Struggling to drink and get enough fluids

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by TiffanyRH, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. TiffanyRH

    TiffanyRH Active Member

    Hey everyone,
    I introduced myself a few weeks back. :) I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant with twins and am having the hardest time drinking enough fluids. I had a gastric bypass 8 years ago so I can't drink anything carbonated and so that really limits my choices. Normally I am a huge iced tea fan, pretty much all I drank pre-pregnancy. That and coffee. I was actually a HUGE coffee person. drinking like 30 oz a day. I was hoping to drink decaf coffee to get in the liquid but the thought of coffee makes me ill. So no coffee for me, and now I only enjoy tea with my meals, I can't just drink it throughout the day. I have tried everything. Plain water, water with every flavor crystal light imaginable,water with lemon, those mio drops u add to water, flavored teas. The only things I can drink r high in calorie, snapple fruit punch, capri suns. I never would drink sugary drinks prior to pregnancy but everything else makes me sick. Im just so nauceous all the time, and nothing tastes good. I know how important it is to get a lot of liquid but I'm stuggling so bad. Any ideas/advice?
  2. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Have you tried some of the things that don't sound good, but through a straw? I don't know why, but I could tolerate fluids a lot better sipped through a straw for some reason. Otherwise I got very "sloshy" feeling which made me so sick. And what about Gatorade type drinks? I personally can hardly stand them, but if you're throwing up, they'd help keep your electrolytes up. And they have kind of a salty-sweet flavor that might sit a little better with you.
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Make some lemonade and add ice. I agree with Dielle, use a straw.
  4. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    I haven't done this personally but a friend of mine would make virgin margaritas when she got tired of drinking water all the time while pregnant. I've been drinking gatorade to help keep my liquid intake up for breastfeeding and to get the boost in certain vitamins.
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    the first trimester the babies will take what they need from you so drink what you like...and what stays down - what about decaf iced tea? Water can also come from other sources - lettuce, cukes, watermelon etc...

    good luck!
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  6. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Obviously you don't want to dry yourself out, but I think the water recommendation is more important in the latter half of your pregnancy as dehydration can start contractions. Also, your blood volume doubles then too, so you need plenty of fluids to keep that up.

    In the meantime, you just have to make it through the joys of morning sickness. Take plenty of slow sips of fluid over a long period of time rather than having a whole drink all at once. I agree with everything the ladies recommended, especially eating watermelon, cucumbers etc. Also try real ginger ale; not the artificial flavoured stuff, but the stuff made with real ginger because it's good for calming the stomach.
  7. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    I got a giant water bottle with a pop up straw from Target and kept it with me all day. Try a straw, it definitely helps!
  8. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    I have a couple of camel back bottles with staws that I always keep with me ... For whatever reason the straw seems to help. Have you tried decaf tea? Im a huge sweet tea drinker and I juat switched to decaf with splenda. I also drink a ton of Gatorade, I buy the powder mix it up and always have it on hand. I had to start drinking that bc my blood pressure kept dropping and I was sick with morning sickness so much my doc said I had to drink it to keep the levels up, this far its done the job.

    It was hard for me to adjust bc if I wasn't drinking sweet tea I was drinking mountain dew (yeah I was a bit of a caffeine aholic pre-pregnancy) , but eventually I found things I like to drink all day, but obvious best source of fluids is water aand for what ever reason water in my camel back tastes better and I drink more of it than in a glass.
  9. BeckyDavis06

    BeckyDavis06 Member

    Hey there! I have been having the same problem. My doc. suggested drinking Pepsi, but shaking it to get all the carbonation out of it. I have been kinda doing it both ways, and it seems to help a bit! I still have been sick, but not as bad I dont think. They also suggested popsicles, watermelon, gatorade, etc. But im in the same boat as you....I was a huge coffee/tea drinker too!!! :) Good luck!
  10. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I've been drinking out of a copco cup which helps a lot with nausea. I've never really been a huge soda/tea/juice drinker, but I have been drinking like 12oz of gatorade (diluted to about 24oz) in addition to about 80oz of water. Seriously though, this cup increases my fluid intake like crazy! I bought two more this past weekend because I am obsessed and they really help keep my fluids up without wanting to puke everywhere.
  11. DannyT

    DannyT Well-Known Member

    I found that some things I couldn't drink were fine if I diluted and drank slowly (with straws)

    On days I just couldn't tolerate the sloshiness of liquid I tried to eat watermelon which I am still doing now...You'll be past this stage before you know it!
  12. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've got a cup similar to this but it has a slightly bigger straw. I adore it. I use it everyday- although I found a 2nd one which I can now switch out. I know I drink more liquid now on days where my cups are clean.
  13. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ditto in the first tri it's not as crucial, so just do what you can to get through this nauseating stage. I lived on hot tea, apples and bananas the beginning of my twin pregnancy, until I got on anti nausea meds. All 3 of my pregnancies I was sick the whole pregnancy, so midway through pregnancy 2 and early in pregnancy 3 I went on anti nausea meds so i wasn't puking the whole time.
  14. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    You'll get over being turned off by certain beverages. I drank a ton of lemonade from weeks 6 to 12, until I started feeling better. Although I am a total coffee lover, that completely turned me off during that time period. I did drink it sparingly after week 12.

    I spent a ton of time on bedrest due to PTL/incompetent cervix, and for me, drinking enough fluids was hugely important. I drank whatever struck my fancy, Hi C, juice, milk, chocolate milk, lemonade, whatever it took.
  15. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    not sure where you live but I will tell you we're seeing a LOT of pg women on my unit (I'm an OB Extern) coming in for hydration because its so damn hot in the North East right now...although they are generally farther along, just be careful and take it easy - I know some people can't stand very cold liquids but it was the ONLY way I could stay hydrated while pregnant...

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