Well that sucked!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by AKilburn, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    So yesterday I had a day planned of baby stuff and getting the nursery finalized, ran out and did some quick errands, came home was talking to a friend on the phone when I realized the deck needed to be swept (marshall had just mowed so there were grass clippings everywhere), any way, started sweeping and swept the bottom step of the deck and then all the sudden i felt like my ankle was on fire, I ran up the stairs, almost tripping, just to realize there was a swarm of wasps coming up from the step. I freaked even more b/c I'm highly allergic to bees/wasps. I ran inside, grabbed my epipen, used it, called my husband who was working a side job, I didn't know if to try to drive myself to the hospital or call 911, he told me to call 911 ... so I did, luckily they got here in no time, but the swelling had already started then, 5 other deputies showed up (my husband is a detective with the sheriff's department), the EMS Captain, and 2 fire trucks, lol (hey at least I know I'm covered if something happens)

    Anyway they got me on oxygen and monitors and were taking me to the hospital that my doctors work out of when my throat started to close off more and my breathing was become labored, they gave me another shot of epinephrine, steriods, and benedryl. Once I got there they immediately started monitoring me and the babies. I started contracting. Once they got the reaction under as much control as they could they moved me up to L&D for observation. The contractions were getting worse. In the end I was having about 6 an hour. Since my doc doesn't work out of that hospital, their staff OB was calling the shots. He gave me a shot of Terbutaline and a pill of Visteral to calm down the contractions. Holy crap that made my heart race like crazy, then I started having numbness in my arm, tingling on my face, felt like the inside of my body was on fire and then it slammed me with a massive migraine. I told the nurse all of this, she said it wasn't an allergic reaction to the meds but it's typical for the meds to cause those side effects, so then I got Fiorcet for the migraine, which actually helped. Throughout all of this though I'm still contracting, not as much or as intense but they're still there, so that's worrying me. She had told me that she was going to do a quick exam before they discharged me, but everything seemed to be under control so they were just going to let me go home and rest. When she did the exam she said that I'm not dialated by my cervix was soft ... She didn't seem too alarmed, but I am by that.

    Okay so after that long story, I have a questions, has anyone else had to take the terbutaline or visteral and had those reactions. Also I'm 30 weeks, should my cervix already be softening or is it a sign of preterm labor?

    Thanks gals!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Oh you poor thing!!! :hug: I'm glad you got right on calling 911 and you got into the doctor. I have no experience with those things. Glad you knew what to do!
  3. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    I've gotten stung a handful of times, and I go into anaphalixis so unfortunately I know the drill. This was just so scary going through it with the babies.
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  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At somewhere between 28-30 weeks my cervix dropped from 4cm to 1.8. I put myself on bedrest and got the steroid shots for lung development. My doctors werent worried but I didn't want tiny preemies, so I was! I was able to keep the boys in until 37w5d.
  5. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Geez woman!

    I'm glad you're okay and was able to use the epipen before you weren't able to! No experience with adrenaline, or the other medicines, I'm seriously happy you're okay.
  6. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Wow!!! I'm so sorry you have to go through that. How horrible! I'm glad everything is okay.
  7. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Wow that was so scary! Am glad to hear that you're ok though!
  8. efaith

    efaith Well-Known Member

    well I think you have the monopoly on drama there! Glad you and the babies came through it okay. I did have to have medication to stop pre-term labour 3 weeks ago, I was 30 weeks too and had exactly the same reaction. Horrible! What they gave me was called something different (I don't even remember) but I am in New Zealand so probably the same thing with different marketing. Apparently it lowers blood pressure and some people don't feel any side effects at all! And they said the same things about my cervix, as it wasn't dilating no one was concerned. I haven't had any repeats since, hopefully won't for another few weeks yet!
  9. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    So glad you and the babies are ok. I had terb for all of my pgs. It did make my heart race. I had dizziness and felt horrible with a med they gave me when I had an asthma attack with my first son. I was hospitalized for that one, but I don't remember the meds. I wonder if visteral is similar to procardia, because that made me feel similar to what you are you describing. But I would definitely call your OB to talk to a nurse. They can give you a better idea of the side effects of the specific meds. Have the contractions stopped?
  10. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    I think the visteral is similar to procardia. They just gave me one dose of each but good lord they made me feel awful. And no the contractions are still going strong at 6-7 per hour. I've been having I guess BH for about a month now, but I am worried that I'm having these and my cervix is softening ... I want these babies to stay put for 6 more weeks!
  11. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well I hope that learns your husband to sweep off the deck after he's done! Sheesh! Seriously, very glad you're ok. I don't have any experience with those meds either, but I am glad they were able to get the contractions under control and send you home safe and sound. Did they mention a follow up with your OB after all the excitement? I'd bet it wouldn't hurt to give them a call and talk about your concerns.
  12. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I'm sure your body was thrown for a loop. Hopefully it'll calm down soon for the babies's and your sake.
  13. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Ah, I am sorry you went through this. I hope the contractions will stop and you can carry these guys longer. Hey, I hope that tought you a lesson about sweeping outside :) - Do NOT do it for now.

    Good luck with everything,

  14. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    haha! Yes it did! Although the nest was underneath the step. What is surprising is that I've sat out on those steps, Marshall mows and weed wacks around them and never have they attacked, Marshall got rid of the nest, said it was huge, so they've been there for a while! I guess I'll be leaving all of that up to Marshall to do now, Oh Darn! lol.
  15. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    lol, Well in his defense they weren't there after he mowed, but it had been really windy so I'm guessing that kicked it up. I won't be doing that anymore though! lol. I had an appt already scheduled with my MFM today, told him what happened, he said everything looks fantastic and just to stay on the benedryl so I don't get a rebound reaction.
  16. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Happy to hear everything is good!
  17. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Oh. My. G-d. What a story!!! I'm so happy it has a good ending!! It's awesome that you were able to think straight like that and do the epi-pen and 911. Just think of telling it to your babies in a few years LOL!
  18. DannyT

    DannyT Well-Known Member

    That is crazy scary. I don't have any experience in those medications but I really am happy you are okay!!!
  19. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Yeah it was scary, I wasn't so worried about me as I was the babies. My doc knows I go into anaphalaxis with bee/wasps stings and that was one of my many questions to him when i first found out i was pregnant, can I use my epipen, he said yes bc I have to be able to breath for thw babies to breath. Normally I'm more calm when it happens .... This time not so much! About 2 years ago I had just cleaned my car and left the windows down, guess a wasp got in there bc I was driving on the interstate and felt thia god awful burning sensation on my arm, looked down and there was a wasp, I pulled over to thw side of the road, shot myself with my epipen and drove to thw hospital ... Stayed calm through it all, thia time I felt like a bumbling idiot! Lol.

    I did have to laugh though bc of all the deputies that showed up, they had seen on their computers that Marshall was working so they all bombed him with calls to let him know what was going on and dispatch told them they were putting him down as 10-18 (lights and sirens) abd he needed to high tail it home. One of the deputies stayed wuth the ambulance until Marshall met up with us down the road. At least I know if something ever happens we're covered as far as ems and deputies!
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