Bed rest until further notice

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Laurahillrao, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Laurahillrao

    Laurahillrao Member

    So, I'm 20 weeks and have been on bed rest for 9 days (not that I'm counting ;) ). I am on bed rest until further notice. They wouldn't give me any more detail about the length of time...What has this meant for other people? I'm anticipating that this is my life for the next few months, but would like to hear others' experience when you've been told something similar.

  2. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    My strict (hospital) bed rest was 13 weeks and 2 days. (You can bet I counted! LOL) After that I went home on moderate bed rest. I could get up and use the bathroom and shower once a day. I could move from the bed to the couch. That sort of thing.

    But on my strict bed rest, right after I got my cerclage, I was not allowed out of bed except if I had a BM. They wanted me to use the bed pan for that too, but it ended up being more stressful than it was worth. I had bed baths in my hospital bed between my weekly shower that could only last a few minutes. That was the first few weeks. After that they did lighten up my restrictions and at about 29 or so weeks I was able to get up and shower every other day and to use the bathroom.

    It will come down to how your body responds to the bed rest and then getting you as far along as possible.

    Good luck! You can do this!
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    My strict bedrest was lasted 13 weeks and 1 day, I didnt count either :p. I was only allowed up to pee and for a short shower where I had to sit on a bench.
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I was on strict bedew at for 10 weeks and intruding to block it out
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was on modified bed rest from 27 weeks. I was told that after I reached 34 weeks they wouldn't try to stop labor. My girls arrived at 34w1d.
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was on modified bed rest at home with my oldest from 32 wks, I had him at 36wks. I was allowed to move from my bed to the couch, and to pee. The dr didn't even want me up and cooking if I could help it, I lived on a lot of "snack" type foods and bottled waters. I had cards, puzzle books, regular books, my hubby would pick up magazines each day for me, and my laptop (and the tv remote) to keep me occupied ;)
  7. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    I do not have anything new to add just want to tell you you are doing a great job… and this will be a faint memory one day… following your post is making me remember my days on bed rest and I had forgotten all these little details my husband and son just reminded me while going down memory lane this morning… I kind of think it’s funny how many details I had forgotten… or as my husband says “blocked out”
    1 person likes this.
  8. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    I was on modified bedrest at I think 27 weeks ( honestly can't remember when exactly) and I did little things to keep myself busy. And honestly the twins are almost 5 months and it really is a distant memory, I don't remember it being horrible and I delivered at 37 weeks..

    Regardless you're doing a great job!!!! We're always here if you need extra support! :grouphug:
  9. Laurahillrao

    Laurahillrao Member

    Thanks everyone, for the support and the stories. I'm trying to stay positive and not feel too sorry for myself :p! I imagine that I'll be here for a while, but I haven't been told how long they think I will need to stay on bed rest. Were you told details up front about how long they thought it would be or did your doctors all take a wait and see approach each time they assessed you?
  10. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    With my 1st (singleton) I was put on bed rest in early Feb and was told I would be there until he was born (the day I hit 36 w) … with the dudes it would be for 3-7 days and we had a check and see kind of attitude… same Dr 10 years later… I ALWAYS asked as I had to make arrangements for my oldest and made that clear to my Dr… I was hyper sensitive to what my oldest was going through being an only child for 10 years to the big brother of identical boys… and I was too involved in my oldest life (read text book helicopter parent)… I was PA president at his tiny private school and his Dad was his AYSO soccer coach… and I think my Dr got that and wanted to keep me as stress free as he could… he also knew me very well… but I always tried to pin him down… and if I didn’t get some sort of answer my husband would call and get one… I’m sure you have… but ask and ask again… remind them you’re a mom and need to make arrangements…
  11. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When I was put on bedrest after my emergency cerclage at 24 weeks, I was told it was until my babies were born. :hug: Hang in there, I know it's hard.
  12. wvtwinmama

    wvtwinmama Well-Known Member

    I went on fairly strict home bedrest at 23 weeks. My dr lifted most restrictions at 37 weeks (I carried them to 39weeks 1 day) but by that point I was too huge and tired to do much, lol!! Hang in there. It's HARD and scary sometimes but sooo worth it.
  13. mrsgreig

    mrsgreig Member

    When baby B's water broke at 22 weeks 5 days, I was told I would be on hospital bedrest until I deliver at 34 weeks, that is the point where benefits of delivery outweigh the risks of prematurity or leaving them in. With prolonged premature rupture Iike this, I am at risk for infection, cord prolapse, and placental abruption, so they are only keeping the babies in until it's relatively safe to take them out. So here I sit in the hospital 4.5 weeks later, I'm 27 weeks 2 days now. It's tough, especially because DH and the kids are an hour away from the hospital so I don't get to see them very often, especially since they've been sick a few times during my hospital stay.

    Good luck!
  14. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    I was put on modified bedrest at home at 20 weeks, i.e. allowed to move to use the bathroom and shower. My doctor was optimistic and we tried to lift the restrictions 2 or 3 times (after a week, after 4 weeks and maybe one more time), but after a day we knew each time that this was not going to work. I felt the contractions clearly increasing in frequency and strength if I was up for more than an hour or so.

    So I stayed in bed until 37 weeks, working online full-time lying on my left side most of the time. That I was able to work was great, and DH took care of everything else. The only times I left the house during this time was for doctor's appointments and for mass on Sundays, and that only if I was having a good day without contractions. Once I was allowed to get up my contractions increased again but we made it to 39 weeks.

    GL, bedrest is hard but it is worth every day for the babies!
  15. bayoubaloo

    bayoubaloo Active Member

    Ladies, I admire you all. Congrats for getting thru that (and best wishes and atta girl to Momof4tobe and to Laura).

    Sure hope I don't wind up in the bed rest club. :)
  16. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was put on bedrest at 31 weeks, showers and bathroom was all I could get up for, it was tough but totally worth it!! I tried to keep my sleep schedule the same with only a couple naps throughout the day so I wasnt awake all night. I played on TS a lot and watched countless movies. I read books and colored with my daughter when she got home in the evenings-I did occassionally make the trip downstairs for dinner but for the most part I was good and stayed in bed. Hang in there!!
  17. Laurahillrao

    Laurahillrao Member

    Wow, Annie- what a tough situation. I wish you the best of luck and hope things go as welll as possible until you hit 34 weeks!!

    Happy June- the same thing happens to me if I'm out of bed for more than an hour, the contractions and cramps kick in. I can't do all of my work from home, but can at least continue part time work while I'm here. My husband is fantastic, and we've got very helpful friends and family. My boys have been so kind and supportive, I'm really very lucky and am thankful things are going ok.

    Thanks for all the stories, I have an appt tomorrow and will ask some more specific questions thanks to your advice! I just have to accept that I can't have all the answers, a hard thing for me to grasp :/
  18. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    i will be thinking of you... keep us posted... hope all goes well :hug:
  19. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    I was put on modified bed rest at 24 weeks at home. Unfortunately i didn't really follow doctors orders and ended up being but on strict hosptial bed rest at 32 weeks for a week and then was sent home for strict bed rest until my water broke at 35 weeks 4 days. Its hard but sounds like you have an amazing support system which will make it easier. I ended up sleeping for most of my bed rest. =)

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