tooth fairy

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by tinalb, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh, the years of losing teeth. How much does the tooth fairy bring in your house? Here, she brings a toonie per tooth ($2 coin). But somewhere along the line one of the older kids came home saying someone told them at school that if you leave a bowl of water by your bed the tooth fairy will turn it into coloured, sparkly water. So we, of course, had to start doing that as well. Any other traditions at your house? Seriously, around here I am lucky if the tooth fairy just shows up. She has had a few "really busy nights" where she missed our house & had to come the next night. :faint:
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I've nailed it every single time... barely! Ha! First tooth is 5 gold dollars. Then every tooth after that is one gold dollar, unless you are stuck in the hospital when it happens and then it is up to 5! I remember getting dimes/quarters when I was a kid. The toothfairy doesn't do anything else though... just the coins.
  3. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I give mine a dollar per tooth and I've missed it pretty much every single time! I think one time I just gave Alex a dollar in the morning and said the tooth fairy owed me a dollar. But they've also figured out that it's us. For their first tooth, my husband wrote them each a note in cursive from the tooth fairy, they thought that was really cool.
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have yet for "her" to visit. But Anthony does have quite the loose tooth. I'm just hoping it holds out until after SIL's wedding!

    On a side note...we watched Grownups on Sunday morning with the kids. I know, I know. We should have watched it solo first. But we were watching it because my niece filmed a scene in Grownups 2, which comes out this weekend. Anyways....yeah...the whole tooth fairy scene..I was cringing just waiting for the questions! Anthony did ask about it, but he was fine with dh's answer. Dodged a big bullet there!
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Apparently when the tooth fairy came for Sean's first tooth, she brought a small toy and 5 dollars. I'm so glad he reminded us what she brought, because I had completely forgotten about the toy part when kaelyn lost her first tooth like 5 yrs later! So, first tooth is a small toy and 5 dollars. Any subsequent teeth is 4 quarters. Or a loonie or toonie if we are visiting canada ;)
  6. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Our toothfairy brings books. But she is a bit old and senile, LOL. We've had more than one time where she forgot, oooops!
  7. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    We do 2 gold coins for the first tooth and 1 gold coin after that. Our tooth fairy is horrible at remembering though. There was one time that she forgot to do it two nights in a row and we had to convince them the tooth must be really dirty and they took it out and scrubbed it with their toothbrush. Luckily she remembered that night.
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  8. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    $5 for the first tooth and $2 for the following teeth. The tooth fairy also leaves a note (so not happy she started that tradition) and just recently started leaving a pack of sugar free gum. The gum has been a bigger hit than the money.
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    No traditions or special stuff... our tooth fairy isn't as nice as others. :p They have come home saying that one kids fairy left "fairy dust" and another does this and that... just money here!!! Only thing I caved to was the amount :rolleyes: My friends son told them that your age is how much money you get. I agreed because at the time I ASSumed they'd lose their teeth at 4ish but now we're in the 7's and not that many have fallen out :unsure: I'll have to take out a loan soon...
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Wow, you have a nice tooth fairy. :lol: Hate to tell you, but Caroline just lost her last tooth a week before her 12th that would be $11.00 for that tooth according to your tooth fairy. :blbl: You might want to get a new tooth fairy. :laughing:
  11. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nothing really special here $2 for the first and last tooth and $1 for every other tooth. One time my oldest DD did have to get 2 teeth pulled before she got her expander put in (roots and all) and the tooth fairy did leave her $5 for those teeth we are assuming since they were pulled and it hurt her a bit.
  12. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Our tooth fairy isn't very creative either. Fortunately, our kids are OK with the fact that all kids and families get assigned a different tooth fairy and we got who we got. :) The kids just get a handful of change, it's never counted out, so I have no idea how much they have gotten for any teeth. Except the one my son lost the other day. He got two dollar bills because the tooth fairy was totally out of change! The other two didn't think or say anything about that.

    The one thing "special" our tooth fairy does is return the teeth to mom and dad. The kids discovered that fact one day when they were rooting around in my jewelry box and found their baby teeth in their own envelopes. The first thing my son looked for, after his money, was to see if his tooth had been returned to my jewelry box. It hadn't. Looks like the tooth fairy also does things on his or her own schedule!
  13. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    $1 gold coin, and that's it!! No fancy things here and the girls know it is us, but they still like to exchange the tooth in the night for a $1.
  14. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Glad we never started that tradition. DD just had to have 8 teeth forcibly removed while she was 12. She's been kind enough to forget to put the teeth under a pillow at all, but I'm pretty sure they would have been there for nearly $100 pay out. To say the least we are a dentally immature family. I have a 9 yo that is so happy he is finally getting his 6 yr molars, and a 13 yo waiting on her 12 yr ones. They come by it honestly, though, as I was the same way.
  15. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Our tooth fairy did $10 for the first tooth, and $5 for subsequent teeth. L had to have her first two teeth pulled because they were just not coming out on their own and the permanent teeth were like halfway in. So since she had to go through that, she got $20 for the first two teeth. :)

    Mine have only lost two each so far, although they each have another loose one currently.
  16. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Tooth fairy did 5.00 for the first tooth and 1.00 for the rest. She also leaves a little letter on her letterhead (it's a picture of Amy Sedaris as the Tooth Fairy on Yo Gabba Gabba), congratulating the kids on the lost tooth and encouraging them for good behavior.
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