Problem w/ Potty Training for Poop

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by beanmachine, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. beanmachine

    beanmachine Active Member

    So we've been potty training our twins for a little over a month now and it's going well for the most part. Both girls pee in the toilet without any issues (with only a few accidents here and there) but only one will pretty consistently poop in the toilet. The other poops almost 100% of the time in her diaper (they're still sleeping in diapers) when we put her down for a nap or for the night. We try to encourage her to sit on the toilet before we put her down but obviously you can't force her to poop. Has anyone else run into this issue? If so, how did you handle it? Maybe this is just something that will pass? I know (or at least hope) she won't be a teenager and still wearing a diaper to sleep in!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think for now I would leave her be because maybe she will come around to pooping in the potty. Some kids do have a harder time with that. I would always tell both kids that pooping in the potty is natural and actually made up songs about it. When we were transitioning our daughter to underwear and she would wait for the pull up to poop, I did underwear at naptime and put her little potty in her room and explained to her that if she has to go, use that little potty. She did. So maybe that might be something to think about in the future if it continues.
  3. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I would also leave it for now, poop can be hard for some children and going in her diaper is much better than having an accident or holding it so long she becomes constipated. If you think you can trust them to not mess around with a little potty then that's a good idea, we did that for my big girls when they were training.
    Just out of interest does she go as soon as you put the diaper on or is it a while later? If she is pooping pretty much straight away then she is probably holding on waiting for the diaper, in which case she might be a bit nervous about pooping on the potty and you could try reading stories (there are a few out there), singing songs and taking her with you when you have to go to help reassure her. If it takes a while before she goes then it might just be that she needs a bit of time to relax before she can go, in that case having the little potty in the room may really help or you could try going back in after 10-15 minutes and taking her to the toilet then. Like I said I wouldn't stress over it at this point though, she will probably just work it out in her own time.
  4. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    It took my DD 3 month to start pooping in the toilet.I just let her poop in the diaper and one day she just told me she wants to poop in the toilet.
    So let her dictate when she is ready:)
  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    This was us except it took Sarah 6 months. She was terrified of the toilet. I just let her do her business in a pull-up and then one day she was brave enough to try it and after she did it once we never had to use a pull-up again.
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Aaron used to wait for the nap or night time pull up to poop. He would usually go in the first 30 min after being put down so I started putting him down early. I'd go back in at the 15 min mark and again at the 30 min mark if necessary. It was almost a year before he would comfortably go in the toilet! That is not a battle you will win. If she isn't ready, she'll either have accidents or become constipated from holding it. It will come with time.
  7. beanmachine

    beanmachine Active Member

    Just thought I'd post an update in case anyone else has this issue because we were finally able to resolve it! It was a big risk, but since the girls would pretty much only poop in their diapers we decided to convert their cribs to toddler beds (so they could get out to go to the bathroom) and go cold turkey on diapers at nap and bedtime. We made the girls take all of their diapers and put them in the trash can so that it was clear to them that we had no more diapers. We expected the worst, but only had one poop accident the first day and only a few pee accidents over the next week or so. It's been great ever since (only occasional pee accidents)! I'm not saying that this will work for everyone, but it seemed to work pretty well for us, so if you're running into this issue and brave enough, this might be something to try.
    1 person likes this.
  8. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I'm glad it works for you. We had the same prob with my son. My daughter was always ready. But my son, he tried so hard... He got so nervous and couldn't do it. I never pushed him. He always asked to go every time his sis went. And a month later, he peed and pooed on the toilet. He was so happy and screamed "I did it mommy!" and from then, he always says "poo" when he needs to.
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