Too big to Swaddle

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cheezewhiz24, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So my 3 month old takes after me and is almost off the charts big. She still likes to be swaddled and sleeps better that way but is too big for the SwaddleMes (including the bigger size) and busts out of her Miracle Blanket. I actually cut a cotton twin sized sheet in 1/2 today in desperation but it didn't have much give and she was strong enough to break free. I also have tried putting her in sleep sack with her arms in it so it be like a cocoon but she figured out how to get out of that, too. I guess she is a pint sized Houdini or something. :pardon:

    Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated. TIA
  2. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I used the large size SwaddleMe on my 15 pounder. They were pretty tight, though! He's 21 pounds now I couldn't him into one if I tried!

    The Halo sleep sacks, they make those that swaddle too. And they are bigger than the SwaddleMe brand!
  3. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    I swaddled my twins until 10 months (separate cribs). When they started busting out, I bought the Aden + Anais muslin swaddle blankets (can find them at Target). They are very big at 4'x4', super light weight, and soft. I used something that I lovingly call the "straight jacket" swaddle. It is kind of a swaddle like the Miracle Blanket uses. My twins slept so well swaddled and never rolled or flipped over... I only stopped because I felt it was time to stop.

    Straight-jacket swaddle:
    Lay your swaddle blanket out in a diamond shape and fold the top corner down like a regular swaddle. Place your baby slightly off center to the left. Place baby's left arm at her side and take the right corner (your right) and bring it around and over her arm and under her back. Take that same flap that went under her back and repeat the swaddle for her right arm - fold it over her arm and bring it behind her back. Make sure each arm is swaddled tightly. Both arms should be swaddled now. Finish by taking the left corner of the blanket and bring it over both arms and chest and wrap around the back.

    Let me know if this is confusing... I can try to post pictures. Hope this helps!
    2 people like this.
  4. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    I echo the halo sleep sac swaddle recommendation. Our guys grew out of the swaddle mes and we were no where near ready to give up the swaddle. The halo ones allow you to get the benefit of the arms being swaddled but there is lots of room for the legs and hips so no worries re hip issues. You can also transition them out of swaddling gradually with these which is useful. Be careful though, the first ones we got have detachable swaddle components so they can be used as just a sleep sac later. When we got another (because no backup is just dangerous), the swaddle part was sewn in and not removable velcro like the others. On the one hand, the ones with the swaddle part velcrod on have more longevity but on the other, the one with the swaddle sewn on seems to hold them in better.
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thank you! I'm going to try this first and see if I can straight jacket her. If not I'll check out the Halo ones. :)
  6. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    You can use the big blankets PP talked about and use another receiving blanket in a long rectangle to swaddle the arms (like the miracle blanket) first and then use big blanket to complete swaddle. I also reinforced with a wide (4 or 6 inch) ace wrap around the chest to prevent the Houdini moves - worked well through 7 months when we stopped.
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