10.5 Mos and No words??

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Stephe, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Stephe

    Stephe Guest

    Everything I keep reading says that the boys should be saying words by now and I'm wondering if I should be concerned?
    Cooper does say DaDa and has been for a few weeks. I'm not 100% sure he knows what he means but I think he does. He really only says it if daddy is around or if he's repeating me. I say baba, mama, papa, bye bye to them all the time but he only says dada. Now Eli was still babbling with no recognition until a couple days ago and I "think" he is now trying to say baba or papa but says it randomly. My Pedi did ask at their 9mos appt if they were saying any words yet and I told her Cooper was saying dada and Eli was babbling. She said babbling doesn't count [​IMG] She said we would re-visit it at 12 mos appt

    I just read something about milestones in a magazine and it pointed out red flags to watch for. One of those was No Words!

    Everything else they are right on target.

    Cooper- walking some, cruising like crazy, climbing, can push any button on toys and knows what to expect, self feeds finger foods, laughs, beats up brother [​IMG]

    Eli- cruising like a bull in a china shop, very happy all the time, can push some buttons on toys but doesn't always remember how, self feeds finger foods, beats brother back [​IMG]
  2. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry too much, especially if your guys were born early. My girls are 12.5 months, 11 adjusted, and they both have about three words. But they don't use them all the time, and they've only been saying understandable stuff for about a month, maybe less. Josie says hi, bye, dada, daddy and mama. Bella says juice, no, and dada.
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    At 10.5 months we had no words. Maybe the occasional mama or dada, but not consistently. At 18 months we had about 10 words. At 2 yrs, Ryan has about 50 and Sofia has well over that and speaks in mini sentences. I would say that is way to young to be worried about speech.
  4. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I think 10.5 months is WAY too early to start being concerned about no words! Try not to listen to people who assert what your children should be doing. Unless YOU think there is a problem, just keep talking to them and the language will come.
  5. Stephe

    Stephe Guest

    Thanks Ladies!!! I will probably look back and laugh at this once they do start to talk after I have heard MaMa for the thousandth time in a day [​IMG]
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Boys are usually slower verbally too. My girls probably ony had 3 words at that age that they said all the time(Mine had a real language burst at 14 months). I wouldn't be too worried at this point.
  7. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    At 10.5 months we had no words. Maybe the occasional mama or dada, but not consistently.

    Same here! However, they are now 20-21 months old and learning and saying new stuff EVERy single day!
  8. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I think 10.5 months is WAY too early to start being concerned about no words! Try not to listen to people who assert what your children should be doing. Unless YOU think there is a problem, just keep talking to them and the language will come.

    She speaks the truth! At that age, I wouldn't expect much other than an occasional mama, if that! Keep telling them stories and just talk to them a lot and words will come! My husband always come home from work telling me what our two *should* be doing. [​IMG] Everyone is different, but at that age, I don't think words are one of them!
  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Ditto, way too early. Mine are girls and born at 37w, we read and talk to them all the time, and they had no words at that age. By 12m we were able to tell the ped we'd heard them use 2-3 words each, but it was very sporadic. Now at 15-16 months, they are busting out with a new word every few days (though it's still inconsistent).

    If your ped is telling you to be concerned, she is pushing it IMO. No, babbling doesn't count as words, but it is right on track for 9m.
  10. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    Piper had come out with 'DOG' at 10 months but thats it, Morgan had no words.

    now, at 14 months they are saying quite a bit, they have around 5 words put together. dog, mama, dada, Mageee (for Morgie) and Pipi (for piper)
  11. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    10.5 months is a little early for some of those magazines to be expecting words. There are plenty of kids who have one or two words at that point and plenty who don't. I've always read that the "normal" age for speaking is all the way up to 18 months old. After that, pedis tend to send kids for language evaluations. My two didn't speak until 16.5 months and then were far ahead of the "recommended" number of words by 18 months old. Like the others have said, babbling isn't words but it is language development. Remember, every child is different and there is a lot of leeway in the ages of expected milestones. Here are a couple of links for you:





  12. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost 13 months. DS says nothing but a bunch of babble. DD babbles and has a word for kitty. (Keee-eee) but I'll take it. They wave bye-bye and hi. At 12 month pedi visit the pedi was not too concerned. The twins have 2 older sisters and that may contribute, That and they don't need to talk.

    My 4 year old said almost nothing "real"
    until 18 months and then it was A LOT at once. We did worry then and are trying not to now.
  13. MelanieMA

    MelanieMA Well-Known Member

    My son didn't really start speaking until after 2. He was a little delayed (learning 2 languages), but pedi. said not to worry until 18 mos. We got early intervention at 20 mos. and he's speaking very well in both languages at 2 yrs. 8 mos.

    My girls at 12 mos. actual and 9.5 mos. adjusted just started saying "mama."
  14. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    at 10 mos my DD has 3 words dada, buh (for Boo our cat) and an occasional mama...my DS says mama but babbles like a mad man...I think that 10.5 months is way to early to worry...heck mine don't even wave yet or point at anything unless I'm holding a bottle right in front of them!
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