Less than a month

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Leighann, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Hi all, I've been lurking and posting on this forum unofficially for awhile, but in less than I month I will be here for real. I'm trying to plan a party for my girls and need some advice. They are in separate pre-k classes and of course want to invite everyone. Thats 36 kids. For some reason they decided they want a bowling party, but they've never been bowling so I have no idea where this came from.

    Yesterday we saw a trailer for the Lorax movie that is coming out the weekend before their birthday. I contacted our local small movie theater and they do parties. I thought this might be a good way to invite everyone. I'm sure not all kids will be able to come, but for the ones that do come, this theater is very reasonably priced (yeah since I'll be paying for the kids and parents) and will be showing Lorax the afternoon of their birthday. After the movie, I'm hoping they have a room available for like 30-45 minutes so we can do cupcakes and a book exchange (instead of gifts).

    So here is my question, the Lorax is rated PG. Its Dr. Seuss though and my kids love the book. Should I put on the invite that its PG? Should I leave it up to the parents to check out the trailer for themselves? Is PG completely inappropriate for 4-6 year olds? My girls have seen PG movies and I'm fine with it (I think Happy Feet was PG, and the Last Mimzy). I like that its a movie based on a book since that ties in with the book exchange I'm planning... And we'll bring the girls bowling another time that weekend probably with my family :)
  2. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I think it depends on why it is PG. I would put the Movie name and rating and let the parents decide if they want to allow their kids to go or not.
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I might also include in the invites that it's of just to make the parents aware. Might be a good way to keep the numbers down. I'm know I'm evil. I'll be taking my girls to see it
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    From IMDB: "PG for brief mild language." http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1482459/

    TabbieSue I'm a little evil too ;)
  5. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I agree to include what you will be seeing and what it is rated. I can't believe they will be 5 in one short month. Wow, that was fast!
  6. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Yes, this.

    Also my kiddos have never been to a theater (one DD is terrified of loud noises, so yeah---no movies for us!)

    So far they only watch educational TV (PBS) & prescreened videos at this point by their choice. Mostly DVDs of My little Pony/Strawberry shortcake, Zoombafoo etc. One DD will not watch anything with suspense or drama.....plus I do not like movies with bad language (any swearing at this age- 6-).

    Most animated Disney movies are G-- and many of them have scenes that my DDs will not watch in DVD format (ghosty people in princess& frog, shark scene in Nemo, hyeneas in Lion King, etc) so keep that in mind that you may loose some kiddos by going to a PG movie.

    When we do go to the movies, it will be to see G movies until they are a bit older.
  7. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    What a fantastic idea!

    And I'm with Heather...cannot believe they are turning 5!!

    I like the above suggestions of informing the parents and letting it be their call. :good: My girls LOVE going to the movies. :Clap:
  8. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My girls have only been to a real movie theater once, but they loved it (mostly because of the popcorn ;)). I'm going to discuss with DH tonight. The local theater doesn't have a party room, so we wouldn't be able to do cupcakes, but we could still do the book exchange as the kids are leaving. For the money its a good deal and while I'm sure not everyone will attend, if they all did its still more affordable than doing a bouncy place for nearly 40 kids. There is a theater slightly further away that has a party room, but its double the price so I don't think the kids NEED cupcakes for it to be a party. Plus we'll still have cake at home with family in the evening.
  9. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Some other options to throw out at you for movie parties. Costco and other Wharehouse stores sell tixets at 30-50% off price. For example, Costco has 10 Regal Movie Tix for about $80 right now. In our area, a movie is $12 per person. You might want to look into discount tickets like that and then having a quick meet up at your house for cupcakes and book exchange just before or after the party. You can also do the cupcake as part of the party bag (get cute gift boxes/bags for the cupcakes and hand them out as kids leave). Have you called both theaters to ask for large group discounts? The ones by us offer a group rate which might end up cheaper than if you had to buy each child a ticket.

    Good luck!
  10. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Thanks Irene! Its already $5 pp so really cheap, but I'll see about any other flat rate large group discounts too. I like that its local indy theater that isn't a big chain so we are supporting our local community and seeing a fun movie. And I love the idea of giving the cupcakes to go! They have adorable mini boxes at Michaels all the time.
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