3rd Trimester... So uncomfortable...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by clynn, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. clynn

    clynn Member

    Hi. :) I am in my third trimester with twin girls (30 weeks). I just feel so totally uncomfortable all the time!! I have placed myself on bed rest weeks ago because any time I am up for very long at all, I feel faint and get strong BH contractions. My girls are very low, one was right on the cervix last ultrasound, the other was just beside her. The pelvic pressure is almost unbearable when I stand up and strong even when laying down. My BH are getting more frequent and stronger. I just ache and don't feel well. I am pretty strong with pain. I have PCOS and have had many issues with cysts. Earlier in this pregnancy (at like 6 weeks), I had a triplet that was a tubal pregnancy. I was bleeding internally for almost a week before they finally went in and did surgery after a second ER trip. They couldn't figure out what was going on, and I handled that pain pretty well I think. I am just wondering if some of these things are signs of impending labor, or if they are normal parts of this final stretch of twin pregnancy. I have had diarrhea the last couple days, and have been extremely tired over the past week. Just found out from Dr's office that I'm anemic and started taking iron pills, so that is probably part of the fatigue. Anyone have any signs that they were going into labor soon? Is it normal to be this uncomfortable? I just wonder how much longer I can do this. Still, I'm so thankful for my miracle babies. I'm excited to meet them, but I want them to be healthy. Any tips to help get me through the last weeks?
  2. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I think it's completely normal! I stopped being able to sleep in bed around 28 weeks. The pelvic pain was so bad that I was unable to walk after laying in bed for any amount of time. I was put on bedrest for preterm labor at 29 weeks and basically lived in my recliner. After getting shots of terbutaline at 29 and a couple of other trips to the ER for contractions, but negative FFN tests, I eventually had to be induced at almost 38 weeks. Everything hurt. I tucked pillows everywhere to help with the various aches and pains. If you have real worries, you should ask the Dr. But I wouldn't worry too much. Just do the best you can to find a way to be comfortable.
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree it's pretty normal. By the time I hit the third tri I had asked my dr about using simply sleep (or tylenol sleep) to help me sleep some nights. He was perfectly fine with using it, and I didn't use it often, but when the sleep deprivation caught up to me I used it to get a good night's sleep. I also tucked pillows everywhere to help with the aches and pains. I had horrible BH from about 15/16 wks on and they just got worse and worse towards the end. I joke that I had a permanent dent in my couch cushions because I didn't do much but get up, pee, and sit on my couch! :lol: Try to hang in there, the end is in sight now!!
  4. DannyT

    DannyT Well-Known Member

    I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

    I'm 28 weeks now and just in the last week started getting very uncomfortable in bed and sleeping is getting really bad. I had had pretty significant pelvic pressure from about 22 weeks but that has let up some, now it's alot of diaphragm pressure/difficulty breathing. It's also been >100 degrees here in Texas the past week and even my normal kicking laps in the pool I've passed on this week so far due to the oppressive heat (it was 106 on Tuesday). The pool really helped with the pressure and the back pain and I'm missing it terribly right now.

    I've gained alot of weight and my feet/hips are starting to hurt. It's all in my belly but i can't believe that I still have so long to go. Any suggestions at all? I feel like there is no way I am going to make it 12-14 more weeks at this rate....especially since I'm working full time.
  5. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Well, more likely is 8-10 weeks at the most. My Dr. wouldn't let me go past 38 weeks and that seems to be very common from what I've read here. 37-38 weeks is basically full-term for twins. But even that feels like forever at this point, I know. Full-time work is possible for some women and not for others. I couldn't have done it... unless I was working from home and able to do it with my feet up in the recliner. Even sitting up in a regular chair would start the contractions going nuts for me. When I decided to make a birthday cake for my son at about 32 weeks, it ended up in a trip to the ER (L&D). But I did make it to 37 1/2 weeks. For me, really taking it easy was key. And taking one day at a time. Even in the heat, maybe the pool is a good idea if the water's not too hot. Good luck, you can do it!
  6. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yeah, I wasn't able to work at the office past 30 weeks. I was able to work at home with the computer 20 hours a week in bed. Typing on my side wasn't fun, but I did make it almost to 38 weeks. Each day, minute, hour is a victory. :youcandoit:
  7. clynn

    clynn Member

    Yeah, I totally am not able to work!! We run a janitorial service, which I have helped with at times minimally, but a few weeks ago was my last week. Even at that, it's been hit and miss. But I have also had major complications all the way through my pregnancy. At 6 weeks, I had a triplet that was a tubal pregnancy which ruptured my tube. Almost bled to death because it was all internal bleeding, nothing external, and they couldn't figure out what was going on. Thankfully, I had tremendous surgeons who saved my life, as well as the twins. So thankful for my little miracle babies!!

