Cats and Pregnancy

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by AKilburn, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    So I have 4 cats, yeah yeah yeah I know. It started with one adoption and then adopted another a few weeks later, that was supposed to be it and then another one showed up on my door step and regardless of what I did to try to give her away it never happened, so she stayed with me, then I felt bad b/c the first two were best buds so I ended up adopting another so she had a pal ... anyway that has nothing to do with my post, just needed to explain, lol.

    Since I became pregnant the cats seem to like to be physically closer to me than they used to. However, the last week of so they've basically just been laying right against/on me, especially cuddling up right next to my stomach. They all have fairly loud/deep purrs and everytime the cats are against my stomach like that the babies start getting really active.

    Has anyone else had this happen? Also any idea as to why they have decided they have to be right next to me at all times? Seriously I'll be in the bathroom and they're in there with me pawing at me, certainly getting me ready for never having privacy again, lol.


  2. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    Cats & dogs often do this. I had a dog when I was pregnant with the twins who became a zillion times more attached to me. She was also in love with the twins from the minute they came home from the hospital.

    With my third, we have two cats. Neither one of them have ever left me alone when I go to the bathroom, so that didn't change. One of my cats is very cuddley to begin with and did become more so when I was pregnant. She would lay across my belly and let him kick her. If I sat down, she was in my lap or on my belly. I thought it was so funny, I have a ton of pictures of her laying on me. My other cat isn't much for cuddling and she didn't get any more so during my pregnancy. After he was born, both kitties have been very protective of him. In the beginning, they always sleep under his crib while he naps, or sit right by his door if I closed it before they got in there. They come and find me when he cries. Now that he's a little older, they aren't quite so clingy with him. They do get anxious if I left him cry for too long, though.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Every forum needs a crazy cat lady, Alex.

    My animals (all four of them) actually got more aloof when I was pregnant. And they were not fans of the kids until last year, when they were not toddling babies. Now the cats are pretty good with the kids, and one dog is awesome. One dog is not so awesome, but he has taught the children how to not step on him.
  4. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Haha! Thanks bex!

    It just cracks me up bc they're now even more snuggly with me than even just a few weeks ago. Marshalls cat (Remi.. my gray one) prefers being in my lap over marshalls, which is TOTALLY different than its ever been. I became Swiss cheese when she met him, shes been glued to him since then, lol, not so much now.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When I was pregnant, we had two cats and I don't think they really noticed the difference. Except that they lost their favorite room because it became the nursery. Our black cat, Mia, loved to sleep in the crib before the kids were born. And after the kids were born, our cats were pretty good. It was so cute because when the kids would cry, the cats would come into the room and meow at us, like they were saying, "Take care of that noise!"
  6. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Haha! Yeah the cats love the crib and the glidder. The comment you made about the cats saying "take care of that noise" made me thing of a picture on fb that I saw with 2 cats and a baby laying together, one cat saying, when did we get a hairless cat, and the other saying, dont wake it up it meows funny, lol. I can see my cats being protective of the babies.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :rofl: Yes, I was not sure what to expect of our cats after the kids came home. I did bring two blankets to the hospital to wrap the kids in and have DH take home for the cats to smell, so it wouldn't be such a shock to them that we were doubling our family size in a few days. I was surprised and pleased to see how well our cats dealt with newborns, it was a huge relief. Because prior to the kids, they had all of our attention.
  8. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Nancy, thats how mine are, they've been like our kids. I have one male cat and ive always called him my baby boy, marshall was laughing the other day saying I cant call him that since we are having a baby boy, lol.
  9. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    If you don't want them sleeping in the crib, or any surface they have to jump onto/into, put tin foil down. They don't like the noise and keeps them off it.
  10. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    Animals are crazy intuitive! I moved in with my mom while I was pg with the girls and her dog followed me around like crazy and she has NEVER liked me. Also, when I was 33 weeks she built a nest in my room. I told my mom I should go to the ER because the dog clearly thought I was going into labor.
  11. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    our one cat (the only one we still have from when I was pg and the twins were babies) climbed up on me and started kneading my tummy, and nearly sh!t himself when he got kicked back :rofl: I have pics of him laying next to the kids and a pic of him "grooming" my son when he was a baby...needless to say Ian wasn't fond of it!
  12. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    Our cat loved to sleep in my DD's bassinet! I was worried then about bringing her home, but now I'm sure she will just sniff them and walk away. She's not a snuggle cat - she wants attention when she wants it and that's all she needs!
  13. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Haha!! Grady (my orange tabby male) was curled up to my stomach around 24 months with his paw up on my stomach, he'd been doing that since I got pregnant, anyway when he was curled up on my stomach and purring really loudly and Adalynn kicked him, it was hilarious, Grady shot up glared at my stomach and took his paw and just started smacking my stomach with his paw. I almost wet my pants I was laughing so hard! It's one of those times that you seriously want to have it on video!
  14. efaith

    efaith Well-Known Member

    My cat wouldn't leave me alone from when I got pregnant, it was one of the things that made me think I was. As my bump grew he liked to lie on top of it or stretch his front legs round it, every time I sat down he was right there to jump up on me. When I came home from hospital but the babies were still there he ignored me completely but when I got them home he made a nuisance of himself and has had to be largely banished as he would try and jump up on my every time I was feeding or holding a baby. I'm a bit scared that he will find their cot but as yet he hasn't had a chance and before they were born I had it stacked full of uncomfprtable things so he wouldn't find a nice snuggle spot there.
  15. Silly_Putty

    Silly_Putty Well-Known Member

    One of my dogs, my boxer, became a zillion times more clingy than before when I was pregnant. By the end, we had moved her bed into our bedroom, on the floor right next to my side of the bed because that's where she was anyway. I looked back on my Facebook awhile ago and saw that on July 11th, right before they were born, I posted something about maybe she knows something I don't because she kicked her clingy up a notch. The next day I had a NST and was scheduled for a c-section the day following that. I believe she knew it was getting to be time. Now, she is back to sleeping in the living room (unless their room is open, then she will sleep between their cribs). She's been wonderful with them and they adore her.

    My other dog is a fat, lazy Bassett hound and I don't think she really cared. As long as there is food in her bowl and she gets some lovin' each evening.
  16. jessicaa

    jessicaa Member

    I think they can sense the changes in our bodies—maybe the hormones, maybe the warmth. Some say cats can hear the baby’s heartbeat or feel the tiny movements, which could explain why yours are drawn to your belly. Their purring vibrations might even be soothing for the baby. It’s also possible they’re reacting to your routine shifting. If you’re resting more, they might be taking advantage of the extra cuddle time. And yes, the lack of privacy is just the beginning—cats and kids both have a way of always being around! If you ever think of adding another cat, siberian cat for sale is known for affectionate nature and hypoallergenic qualities.
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