5 month old schedule

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by SC, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    As you can see my twins are older now, so this question is really a schedule question, not a twin schedule question.

    So far everything is very different between my (nearly) 5 month old baby and our older boys, so comparing and trying to remember exactly what we did isn't of much use.

    I'm wondering what your 5 month old schedules are and what is working/not working for you. I'm mostly interested in schedules for those who breastfeed. What is your eat/play/sleep schedule? How many times per day do you nurse/bottle? Did you start solids? How many naps per day/times? What time does your LO(s) go down for the night? Are you still doing night feedings? Do you still swaddle?

    We are at a sort of crossroads. We're trying to get LO down earlier because he's been showing signs of being overtired. This has meant cutting out a nursing session. He still gets up once per night to nurse and he's taking about 3 naps per day. They fall at about the same times, but can really vary in terms of length.

    So, I'm interested to know what other 5 month olds are doing and how it's working.

  2. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    My littlest one is five months but not breastfed anymore. Right now we get up at 7, he chugs 6 oz. He's up for 2-3 hours, then chugs another 6 oz and takes a nap. This first nap is usually an hour. I feed him another 6 oz about two hours from his last bottle, usually around 12-12:30. Around 1-1:30 he goes for his long nap, usually 2-3 hours. Gets up around 3:30-4 and chugs another 6 oz. He's awake until about 6 when he gets another 6 oz and an hour nap. Wakes up, plays, bath time, a last 6 oz and he's in bed by 9. He usually does not wake up at night.

    We have been swaddling him but he is "hulking out" as my husband puts it, early in the night so we are stopping. He doesn't take any food yet. A couple nights ago I tried to give him a little rice cereal with a spoon and he was not interested. I'll try again in another week or two.
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Emmett's only 4.5 months but we're starting to settle into a routine. He wakes up anywhere between 6-7, but we don't get up for the day until 7. I usually nurse him within an hour of waking. By 8:30 he's down for his 1st nap which is usually till 10:00/10:30. Nurse again. Nap about two hours later (12:00/12:30). He's usually up again for 1:30/2:00. Nurse. Down for another nap around 3:30/4:00. Then up an hour later or so. Then he usually nurses 2-3x through the evening although they tend to be short sessions. Bedtime is between 6:30/7:00 depending on sleepy signs. I nurse him again before I go to bed at 10/11. Then he usually wakes between 3-4am to nurse. And that's it in a nutshell. ;)

    We definitely still swaddle. I use a double blanket ultimate swaddle that he hasn't managed to "hulk out" of yet. :laughing: I did try swaddling with one arm out about 3 weeks ago as he's started sucking his thumb when he's awake but it was a disaster so back to a full swaddle.

    As for solids, I won't be starting them until he pretty much makes me do it. I'm planning to skip purées entirely this time.
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  4. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    Do you wake him for this?
    My DS has been going down around 8-8:30 lately and not waking until 3-4 (he does usually stir one or more times within an hour of going down and goes back to sleep with a paci).
    I get concerned about this affecting my supply and wonder whether I should incorporate a pump around 10-11.

    We have not started either. I anticipate starting around 6 months when I'll make my own purees.

    DS does try to "hulk out" :) of his swaddle, but hasn't been successful yet. I imagine he may outgrow the ones we have before he "hulks out."
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I try not to. I usually just pick him up, swaddle & all, latch him on & put him back to bed. Sometimes he'll stir a bit, but at most just a partial awakening. Lately, he's been waking a bit earlier than usual so I just feed him at that point & then go to bed myself. The first few times we tried the dreamfeed, I did have to wake him more fully to get him to latch, but now he does it in his sleep.

    I wouldn't worry too much about pumping or feeding him if your current routine is working well & his weight gain isn't a concern. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ;)
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