10 months old too big for feeding in bouncy + not interested in bottle

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by kristinmsn, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. kristinmsn

    kristinmsn Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies,

    I need your help once again....

    My girls are 10.5 months. I feed them their bottles in their bouncy seats but lately, they haven't been too interested and just want out of the bouncy seat and on to the floor to crawl around. They were drinking about 22 ounces a day of formula with their first morning bottle being the biggest at 6oz, but now they are taking about 15oz to 18oz per day and not loving it. They drink water from a sippy cup fine and are eating lots of different foods including some baby food, yogurt, cheese, mac & cheese, veggies, pasta, etc. They just aren't that interested in their formula and I'm afraid to cut back on their solids b/c I don't want to go backwards.

    Okay, so my first question is, if the bouncy seats aren't working anymore for feedings, where can I feed them their bottle without them getting away? I thought about putting them on a pillow, but they'll just get up and go. They have outgrown their infant seats so that's out. Any suggestions would be appreciates. Also, is anyone else having a problem with their 10 month olds not wanting the bottle anymore? Maybe I should just start feeding them their formula in a sippy at meal times instead of water. My son who is 6 years old was also never that interested and gave the bottle up at 12 months. He never drank milk and still doesn't. My pedi said it was okay as long as I was giving him other forms of calcium through cheese, etc. Any help would be great.

  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(lovinglife @ Mar 6 2009, 03:35 AM) [snapback]1216291[/snapback]
    Okay, so my first question is, if the bouncy seats aren't working anymore for feedings, where can I feed them their bottle without them getting away?

    How about putting them in the highchair? We did this once they outgrew the bouncy and I also just held them too.

    Also, is anyone else having a problem with their 10 month olds not wanting the bottle anymore? Maybe I should just start feeding them their formula in a sippy at meal times instead of water.

    Yes, at 10 months they became very distracted. I fed them in their nursery too under some low light and that worked well too. I also put formula in their cups once in awhile. I would just check with your Ped to see what formula intake they want you to try and achieve. At 10 months mine wanted between 21-30 ounces.
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Highchairs sound like a good idea! Mine also lost interest in their bottles around that age, they were too busy exploring everything.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would agree with trying to feed them in their highchairs with as little distraction as possible. They may be ready to transition out of the bottles too. Good luck!
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I would go ahead and try making the transition from bottles to sippies.
  6. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I would try giving the formula in their sippy cup in their high chair. High chairs would seem like the only place they could be safely restrained if they arent fitting into a bouncy seat. I would also talk to the pedi and see how much milk they are wanting/expecting them to get at this age, and also discuss the possibility of switching to whole milk if they arent liking the formula anymore.
  7. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I was wondering about this as well. They rarely finish a bottle anymore. They have been out of the bouncy for over a month now, they were trying to get out and would get stuck.

    I feed them in the boppies on the couch or I hold them if only one is hungry. Solids I feed in the high chair. I have started putting the formula into the sippy cups and my ds will finish it this way. DD just isn't interested. My ds loves the straw sippy while dd will chew on it and will drink more often from the regular ones. I guess it is transition time. GL

  8. kristinmsn

    kristinmsn Well-Known Member

    Thank you ladies for your suggestions. I tried feeding the girls their bottles in their highchairs and it went okay. The chairs don't recline enough and both girls kept trying to sit up and would drop the bottle. The also didn't finish their bottles. I think they may have had only 14 ounces today not even. Time to drop the bottles and use sippy cups exclusively. I am going to give my pedi a call on Monday to find out if I can start whole milk. They are NOT interested in the formula anymore.

    Off to post another important question. Again, thanks a bunch ladies - you're the best!
  9. yeacab

    yeacab Active Member

    Our boys only drink 3 bottles and only about 10-15 oz a day. They drink more water. In other countries they say to try to get rid of the bottle all together as soon as possible, so I am not worrying about it. Less formula to pay for and they start milk at 1 anyway right?
  10. kristinmsn

    kristinmsn Well-Known Member

    Thanks SCC! You're right, I'm not going to worry about it. The girls are getting more than enough to eat. Not going to force it on them. I'm excited b/c I cannot stand paying for that expensive formula. The pocketbook is empty!
  11. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    we have the same problem; they eat alot at thier meals the formula isnt thier main food anymore--I did just bring out our Podee bottles! they can sit up and drink themselves! Eve took to it right away but Charlotte didnt want to put it in her mouth so ill try agian when they are hungry couple hours later!
  12. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    my first thought is to put the formula in the sippy cup and feed them in the high chair. by a year most pedi's are wanting you to drop the bottle completely so you are on the right track when you said time to drop the bottle and move to sippy's completely. Before you know it the ped's will be on to you about moving on to open cups.
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