The final stretch (!) venting thread!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by 3under2!, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Ok I'm going first. I WANT THESE BABIES OUUUTTTT!!! Can't turn over in bed anymore, can barely walk, can't hold my 16 month old for more than a minute, SO TIRED!!, my sides hurt from all the stretching out...anyone else?
  2. sscetta

    sscetta Well-Known Member

    I'm with you on all parts. I just hold onto the thought of how worth it it will be when we're able to bring them home with us from the hospital. The suffering would be worse if we have to leave them behind in the nicu.
    Vent away we will all be there for you. Sleep is something that only comes in one hour increments now. Who can sleep with a boulder in their stomachs.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :hug: It looks like you are about 32 weeks now? Hang in there! The earlier they are the more risk of serious health issues there are! I do know how it is thought to be ready for birth! Keep your feet up as much as you can!
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Its natural to be tired and sick to death of being pregnant. For the foolish women who tell me "I want twins" I usually say I wouldn't wish the twin pregnancy on anyone. Your body is full term but your babies need like 10 more weeks inside to be healthy which is super hard as a mom to endure.

    The good news is you can do it! Cry, vent, come on here and tell us anytime. Take it hour by hour, day by day. :hug:
  5. Tobaira

    Tobaira Well-Known Member

    I’m totally there with you! Extremely congested for weeks. Have to stay on my sides due to pre-eclamspia – but lying on my left makes me cough which has become really painful since I pulled a muscle coughing several days ago. Lying on the right gives me horrible heartburn. When I do sit up (usually to eat because I don’t see any other option) my back starts hurting due to the pressure (what does someone think there’s an exit out of the back of my spine?!). And turning over or walking to the bathroom (or my once every 3 days shower) is just a joke. I am lucky that I don’t have any other children to watch though, I can’t imagine how you do it 3under2. I’m also lucky that I have a super supportive husband who has totally been getting me through it all.
    I guess this is what I get for the first 28 weeks being pretty easy, total payback over the past 4. Just keep telling myself to suck it up at least another 2 weeks, I really want to make it to 34, although my doctor pretty much warned me any week I could be done (due to the pre-e).
    Hugs to all of us.. we’ll make it through..
  6. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    Oh yes, count me in on this thread big time. My vent: I am sooo tired, SUPER irritable, fried by heartburn, totally over having to eat all the time with no room for the food to go in my belly, weighted down, sore, anxious about our level of readiness, feeling guilty because I have really had enough and yet want them to stay where they are for a while yet. Between the physical strain, emotional short fuse and readiness inner conflict, this is feeling tough. Plus, it feels like a ton of work to have to exercise reasonable boundaries with people who just do not understand (when I say I can't make it to book club, I can't make it - please don't call and beg and play the guilt card, seriously). I could go on but you get the idea. Here's hoping the babies continue to grow well, time passes fast and the holiday break takes the pressure off...
  7. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Nothin' like complaining to the people who REALLY understand!! I wanted to smack the woman who told me that 'you're carrying small, so it can't be all that bad!' Thanks for the support ladies, we can do it!!
  8. danasacks

    danasacks Active Member

    O thank heavens you ladies get where I am coming from. I am DONE DONE DONE with this pregnancy- SO OVER IT. I have been on hospital bedrest for 6 weeks (to top off the 6 months of bedrest total) and for the last 2 I have been on magnesium sulfate to keep the babies in. I am LES MISERABLE. I get heartburn from drinking water. I can no longer sit up for anything besides meals, which means I am in a prison of daytime television and paternity testing. And every time I get up to pee it feels like I have healing gunshot wounds in my pelvis. I have been slowly laboring for 3 weeks now, which has felt similar to getting kicked in the stomach and then having 100 lbs dropped in my lap, and did i mention the 6 kidney stones I have passed while pregnant?

    the worst part is that whenever I complain to the nurses here (because who else do I have to talk to all day?) they say just remember every day in the womb is 3 days in the NICU, all condescending like. easy to say when you aren't 16 months pregnant. and OF COURSE I don't really want them born early, I just want to be in a medical coma for the remainder of this trimester. 34 weeks on thursday!!!! CANT GET HERE FAST ENOUGH
  9. sscetta

    sscetta Well-Known Member

    Makes my complaining seem so insignificant. Sorry to hear how awful you feel. I'm also at 34 weeks end of this week so just try to hold on 2 more weeks to help them come a little further along. Those nurses can say what they want but you're right they have no idea how you're feeling. You come vent to us and we'll be here for you. Hopefully you have some special plans for christmas that will cheer you up a little. (whether at home or in the hospital) Stay strong.
  10. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    I remember feeling exactly like you do now. I was put on bedrest at 23 weeks or so due to some heart inflamation and the fact that I had a 2 year old at home so there was no way I was going to stay in bed. I know that what the nurses say sounds condescending, but trust me, they mean well. They really do. I ended up having an emergency C at 31 weeks, and I lived with so much guilt over the fact that I had wanted them out for so long and then had to see them in the NICU. I could never have understood that until it happened. My boys are now healthy 9 year old, but I remember how hard it was to want to stay pregnant because I was so miserable. Just hold on as best you can. Just take it day by day, minute by minute. I know it seems so hard to believe, but the end of this journey is almost here! :hug:
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  11. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    @greatdane, I just wanted to send you a HUGE hug. You are a trooper and the discomfort, frustration, pain etc can really get you down for sure. I know what you mean about heartburn and water. I have fantasies about eating/drinking and digesting like a normal person again (which i'm told WILL happen). The condescending comments from nurses and others can be a total drag. You are doing your very best and yet it is not fun!!! So, I send you a big hug, a vote of confidence and the very best of luck for the babies' smooth arrival when the time comes. You rock!!!
  12. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Greatdane- WOWOWOWOWOW!!! :woman: That sounds awful!! You can do it!!
  13. danasacks

    danasacks Active Member

    just an update ladies... I started to labor last night and dilate again, so we ended up delivering the babies via c/section...just 3 hours shy of 34 weeks! Both babies are in the NICU but are doing really well, Milo 5 lbs 14 oz and Clara 4 lbs. Milo needed a C-pap yesterday but has breathing on his own beautifully today, and Clara has had some temperature issues but all in all we have some pretty healthy babies on our hands. And yes, it was all worth it! And even though I was so miserable yesterday, as soon as they were gone I felt a little bit lonely. We were 3 amigos, and then went just to one. :(

