Jogging Stroller Help!

Discussion in 'General' started by AKilburn, May 17, 2013.

  1. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Are there any that will actually fit through a doorway? I currently have the graco duoglide which has been fantastic but I want to get a SBS as my everyday stroller ( i feel bad for whichever twin is in the back of the stroller on the duoglide) and also have it as a jogger. Everything I've looked at it seems most joggers, heck most SBS dont fit through most retail doors nor isles.
  2. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We had the Baby Trend double jogger, so that's my only experience. It's not a true jogger that you could seriously run with, but it's great for walks and some off road and day to day use. I had that thing in and out of buildings, stores, aisles, etc. I had one time that it wouldn't fit through a door. Just one. It's not going to wind easily through narrow spaces between clothing racks, but it fits through all store aisles that I ever came across. And I didn't have trouble getting through a clothing section. Just had to pick the right path. For what it's worth.
  3. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Haha! I should have put that caveat in there, I'm not a serious runner, more very active walker! Lol.

    I've looked at the baby trend, did it bug you to only have the single large canopy rather than 2 individual ones?
  4. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    We have a Baby Jogger XM Summit - HUGE stroller, great for walks or jogging - (but I am not a jogger) even off road walks are great - 2 big canopies, each seat reclines separately, it has side "windows". It fits through any front door and store isles and it maneuvers easily for how big it is. It has suspensions, a hand break and comfortable seats, and a basket under the seats for storage. That's the plus side.

    The MINUS side is that it's big, and my kids stopped going in it at 18 months. We bought a wagon and they prefer that one. The only reason we are keeping the double stroller in storage is because we are going to Orlando - (tomorrow - I can't wait :)), and we will bring it with us, hoping they will nap in it during the day.
  5. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    The In Step double jogger

    I have the single version of this and love it. It's one of the few joggers that has fully moveable canopies. Honestly I don't know how the double one fits through doors, etc., but I would definitely take a look at it. One thing you need to know about joggers is you will have to pump the tires up occasionally. I do mine about once every 6-8 weeks. They aren't seriously flat by then, but still need a little air. But after using a jogger, I don't think I can ever go back to a regular stroller. The air filled tires just give such a nice, smooth ride.
  6. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    No. I never even thought about the fact that it was one vs. two. I don't remember ever wanting to shade one and not the other for any reason.
  7. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We kept a little bicycle tire pump in the basket all the time, so we always had it when we needed it.
  8. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    Try fix-a-flat!! Since i have used that i have not had a flat tire!

    We have the BOB double with the swivel front wheel. I loooove it!
    It fits through every door i have tried. It is so easy to maneuver you only need a centimeter on each side to glide through with one hand!

    The BOB is 30.63 inches - the standard exterior and commercial door is 36", smallest is 32".. no problem.
    the standard interior residential door is 28", 30", 32", or 36". I have not found a businesses that uses the smaller of these even inside.

    I don't take it in clothing stores because those cloths jump out and grab ya, but any other store is fine, even my local crowded used book store.

    The BOB maybe more than you need to spend if you aren't jogging. I am not jogging either, but I walk cross country (dirt roads, fields, woods) with it.

    Whatever, you choose maneuverability is the MOST important.
  9. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    We keep a little hand held air pump in my car too and all my friends use it. I will have to tell my husband about the fix-a-flat though! Good idea!
  10. tarcoulis

    tarcoulis Well-Known Member

    Or you can pull into a gas station and ask the nice attendant to fill the tires for you! I had an Avenir (sp?) which was purpose built for running/jogging with the fixed front wheel. Would not recommend it for everyday use.
  11. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also had a baby trend expedition, and I loved it! Ditto about the air tires though! The only doorway it wouldn't fit through my was dentists office, and they are in an old old OLD building, and the family bathroom at walmart, go figure. Well, I should say, it didn't "fit" nicely, but I jammed it through there every single time I needed to. Scraped paint off the door frame too ;) However, the stroller itself is the same width as a large wheel chair, I figure they should have made sure the doorway was big enough for a wheelchair.

    I never thought anything about the single canopy either. If one needed shade, the other one always needed shade too.

    I started out with the combi twin, and it was great, until I took it offroading with two large 1 yr olds. I ordered a jogger the next day! LOL The expedition was my every day stroller from that day on, and I just sold it the other day :cry:
  12. Bestian

    Bestian Well-Known Member

    It all looks very nice. But I don't have any children yet.
  13. WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

    WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot Well-Known Member

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