jacook82, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. jacook82

    jacook82 Active Member

    my 11 month old is 26 pounds and in size 6 diapers. The diapers fit comfortable around his HUGE thighs and tummy. But the bottom part is wicked big and hangs low. I didn't want the bottom of the diaper to be rubbing his inner thighs so I bought Huggies lil Movers diapers size 5 and they seem to fit better, but just barely around the waistline. I'm sure my daycare thinks I'm nuts when I bought it some size 6. He is clearly not over 35 or 37 lbs, but with his thighs and tummy being big its harder to size him in diapers. Has anyone else had this problem?

    He just started crawling and he now his cruising in the house and they say he will slim down now that he is mobile. :babyflips: It also is frustrating because my other size is still in size 4!
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I always had to move my kids up in diaper sizes before the weights said so. Maybe it's the way they are built or something. Do you have a Target near you? I have found that the Target brand diapers fit my boys much better and don't hang off their bottoms like the Huggies often do. I am also able to use a size smaller in the Target diapers. You can also order them from Target.com if there isn't a store near you.

    And yes, he probably will slim down once he starts moving more. My bigger guy was very chubby before he started walking, especially in his thighs and legs, and he really slimmed down once he was walking (running, climbing, etc.....).
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    My oldest was in size 6 diapers by 9 months because of his thighs and tummy. I found the pampers cruisers worked the best for him and was able to use 5's. He'll slim down. By the time Donevan was 20 months the 6's where WAY to big on him and we stayed with 5's until he potty trained.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also moved all my kids up in size well before they hit the weight on the diapers. It all depends on how they are built. My oldest had no waist, no hips, no booty, but big thighs. My daughter had a booty that didn't QUIT on her! :lol: I believe all of them were in size 5-6 by 1 yr old. Maybe all except my youngest son, he's my skinniest child by far! :p
  5. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    WoW! Maybe my babies are just small! The twins are only around 15-18 pounds at 14 months and in a size 3 and my 4 year old never got out of a size 4 before she potty trained!
  6. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    One of SIL's sons was like that. He was also wearing size 2T pants at about 10 months. He wasn't walking until about 14 months and then he started to really slim down, he continued to wear size 2 pants until he was almost 3, so SIL got her money's worth. You'll probably find he slims down and stretches out now that he's cruising.
  7. 3BoysMama

    3BoysMama Member

    My twins are 6 months old, actually almost 7 now. They are in a size 4 and growing quickly. My older DS moved up in his diapers quickly too, but not this quickly. He is 2 now and has been in size 5s forever. I see the twins moving into size 5 before 1 year if they keep going at this pace. They already wear 18 month clothes (sometimes 2T). They each weigh over 21 pounds.
  8. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think we've been in 5s since their 1st birthday. They still fit with room to spare! Once they started running and jumping around they slimmed wayyyy down. :)
  9. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    It really won't take long for him to slim down. My kids usually end up wearing the same pants/shorts from the time they are 9 month until about 6 months after they potty train because they slim down so much . . .
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