I am too expecting twins (hopefully)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Mama9507, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. Mama9507

    Mama9507 Member

    Hi, my name is Tanya and I'm new here. Someone from a Disney forums recommended I sign up here for "twin" support. I've read through all of the vanishing twin syndrome threads and I'm not sure if I feel better. Here is the reason...

    Well, my OB told me this past Monday that I am pregnant with twins. Yay! I am very very very happy about it and my DH called it a week before (he must be psychic). She told me that one of my babies is a lot smaller than the other and and when talking to the ultrasound technician she said "oh that's a vanishing twin". I was like what? I had never heard of that before, but I came home and did some research.

    I am very scared! My next U/S is on 4/26 and it's so close because I am considered a high risk for pregnancy. I suffer from HBP in which I obtained from my first pregnancy (preeclampsia) and that was almost 12 years ago.

    The doctor didn't tell me anything about heart rates so I have no idea what they are. I feel like I'm new to pregnancy again and like I don't know anything because it's been such a long time and I've literally forgotten how to be pregnant. LOL. Sounds funny but true. I want my both my babies. I need a few prayers.

    Thanks and I'm sure it will be nice meeting all of you. :)
  2. Babygus0

    Babygus0 Well-Known Member

    :sign0016: to Twinstuff. How far along are you? At 6.5 weeks one of my babies measured smaller and didn't catch up until almost 12 weeks. It could be that one implanted later.

    :hug99: and praying for a good next ultrasound for ya!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :sign0016: to TS! Glad that you found us! How far along are you?
  4. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats on the twins. I found out at 7w5d that we were having twins. Baby A was measuring much smaller with a slower heartbeat. We were told that A would not survive. When we went back for another u/s at 9 weeks, A had caught up and was doing well. Don't worry too much because things could work out.
  5. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    :sign0016: This site has been so helpful and I'm sure you'll find it helpful too! There could be a number of reasons why one was measuring a little smaller so hang in there and keep us posted.
  6. Mama9507

    Mama9507 Member

    Thanks ladies! I am 7W4D prego. :) I'll try not to worry, but I think I need to change my OB. That chick scares me seriously.
  7. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Welcome to TS! Congratulations on your twins. You'll find a lot of helpful info here. I know that my twins measured differently throughout my pregnancy. Have they seen the hb on the ultrasound yet? I saw them at about 7 weeks, but I know that there are others who were a little bit later.
  8. Mama9507

    Mama9507 Member

    QUOTE(moski @ Apr 11 2007, 09:07 PM) [snapback]215744[/snapback]
    Welcome to TS! Congratulations on your twins. You'll find a lot of helpful info here. I know that my twins measured differently throughout my pregnancy. Have they seen the hb on the ultrasound yet? I saw them at about 7 weeks, but I know that there are others who were a little bit later.

    The U/S technician located the hearts of both of my babies, but she didn't say anything about a heart beat. I was rushed out of there into the ER because my pressure was up. I feel like I was deprived a lot of info, but I go back in two weeks and I'll have my list of questions ready for her then and hopefully my 2nd baby will be still there. And thank you!
  9. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member


    I had my first U/S at 7 weeks at which time only one baby had a heartbeat. There was another sac with something smaller in it, but no heartbeat. She didn't even use the word "twins" to me. She had me sign up for another appt two weeks later, and while I was at the front desk I read her chart which indicated "vanishing twin." So I came home, did some research, and assumed that I would go back at 9 weeks to see one healthy baby on that U/S. That hopefully, the other sac had been absorbed. Well lo and behold, at nine weeks, there were TWO babies and two strong heartbeats. So, you never know.

    I know it must be hard to get your hopes up, but please come back and let us know what the latest u/s shows. Good luck and welcome to TS!
  10. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    hope you are able to relax and get that bp down... My b/g twins were always off by a few days in size... I don't think they can conclusively say it's "vanishing twin" until it really happens. I had always understood that most of the time with vanishing twin it happens super early and all that is left is a sack with a fetal pole and no hb....and many times this winds up getting reabsorbed.... If there was a solid hb on both twins by 7 weeks I would think that you have a pretty good chance. Sometimes I think this is why a lot of obs dislike early u/s... it just give us moms more to worry about.
  11. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!!! Sophie (baby B) always measured 4 days behind Jack. I agree with susanna+3 i dont think they can say it's vanishing twin untill it happens either. I will keep my fingers crossed for you and keep us updated. x
  12. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    :sign0016: and I have another positive story for you too. My boys measured about a week diff -one right on and one week smaller until 10 weeks. They did mention Vanishing twin to me too. But by 12 weeks they were both measuring a week ahead! Hang in there and keep us posted :)
  13. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Please keep us updated!!!! I hope things go well for you! What a scary time right now! If you don't feel comfy with your OB- then you need to switch.
  14. irem_burak_twins

    irem_burak_twins Active Member

    One of my babies measured very very small at the very beginning, and we didn't even hear the heartbeats.
    Stay positive, and wait for your appointment. I hope everything will be in your best interest.
    And welcome to TS!
  15. JessGonzalez

