Is there such things as growing pains? About once a month my oldest DD crys all night, especially if she has been jumping in Gma's jumphouse. She rubs and kicks her legs all night, she tells me her legs and feet hurt. Is there such things as growing pains? When she gets up in the morning she is just fine, and says her legs are all better. Has anyone expierenced this? Should I call the pedi? TIA
No ideas, but I would call the Pedi's office. Probably nothing, but you'd hate to find out later that there was something going on . . . At our ped office you can usually speak to a nurse who will let you know if it sounds like the child needs to come in or not. I find this very helpful, as I certainly don't like to make unnecessary trips. good luck, and let us know if you find anything out. -Rachel
It does sound like growing pains. My girls have never experienced this, but my friend's daughter had a really hard time with leg pain and the pedi diagnosed it as "growing pains", but she was older (around 6-7). Her DH had to sort of work out the cramps. It was always at night and she would wake up just screaming. Schedule a pedi appointment for your own peace of mind.
My boys started complaining about their legs hurting around age 3. I felt it was growing pains & would just rub it for them for a little while. Now they tell me that they are getting bigger every time their legs hurt. It was always in the evening when going to bed.
I had growing pains when I was young. My legs would hurt, an achey hurt. It sounds like that is what is going on, but I would run it by the ped just to be on the safe side. Have you tried giving her Motrin when it happens? Poor thing, if it is growing pains, it is very painful!