That's what their temperatures were this morning. /le sigh I feel guilty being at work. . .guilty that my babies are sick without me taking care of them, guilty that my baby (husband) is home alone with them, guilty that I could be passing on germies to my coworkers.
:hug: If it makes you feel any better, my oldest son has a history of spiking REALLY high fevers and it's always scared the beegebus out of me. My ped told me years ago that I should actually feel good about it...they mean he has an excellent immune system that fights really HARD to kick the bugs. Not sure if one thing has anything to do with the other, but he's only needed abx three times in his life, so those fevers must be doing their job :hug:
:hug: Maybe they will sleep it off a bit and your husband won't have a tough time of it. That's great that he can be home with them if you can't. :hug:
Jack just had a week plus of temps with two nights being 103 and 104. It totally freaked me out but he is on the mend now. I am sure your little one will be on the mend soon. In the meantime, try not to feel guilty. I am sure he is loving some time with DH and to be honest, there is not much you can do to help him. It is terrible whent they are sick and you feel so powerless. As far as the co-workers go...I think that the germies are everywhere coming from everyone right now - it seems like everyone is battling something !
We have had really high fevers here the last couple of days too. Highest being almost 105. I'm not sure what is going on but it seems like every virus they get this year comes with a super high fever. I hope they feel better soon. :hug:
I'm thinking it's Florida. Seriously. Lots of kids in our twins group have the same thing, especially those that live in the same general area as me. It seems that every kidlet that has been sick recently has had this same thing, at least up here in Tampa. High fevers, no other symptoms really. Turns out that the building next to ours has no heater, just fans, so it's like being in an airplane with the sick germs. No heating coil to bake germs.
Add us to the list of high fevers recently. Alex's was 104.6 last week! Sarah's was up there too. Ear infections and a terrible, terrible cold. Hope they're feeling better soon!
No kidding!! Me too! At least they're sick at the same time (or within 24 hours of each other) so there won't really be any prolonging this (this time)
my kids get really high temps too. we've had as high as 105 - which i admit did freak me out. but 103 doesn't phase me any more. breathable clothing, rest, fluids, motrin/tylenol, luke warm baths if really hot. don't feel guilty. somebody has to bring home a paycheck. you are doing your part!
Becky I agree it is Florida. Every time I turn around all of our friends are sick AGAIN since November. We got a mild cold but have dodged the bullet. I know it is hard to tell kids to sneeze in their arm or cough in their arm so it is so easy for them to pass germs on. Also it is so airborne and with all the wind we have been having, it all makes sense.
Royce was down to 101.7 this morning (isn't that a radio station??), I didn't check Alice's before I went to work. However, when he woke up he still had a dry diaper on. So I told my husband to make sure that kid always has a sippie cup of watery gatorade (pedi said if you water down the G2 Gatorade it's the same as pedialyte but cheaper) and to keep track of pee diapers today. I don't think he's really dehydrated yet, but is definitely on his way towards it.
Yes, Gatorade is fine. We still have fevers here too, and have added another kid to the list. :wacko: