Birth control: Mirena

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by w101ttd, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies! I come back for another question :). I am not sure when to post this, but go ahead post here...Last year, I was on Nuvaring birth control. But I quit. I forgot the insert/take out days, and got so nervous about getting pregnant. Plus, I was so cranky and angry when I was on it. I came back to see my OB. He recommended MIRERA. It sounded very attractive. So I agreed with him at the time. But I keep delaying it. I am so nervous. After quitting nuraring, it took me couple months for my mood back to normal. Now I am feeling great without hormonal birth control. I am not afraid of the pain. I am just worried that id get moody, depression. I read mirena side effects online. It has both negative and positive comments... But im still not sure. However, I have to decide it soon. My OB office has been calling me about this.

    Have you ever been on Mirena? what is your experience?

    Thank you so much!!!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How about a copper IUD? Same idea, no hormones. I just had one placed about 3 weeks ago so don't have much to say yet but I also had trouble with hormonal birth control so didn't want to use the Mirena.
  3. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I feel like the Mirena does make me moody. :( How have you done with hormonal BC in the past? That might be a good indicator of how you'd do with this.
  4. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I'm on my second Mirena and now that you mention it, I have been extra moody lately but there's a lot of stuff happening in my personal life too. I don't remember having any trouble with moodiness with my first Mirena, so this really could just be everything else going on.

    The copper IUD would probably be a better fit as it doesn't have hormones.
  5. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies! My ob and I have talked about copper IUD. I always have bad cramp and heavy period. So he thought mirena was better for me... I also forgot to mention that my sex drive was like zero when I was on nuraving. After I quit nuvaring, it's back to normal. I have read about so many women had lower to zero sex drive when they were on mirena.
  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It was my understanding that periods are usually heavier/more cramping with the copper IUD for your first 3 cycles or so after placement but after that it regulates. :unknw:
  7. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I read. It depends on ppl. Some women got 3 months. Some got 6 months for theirs regulate. I have been thinkin about copper IUD as well

    How are you feeling after 3 weeks? Thanks
  8. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good! I just finished my first period and the bleeding was definitely heavy. I use a menstrual cup and usually on my heaviest day I empty it 3 times (morning, mid-day & before bed) but this period I was emptying it every 2 hours for the first couple of days. I was also pretty noticeably paler then I normally am. I didn't have any noticeable cramping but I never really have had to deal with that with my periods. We're still using condoms as a back up as my doc wanted to double check the placement after my period to make sure the IUD wasn't flushed out. I have that appointment Tuesday. Let's just say we're looking forward to it. ;)
  9. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much :)
  10. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    i was very nervous about getting the copper IUD because I normally have bad, heavy periods. like 7-9 days with heavy cramping.

    I am glad to say the first cycle I had some spotting but had no problems with my period getting worse. I was so relieved! it's been the best birth control I've ever had!
  11. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I am also on my second Mirena and I have never had problems. As a matter of fact, if all is well when my 5 years is up, I'll have a third. I had cramping with insertion, and my periods weren't quite regulated for the first three months with the first insertion (no problems with the second), but after that it has been smooth sailing. I don't notice mood swings any worse than what I had before I got it, however, my periods last one day and I haven't worn a tampon or pad in 6 years (a panty liner is all that is needed). I had horrible cramping and a full 7 day period before. I know there have been bad experiences with Mirena, but you won't find a drug or medical device that someone hasn't had a bad experience with. You just have to weigh the pros and cons and go with your gut.
  12. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have had the Mirena since August. No complaints:). I've had 2 "periods" since them one in sept and one just a week ago. Both times I wore panty liners for about a week. My PMS has not changed like I was hoping (I still feel a little crazy) but I can't complain because its so few and far between and to not have to worry about birth control its a win for me:)
  13. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I'm on the Mirena. I have another condition that has medicine that can make me moody and even depressed so it's hard to say what the Mirena has effected. I can say that after the first 6 months of bleeding and cramps, it's been a dream not having any period at all! I rarely cramp but I do get some of the effect of PMS occasionally with the bloating and acne, but I can deal with that. It effects everyone differently. I didn't have a problem with the Nuvaring which I tried before the Mirena. I just decided to use the IUD method more for it's long term no fuss approach.

    Not to turn you away from the copper IUD, but my two cousins were both born while my aunt was using the copper IUD. Apparently, her body wasn't fooled by this thing in place...twice. The Mirena does offer a low dose hormone. It's extremely unlikely you'd get pregnant with the Mirena. You are also not likely to get pregnant up to a year after taking it out...but that's not guaranteed.

    Either way, you choose the method that works for you. Most doctors won't even let you have the Mirena unless you've already had a child and really don't want another one for a long long time. I am happy with my Mirena. Actually, It's been about 5 years. I'm going to have to choose if I want to stick with it and get another one installed or choose a different method.
  14. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Are you completely done having children or are there more in your future? If you're done, you could go a permanent route and stay hormone free.
  15. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. I heard so many women were happy with their hormonal bc. But I just couldn't deal with it. I got so angry and depressed when I was on nuvaring. And my sex drive was zero. I even got angry when my husband mentioned it. So I rather not even try Mirena. Even I love the idea of no P. I have appt next week for copper IUD. I'm so so nervous. But I will try for couple months. If my body doesn't like it, I will have it removed. My insurance covers 100% for all methods.

    And yes, I'm 1000% sure I'm done with having kids. But my husband is not.

  16. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies, just wanted to update on my today appt... So today is the 4th day of my P. it is almost done. I took 600 mg of ibuprofen an hour before my appt. I got so nervous. Especially I have read so many horrible comments on Internet. I asked my doc of it hurt. He said "well, I never had one. But it does hurt." I almost jumped of the table half naked lol. But he calmed me down and walked me thru what he was about to do. The whole procedure took only 2-3 mins. It's painless. All I felt was a little pressured and pushed. And it's done!!! He told me the worst thing I ever did was reading those horrible stories on the Internet. I left the office, still felt good. I even took my kids to swimming class. Then came home did the dishes and cleaned up the house. Now just feel a bit cramp and back pain. But it's no biggie. I'm so glad I did it lol. I will go back after a month for an ultrasound to make sure it's in place. I'm happy with my decision :). Thanks ladies!
  17. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    yay! mine didn't hurt during insertion but I had some pretty good cramping that evening and the next day.

    I hope you love it as much as I do!

    one tip that is opposite of what my dr told me: wait a few days after your period to check the string. my dr told me to check as soon as my period ended and when I did the string felt really low so I freaked out.

    when I called the nurse told me that's normal during your period and it's really better to wait a few days to check. and after 3 months you really only need to check once a year.
  18. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My doc didn't ask me to check anything. He just told me that he cut the strings and left it 1 inch long. He also told me that use condoms for the first full month, ten come back for altrasound and go from there

    Today I didn't have any cramp, still spotting. I barely feel anything. It's been a busy day with kids school and activities. And I totally forgot about this. I'm so glad it doesn't bother me. :).
  19. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    yay! it's still a little amazing to have something so easy lol! I'm in awe.

    My doc said we didn't need to use other protection after insertion at all, but I needed to check the strings every few days for the first month and every month for several after that.
  20. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    I have the copper IUD and my period has been crazy heavy--like sleep on a towel, streams of blood coming out heavy. And it's become 9-10 days long. I read somewhere that months 3-6 are heaviest for lots of women and that is proving true for me. Next month will be the 6th month. I might take it out or I might try to stick it out till the 7th period and see if it gets better, and then decide whether to get it out or not during my 8th period. But seriously, I can't handle how messy and bloody and long it is anymore.
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