Sick Babies

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ward, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    so about a week ago my 4 year old son got sick we weren't sure what it was and luckily he had a wellness appointment already set up and his doctor told me that he had RSV and that luckily he is at an age where it doesn't really get all that bad. Sadly our girls who are 18 months have also gotten which really sucks because they are also teething on top of everything else. Not to mention that we have a one month old. So me being the primary person who feeds our one month old i am trying to stay hold up in my room with my one month old so that way we don't get sick since if an infant gets ANYTHING it can lead to bad things happening. But i fee like such a bad mom to the girls. I haven't really been able to interact with them since we brought our newest one home to begin with and then to top it off because they are sick i am not supposed to really be around them but of course i couldn't stop myself from stealing some kisses on their cheeks of course and forehead and i still ended up getting sick. Luckily the baby hasn't. I just feel like im letting my twins down. I really wanna be able to be there for them since they aren't feeling well but its super hard not to mention that pretty soon here i will be going back to work which will make things worse. I can't really rely on my hubby to treat all the kids the way i would because he just doesn't. UGH i don't know...he is the stay at home parent and i am just having a hard time letting him be that way when i know he wont treat them the way i would. Just feeing pretty sad right now about a lot of things =( I think things will get better once everyone is not sick and we have also been thinking about having the girls go to pre school. But then im just afraid they will be sick more often but it would give my husband the break he needs from taking care of all four kids through out the whole day not to mention our son should be going to school soon himself..........I know im rambling thank you for reading.
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Whether 1 or 4 are sick, your gonna feel the same way! As mommies I think we always feel inadequate when in reality your babies know you are doing your best and its only a blip in time...pretty soon everyone will be fighting and carrying on....but sickness does stink! Hope they all feel better soon!!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Kim, I hope everyone is feeling better soon :hug: You do the best you can, don't beat yourself up.
  4. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    Thank you!!! I ended up taking Zicam which helped me not be sick as long thankfully and i ended up finding out that on top of them being sick one of them has their two year molars coming in..poor babies
  5. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, mama. Molars, sickness, new baby, going back to work.. it's all a lot! Don't worry about the kiddos; they're going to be just fine. Take care of yourself and that new baby, and all the other stuff will work itself out. :grouphug:
  6. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    Thank you !!! might end up a little crazy though :crazy:
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