    JessGonzalez Active Member

    Hi Tanya,
    I'm new to this too, and its been wonderful...welcome aboard!!! :sign0016:
    I've got the same dilema, although my ob didn't say anything about vanishing twins, I noticed on my ultrasound (at 6 weeks) that one little pea pod looks bigger than the other. I'm assuming everything is okay, but I agree with the others in saying that a vanishing twin usually happens early on. Good luck with everything. Hopefully it will all be okay.
    I keep telling myself that too. :icon_biggrin:
  16. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TS. When I went into confirm my pregnancy they did a U/S and onw was smaller then the other. They were identical so they said we will just wait and see what the next U/S said in 2 weeks. They told me to be prepared that it may not even be there next time. It was and still smaller than the other. I was monitored like crazy throughout the pregnancy. Not until 5 weeks before I gave birth did he catch up. And to my surprise when I had them, he weighed more then his brother.
    Hang in there you never know. Let us know how the next U/S goes.

  17. calrafe

    calrafe New Member

    Hi All -

    I'm new here and don't know if i'm going to stay but it sounds like I'm on the right thread.

    I went in for my 2nd unltrasound today and the little blood clot my doctor had seen the previous week had a HEARTBEAT!!!
    Oh my goodness!! It is measureing 6 days behind the other baby. My doctor has told me he doesn't expect it to survive but the fact that there is a heartbeat makes me unsure if he's right. OH MY GOD!! I wasn't planning on twins. I am spinning out right now. I suppose I have to just wait and see what happens. As long as the larger baby is not in danger.

    When do these vanishing twins vanish? First trimester? If so, I have 5 weeks to go.....

    Thanks for listening.

  18. irem_burak_twins

    irem_burak_twins Active Member

    My ob told me that vanishing twin synd. happens very early in the pregnancy, he said the risk of losing a baby after hearing a heartbeat is very little.
    I hope both your little ones make it.
    Good luck!
  19. Mama9507

    Mama9507 Member

    Thanks everyone! I'm trying to stay positive and healthy! My first consult with my Maternal Fetal Specialist is this week. And he will be doing another U/S. :) Wish me luck!
  20. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I found out at 17.5 weeks that i was having twins!!! They also have differant due dates (only by 3 days).. So it may be that they were conceived at differant times... I wouldnt worry too much, but keep us posted!!
  21. Auberdoodle

    Auberdoodle New Member

    We're expecting twins too...only 6 wk3d. One twin is measuring behind with a slower heart rate and I had bleeding and cramping too! Really scary, but I'm hopeful too, goodluck to you!
  22. Mama9507

    Mama9507 Member

    I'm not naturally rude, but I didn't think to even update this thread. Sorry ladies!

    I went to my MFS on 4/19 and he didn't even find a hint of a 2nd baby. He said not even a hint of a vanishing twin. What? I was there with hubby and we're looking at this big screen and the doctor is going back and forth and up and down and nothing. He even used the vaginal instrument and the regular U/S external instrument on me. At that time, he declared me 10 weeks pregnant with one baby.

    I went to see my OB on 5/14 and she says she saw a 2nd sac and small baby w/ a heart. She has the pics to prove it, but I'm not doctor so I don't know what I'm really looking at.

    What gives?

    I was angry about it at first, but I'm now over it. Getting my hopes up and maybe there was no sac with a baby in it with a heart in the first place. I started to doubt my OB after that and since has lost a lot of credibility with me. I'm just ready for my rotation with another OB in her office and that will happen next visit.

    I go back to my MFS tomorrow at 20 weeks and I'm hoping again that he will find two in there. :( I'm happy to be having a baby period because it wasn't easy for us to get pregnant in the first place, but this issue still bothers me like no other.
  23. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry Tanya :(
  24. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    I remember my first u/s at 20 weeks....I was definitely able to tell there were 2. Are you measuring bigger than normal for 20 weeks? That's actually when I started to measure bigger.

    I hope you see 2.
  25. Bestian

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  27. Antonineta

    Antonineta Active Member

    Привет! Я тоже новичок, но вам должно здесь понравиться.
  28. Antonineta

    Antonineta Active Member

    У меня в роду тоже могут быть близнецы, так вот переживаю теперь.
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