bedtime routine

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by borgerfam, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. borgerfam

    borgerfam Well-Known Member

    What is your bedtime routine for your one year old to two year old twins?

  2. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    We do dinner at 4.30pm, bath straight after, then spend 20 minutes struggling to dress (every night!), 6oz bottle and bed at 5.30. We would love them to stay up a little bit later and with daylight savings starting this weekend, we may try to do bed at 6pm, but they struggle with any later bedtimes than that. They wake up anywhere between 5.30-6.15am.
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At one, we did baths at 6:00pm, then PJs, stories, nurse, songs & cuddles & into bed for 7:00pm. They usually woke up around 6:30am & did two naps a day.

    By two, it was essentially the same routine but usually a half hour earlier as they had dropped to one nap by then.
  4. Silly_Putty

    Silly_Putty Well-Known Member

    Isn't Daylight Savings Nov 4???

    Mine are slightly over 2 but we've been doing the same thing for a long time. My husband actually does it most of the time because I'm at work when they go to bed. Anyway, around 7:00 they have a snack, drink a sippy cup of milk, get their teeth brushed then he puts them in their cribs and turns on the Sleep Sheep (we've been doing whale sounds since they were born at bedtime). Before that they spend time with books, songs, play etc. Usually they go right to sleep but occasionally they party for awhile and toss stuffed animals across the room back and forth and jump in their cribs. We just leave them be...they settle and go to sleep eventually and as long as they're not crying we're okay with it. I'm sure it will make for problems when they transition to beds...but maybe it won't. Guess we'll deal with that when the time comes.
  5. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    If I remember correctly we did

    6 pm light supper
    6.30 pm bath (some days), change into PJs, nursing or small bottle (I BF'd until 18 months), books, prayers; after changing all this happened in the bed bed because we were still co-sleeping so anybody could fall asleep any time during the routine - and yes, our bedtime routine was always long and leisurely
    7.20 pm lights out and I would sing lullabies to them
  6. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    We're in Spring down here so our daylight savings is just about to start :)
  7. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    Usually we do dinner at 4 or 4:30 they then get a snack around 5:30 and depending on how tired we are they may or may not get a bath on any particular night and then put down for bed between 6-6:45pm and then they wake up about 6:30 neither one is drinking from a bottle anymore and they are still taking two naps a day.
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