Proud, proud mommy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Rollergiraffe, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Today, my boys went to swimming lessons. They got ejected after making a little girl cry twice in 15 minutes for splashing her and repeatedly swimming away from the instructor straight for the deep end. As punishment I made them sit on the edge of the pool and watch all of their friends have fun, and apologize to everyone, but the other parents wouldn't even talk to us, except for one reasonable mom.

    Later, the instructor saw us having a bowl of fresh fruit for a snack and commented that she had been sure that they were on a steady diet of refined sugar due to their energy levels.

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  2. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Lol that's fun. We got the dirty looks from other parents when the kids started tumbling class. Other kept asking me "are they twins?" I couldn't tell if they got questioned be because my kids were out of control and were bad influences on other kids. But they got better after the first month. I figured that if I was not in the class, they would do way better. And I always stay out of classroom. Just got myself a cup of coffee and enjoy 30 quiet mins lol.

    One thing might help is separate them in the class. If they sit next to each other, they just laugh and play and have a blast every single time lol. Another thing might help to burn all that endless source is energy is that let them take 2 classes in a same days (tumbling then swimming). We have tumbling from 4:30-5, swimming from 530-615. They have snack and play in play land for 20 mins between classes. Last night they got home and told me "I'm hungry and tired mommy." Pigged out and passed out on the couch. Beautiful. And I love YMCA lol

    Hope things are going better for you all. Gl!
  3. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I know it's not funny, but... I laughed a little.

    :grouphug: Just one of those days!
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It was pretty funny, actually. At least it was just because they were having too much fun, not that they were being mean or anything. My dudes know how to party!

    Next time I think I am going to sign them up for consecutive time slots and just split them up. They have gymnastics right after swimming and they are separated in that class and do MUCH better because they don't give each other ideas. Their last instructor was a younger guy and probably let them get away with a bit more too; this instructor is not afraid to discipline kids when they're getting out of line.
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At least they didn't pee (conspiculously) in the pool! One of the other kids in the girls' last swim class, stood up when they were in the shallow end, squatted & let 'er rip in full view of all the parents. It was hilarious. But mostly because it wasn't my kid. ;)

    And what's wrong with refined sugar?? :D
  6. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    HAHAHA! OMG. I want you to never ever tell that story whenever my children are anywhere within earshot.. they would totally do that!
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  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My kids have peed in the pool (family swim) and then proudly announced to the entire room "I PEED MOMMY!" :escape:

    Jen as for your story, I'm sorry that happened... We all have those moments, so I'm surprised about the snarky parents who wouldn't acknowledge your kids' apology. Wtf? Hopefully next time will be better.
  8. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I just remembered.. on our cruise, Ozzy loudly announced in the elevator that he had peed in the pool. There were only about 17 other people on the elevator, so I felt pretty good about that.

    There were two other parents; one is kind of an over invested mom and it was her daughter who was mostly upset. She seemed mad in general.. who knows what her issue was. I wished she would have let the apology happen, but whatever.

    We try again Tuesday!
  9. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    First of all, peeing in the pool isn't the worst thing...pee is sterile, and that is why they chlorinate the pool (spoken by the Pool director of a day camp).

    I would definitely split them up. Mine used to play together, antagonize each other, and just plain get everyone else worked up! Once we put them into consecutive classes (pushed one up a bit before he was ready, but the challenge was good for him), they both were able to advance by leaps and bounds. I tell everyone that my boys are "best friends and worst enemies". When they are working together it is great, when they aren't it is awful!
  10. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OMG Jenn!! LOL!!! :rotflmbo: Sorry! This just sounds too much like something my kids would do, hahahaha! All those other judgy parents can piss off.
  11. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They sound like a blast!!!:). Too bad those other party poopers couldn't tell through their rose colored glasses;)

    Hannah was waddling and peeing when we went to an indoor waterpark!!!:/

    And the "best friends worst enemies" totally applies to my boys too!!!
  12. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I can one up peeing in the pool. We are on out way back from Disney. We were at the water park on Wednesday. My five year old daughter, who has been potty trained for YEARS came up to me and said she had an accident. I assumed she peed in the pool and looked to where she was playing. No, there on the edge of the fake beach was her sand bucket and two giant piles of poop. I ran over and scooped them up with the bucket and my bare hands--apparently forgetting that I had a shovel. Worst moment of my life as a parent. Then we had to walk to the bathroom forever away and the whole walk everytime I looked down there was a new little piece of poop clinging to her leg that I had to scrap off with bits of leaves.

    Think any of the parents would have talked to me?
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  13. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Personally, I would have gone and bought you a stiff drink. Seriously, I am dying :rotflmbo:...

    The boys pooping in the leisure center pool is the stuff of nightmares for me. One of the workers told me that if poops in the pool they have to drain the whole thing and sanitize it. I am tense the whole time if they haven't pooped before swimming.
  14. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh, we also got kicked out of preschool today because Miles had his second poop accident there. They were great at preschool, but can't go back until he will poop in the potty in public.

    I throw up my hands! I am going for a drink.
  15. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Have a drink for me!
  16. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    That is not true. If someone poops in the pool, they do have to shut it down for 24 hours and Chlorine shock it. They don't drain the pool--that would be a huge waste of water! The bad part is the 24 hour shut down--the camp I used to work in had to do that multiple times over the summer. The kicker was that they kept the under 5 kids in one pool, thinking they were the most likely to poop in the pool. BUT it was the big pool that had the problem, turned out it was a 10 year old!

    That stinks about pre-school! Makes me glad that the school we used was OK with changing the kids, just requested that you had extra clothes for them.
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