Anything dangerous about going to 39 weeks?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by nerdgirl, May 7, 2012.

  1. nerdgirl

    nerdgirl Active Member

    I was really hoping for a vaginal birth, but after my u/s the other day confirmed two butts down low, I've got to have the c-section. Now, I haven't felt anything close to labor, whereas with both my other pregnancies, I had pretty regular Braxton-Hicks by now. I have no pelvic pressure whatsoever, and am basically feeling like these kids are pretty content in there. So I'm happy to keep them put as long as I can, figuring the longer I can keep them in there, the bigger/healthier they'll be when they come out.

    So I scheduled my section for just over 39 weeks (four weeks from tomorrow). My OB didn't have a problem with it, though he did warn me that I very well could go into labor and then have the section before that date. I totally am aware of that possibility, but saw no point in scheduling earlier in case the babies really don't try and come before then. I'm now wondering if I'm putting any unnecessary risk on the babies by keeping them in there longer. I've known a couple people who went post-dates with twins with no problem. So am I just being paranoid? It just seems so rare for anyone to go past 38 weeks, and I wasn't sure if that was just the way things generally happen or if by choice. I will say that at the moment, I've got heinous heartburn that has me dreading the next month; however, I'm willing to deal with my increasing discomfort if it's better for the babies to wait as long as possible.

    Clear as mud? It's late here in Australia - sorry if this post makes no sense. I should really go to bed... [​IMG]
  2. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    It's just normal Mom worry. :D I had my twins at 40 weeks and they were perfectly fine. I was also scheduled for a c-section at 39 weeks because Baby A was breech. I was being constantly monitored by ultrasound, though. Around 36-37 weeks or so, Baby A flipped head down so my c-section was cancelled. I started having ultrasounds twice a week after that and showed no signs of labor, EVER. I was finally induced on my 40 week due date because the placenta was starting to break down. They were born healthy and never went to the the NICU. I also was induced with my third son 2 weeks after his due date. I think my body just doesn't know how to go into labor on it's own! :lol:
  3. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    I was almost 39 weeks, scheduled c-section. My twins had no intention of coming out EVER. No problems here, except I was ginormous and couldn't sleep.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My ob originally stated he wouldn't schedule my c/s until 39 wks. But when we did finally schedule it (I think around 34 wks), he schedule it for 37wks5days. I was so relieved, honestly, because I was HUGE. At my last ultrasound at 36 wks my boy measured at 6.2 lbs and my girl measured at 7.4 lbs. 2 days later my water broke, and my boy weighed 6.4 lbs and my girl weighed 7.2 lbs! How close were those ultrasound measurements!! ;)
  5. nerdgirl

    nerdgirl Active Member

    Okay, glad to know I'm not crazy worrying about something like this. And can I just say you have lived my dream scenario, which my OB assured me would 99.9% likely not happen. So thanks a lot for getting my hopes up now. [​IMG]

    I guess I'll just take it easy, live my life, and let whatever happens happen. In the meantime, I'm glad MIL left her cane here last time she visited, because something tells me I'm going to need it before all of this is said and done. :lol:
  6. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    My OB assured me it wouldn't happen either, so I showed her!! :lol: With my third I remember saying to my OB & midwife that I held twins in for 40 weeks, there's no way one is going to come out early!
  7. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I went to 38+5 with my twins' scheduled c-section - I was determined to have a September birthday and my next older child had experienced terrible lung problems (5 weeks in the NICU) at 39+ weeks gestation, so I was not in a hurry to deliver (although miserable does not begin to describe how I felt). My OB was okay with putting the delivery off as long as I sat with my legs crossed and came in for bi-weekly visits at the very end. My twins, though, were mono-di, which is a little riskier than di-di, and in the end, my baby A had been not getting his fair share of the groceries prior to birth (not picked up on my zillions of ultrasounds, btw). He caught up quickly and the boys are virtually the same size at 2.5 years old today.

    Good luck holding them in!
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  9. j-squared

    j-squared Well-Known Member

    I don't think so if everything looks good with di-di twins. As you know, I scheduled mine for 38+2 but I have a history of precipitous labour and was carrying two footling breech babies so there was a safety aspect to scheduling a bit earlier than 39 weeks. Otherwise,my option was to wait until labour started (had they been in a more favourable position). I was showing no signs of going early and I think had they been head down (or Baby A) or frank breech I would've waited longer (39-40 weeks and was given this option before they were both footling).
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