    It's super hot here in FL too, although all the rain this week has helped. I wish I had a pool I could swim in, but at this point, not sure I could wiggle into a bathing suit LOL. I don't really have many tips, I was hoping for some myself. Pillows definitely do help, especially a wonderful pregnancy pillow. I have the huge u-shaped one. I tried the recliner/couch, but it's way more uncomfortable than my bed. My back hasn't stopped spasming in weeks. My dr gave me flexaril to take when I need it, but I try to only take it in dire situations. I have heard that sitting on one of those exercise balls and rocking back and forth helps, but I haven't tried it yet cause I don't have a pump for mine. The most comfortable position I have found so far is on my back with pillows under one side to lean me over a bit. Not totally on the back, but not totally on the side either.

    I guess my best advice is to listen to your body and don't feel guilty. Your main job right now is incubating and growing those babies as long as possible. I felt bad not working, allowing my family to clean my house, asking for back rubs, not spending as much time with my family as I wanted, etc. But I have finally learned that in the end it's the best thing. My hubby is in school full time in a very tough respiratory therapy program, plus working a ton of hours, running our janitorial service, running our household, cooking, cleaning, etc. One time I tried to mow just the front part of our lawn. It's very small, and we have a self-propelled mower that is a very easy starter. I walked slowly and was careful not to over-extend or strain. Was only out there for 15 min, and not in the heat of the day. That night was spent in the ER until 3 AM! I've done other stupid things trying to help and fallen, started into regular pre-term labor contractions, etc. It's just not worth it. You and your babies' health is the priority. So hang in there, know that you are not alone, and one way or another we'll have to fight through it together. :) Best wishes to you all!!!!
  8. DannyT

    DannyT Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for the input guys. I really feel lucky that I'm up and about and still at work at 28 wks. DH won't let me do much but I love getting into the pool. I take a kick board and do 500m 3x/week at our club where I used to play tennis and I get in the pool at home ALMOST everyday at home to take the pressure off. I have a desk job and they have been very careful to ensure I have a way to put my feet up and such. I manage a pretty big area so they really don't want me to go out early. If I don't feel good like Tuesday I just go home and lay on the sofa. They have been really good to me and sfupportive.

    I am nervous because I'm pretty sure I'm having contractions on and off all day the past few days. Nothing seriously major - Tuesday they were bad but stopped when I drank water and laid down. I think I'de go insane on bedrest but I'll do what I need to for the babies.

    My doc has not talked at all about putting a time limit on my pg. I see my MFS tomorrow and am going to ask him. I was really hoping for a natural birth, we'll see!
  9. clynn

    clynn Member

    That's awesome that you have such support from work and DH. :) Getting in the pool is awesome!! My dr told me that any form of swimming would help minimize risks of preterm labor, and I've been looking for a place to swim, but can't seem to find one. So I'm so glad you have that. One thing I did while I was still able to be up and about was to make up several casseroles and such, and then freeze them. I also got together a pile of things to do from bed once I did go on bedrest. I have a huge stack of books, movies, TV shows queued up on my hulu and netflix, etc. Some people take up knitting or cross stitch or something too. I would just have a few options. I was also told to get a mini fridge for drinks/snacks for the day, and then it doubles for breastmilk storage after birth, especially if you have stairs. We're getting one soon. I have a drawer in my bedside table that is filled with snacks - granola bars, dried fruit, etc - so that I don't have to get up much (LOL - except to go to the bathroom). Definitely keep pushing the water. With twins, we have to get so much extra water. I am drinking 150 oz/day of water and it still sometimes isn't enough. Have had IV fluids several times throughout pregnancy. So especially when you start feeling contractions or cramping, push the water. I was told to drink 1 liter in 15 minutes to start with - that's just like getting an IV bag.

    Also, make sure to keep an eye on timing of the contractions. If they are BH, they will be irregular and will pass or let up when you walk/change position/lie down and relax/drink water. If you get contractions that don't let up with those things, or if they are regular (even if they don't hurt), time them. When they get to 15 min apart for an hour or so, definitely give your Dr a call.

    Seems to me like every dr is different in terms of when they let twin pregnancies go. Mine scheduled my c-sec between 37-38 weeks. I am choosing to have c-sec because of the tubal pregnancy - going to have the remaining tube tied so that I don't chance another. (Otherwise I have a 1 in 3 chance of another tubal.)

    Well, I think that's about all I have learned. :) I've had a fun, adventure filled journey throughout this pregnancy. Been to the ER more times than I'd like, but I guess better safe than sorry. Since I have had such a high risk pregnancy, especially after the tubal, they seem to have me come in more often. On the bright side, I am getting very acquainted with the hospital L&D dept and all the nurses - LOL!!! :) Trying to keep that positive attitude and cherish every little moment and movement.
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