Mummy Tummy

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by PurplePenguin, Jan 11, 2012.


How many months post-partum did you stop looking pregnant?

  1. under 2 months

  2. 2-5 months

  3. 6 months

  4. 7-9 months

  5. 10-12 months

  6. over a year

  7. still have one!

  1. PurplePenguin

    PurplePenguin Active Member

    I am 8 months post-partum and I still am getting asked, "When are you due?" I am fitting into my pre-pregnancy clothes, but I still have a mummy tummy, and still have no belly button!

    I am so frustrated at my tummy, and SO frustrated/angry at people's stupidity and rudeness.
    I know that with age it takes longer for skin to de-stretch, and everybody's body is different, but I'm tired of feeling like I still look pregnant!

    I also think that having a c-section causes trauma to the skin that slows the whole going back to normal thing down.

    I'm curious to hear other people's experience with this!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I honestly do not remember when I stopped looking pregnant... I was too tired. I know I did lose some weight between the two pregnancies, closer to the twin pregnancy than the 2nd pregnancy. I never have been asked when are you due if I was not pregnant. :hug: Sorry that you are.
  3. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    So funny, I just noticed a thread about this in the health section and posted this link there. Maybe you have something called diastasis recti, where the stomach muscles split. Here is a link for a blog I follow that had a whole series on it with some useful information. Maybe it will help you.
  4. VinthelandATL

    VinthelandATL Member

    I have diastasis recti. I still look about 4-5 months pregnant. Its worst after I've eaten. I plan to have surgery. The rest of my body is a size 6 but my abdomen/waist is a size 10.
  5. PurplePenguin

    PurplePenguin Active Member

    Before you have surgery, you should look into the Tupler technique: I've been working at the exercises (Without wearing the splint) and it's helped, but I know I still have the diastisis.
  6. PurplePenguin

    PurplePenguin Active Member

    I just checked and it seems as though my diastisis is down to two-fingers wide at its widest point. I've been doing the tupler techniques daily, and it's definitely helped, but I've still got a ways to go. Thanks for posting my link there!
  7. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    I had a C-Section, I gained 37 pounds with the twins, I lost 20 with the delivery and 13 days after their delivery I was able to fit in my usual capris, but my stomach still was not back to normal. I COULDN'T believe it myself, since I was eating as much as I could, to maintain breastfeeding. I think for me it was breastfeeding twins, sleep depravation, good genes, the fact that I was working out before getting pregnant and during my pregnancy contributed to it as well. My stomach got back to normal in less than 2 months, and that's when my weight went back to pre-pregnancy. I never had an issue with my belly button, and my abdominal muscles never divided, my OB noticed that as well. Also, I don't think the C-Section afected me negatively, since they didn't cut my abdominal muscles, they only cut the skin on top and then spread the muscles to get to the uterus. I also never had any stretch marks, maybe because I used this oil on my belly while pregnant, but it may be good genes also, my mom had twins and no stretch marks for her either.

    If only I could find the time to go to the gym now... but that's another story :), and not related to this thread.

    ETA - You may want to try this oil I used, I had marks from my laser Gall bladder surgery and they faded a lot while I was using this oil daily, I think this oil helps with skin issues, it's very good, but messy.
  8. 3BoysMama

    3BoysMama Member

    I have diastasis recti as well, have since my first DS was born. Since the twin pregnancy I also have a herniated umbilical cord I will need surgery on. Waiting until I am done BF. Interesting to read about the exercises. I will have to check into those.

    I came out of both of my pregnancies 30 pounds down from what I was pre-pregnancy. Still have the belly though, and I am overweight to begin with. I am almost 6 months pp.
  9. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My twins are 4yo now and my stomach is still a mess. I have a small build and pretty in shape however my tummy still has a slight pooch (it has gotten better over time) but my skin looks like a deflated balloon. I will need plastic surgery to repair this, I am thinking.
  10. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I lost all the weight within a few weeks and more. I did fit in my regular clothes but over the years my belly turned into a small melon shaped pregnancy belly (and I got the question again). I had back problems as well and after 3 years I contacted a doctor. Turned out that I had a separation of 7 cm. I decided to have it repaired incl a full tummy tuck. That happened a little over 2 years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did. My muscles were completely ruined (doc's words) and no exercise would have repaired that. I have a mesh transplant in my tummy now to keep the muscles in place and strenghten them. My back is way better and although I haven't really gone down a size, everything just fits the way it's supposed to. I was lucky it was covered as my abdominal hernia was very severe and therefore dangerous.
  11. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I just had my tummy tuck yesterday. I had separated muscles and my skin had lost all elasticity - it pretty much looked like an elephant. The result of having four babies - my twins were the last - in four years. I am skinny and exercise like a maniac and do not over eat. I felt like I'd done all I could to get back to normal.

    My insurance would not cover the procedure. We did, however, use our medical savings account to pay for the vast majority of the procedure, which was nice. We used 2011 dollars - our plan allows a grace period, until 3/15/12, to use the 2011 money.

    I have to say that so far - and it has not yet been 24 hours since I went under the knife - that the pain is very tolerable. Not as bad as a c section. And I really didn't think my three c sections were all that bad. I'm confident I'll be happy with the results.
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