    I couldnt be more proud of my little peanuts! HOping this will inspire you can do it! Hang in there!
  14. sscetta

    sscetta Well-Known Member

    Congrats. I'm glad to hear they're doing well and you are too. Now the hard work begins. Enjoy your miracles and feel better soon.
  15. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    Congrats to you! It sounds like the babies are doing great and I hope you are too. They may be out of your belly but you'll remain closely tethered, for sure. Please share pics when you are able. In the mean time, enjoy your expanded family!
  16. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Wow congratulations!!! Glad to hear you guys are all doing well!! Feel good and happy holidays!
  17. Jillybn32

    Jillybn32 Member

    Congrarts great dane!!! So happy for you - really good weights for the babies, too :)

    To continue the vent...thank goodness I found this thread. I am MISERABLE!! I will be 35 weeks tomorrow have been on bedrest for 15 weeks, hospital bedrest a total of 7. I love the every 3 day shower comment, that is totally me. Also everytime I try to switch sides in bed it feels like I am being stabbed all over my abdomen. I usually take ambien at night but last night stupidly thought I would try to wean myself off - big mistake. I got literally maybe 30-60 minutes of sleep. Doc told me take the ambien, it is worth it to get some sleep. I am also so congested, like I have a chronic cold for months that won't go away, except it's not a cold, it's the dang pregnancy congestion! The good news is I am coming off bedrest this week but I am so debilitated and humongous I don't think I can honestly do much but lie in bed. I also have terrible heartburn, it is so bad. I literally regurgitate acid and food all day long. I am going to try to make it one more week then all bets are off - doing whatever I can to get them out. Which is ironic since I had battled PTL and a very short cervix for months. Thank you ladies for sharing your stories and giving me a minute of amusement, knowing I am not the only one this miserable!!
  18. abowin

    abowin New Member

    I guess I don't have much to complain about compared to you ladies. I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow and have not had any complications or bedrest. I'm starting to feel really big though. My ob said I was measuring 44 weeks yesterday. The heartburn is awful. One of my girls heads is right up at my rib cage. And the stuffy nose I've had for over 8 months actually seems like it's getting worse. Both girls are breech so we're scheduling a c-section for 39 weeks. It seems a bit daunting to think of three more weeks of this but I'd rather have them come when they're ready instead of scheduling a section earlier. They're already estimated to be over 6.5 lbs each.
  19. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    I haven't been on bedrest or had complications either, thank G-d, but have plenty to complain about just the same, lol. abowin- your attitude is a heck of a lot better than mine!! :clapping:

    My biggest complaint right now is all the pressure and pain in my pubic bone, it hurts sitting, walking, standing, lying...I swear I feel it moving around every time I pee too. Plus baby B is transverse so I have a head pushing out of me on one side and a butt on the other. Basic manuevering is just so uncomfortable. I'm just so tired and grumpy and DONE!! I keep telling myself I need to change my thinking and be happy that everything has been so uncomplicated this far, but I'm so sick of being so uncomfortable and physically limited. I don't really go anywhere because just the thought of walking around is so tiring and overwhelming. Blaaaaah.

    Ok vent over. How are you all??
  20. sscetta

    sscetta Well-Known Member

    I'm right with you on this. I feel bad for complaining considering it's been a very uneventful twin pregnancy as far as they go. With that said it's still tough and tiring. Baby A's head is so far down it's difficult to walk and Baby B's foot seems to constantly be stuck in my ribs. Grrrrr. I already forget what a good nights sleep is but I guess we're all getting good practice for our new arrivals. I'm ready when they are.

    It's nice to know there are a group of us who understand cause nobody else does. My SIL is 18 weeks pregnant and she complains for more than I ever have and I feel like telling her to stuff a sock in it. LOL. She has no other kids to chase either.
  21. Applemom84

    Applemom84 New Member

    Ugh I am in the same boat!! 34+4 with twin girls and I *really* want them out, but then again don't want them out, because I don't want them to be stuck in the NICU. I keep thinking that anytime after 36 weeks will be fine with me.

    No complications or bedrest here either, but still crazy uncomfortable and have so little patience with my son (who will be 2 tomorrow).
  22. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Welcome applemom! We are due the same time! And yes, that's another I forgot to complain about, lol. I feel SO GUILTY for how little I am able to give my daughter right now, it's not even funny.
  23. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    OK, you know it's bad when even your OB tells you you are huge. And my OB is not one to say these things lightly. GAAHHHHH!!
  24. fruitofthewomb

    fruitofthewomb Active Member

    Is anyone here coming up on the last stretch with me? Hopefully, 27 weeks isn't too early but I figured since it's the last Trimester and a woman is usually coming up on term size for a singleton at 28-30 weeks I could post here. Rolling out of bed has been hurting for a week or two and I have some twinges (or more) of pain like my pubic separation is coming on again. I'm not too out of breath yet but getting nervous as to how I will feel in a month. Lately, I've been getting just a few "crampy" contractions a day. I hope everyone else is doing okay. : )
  25. DannyT

    DannyT Well-Known Member

    I'm only a little behind you. I'm 25.5 weeks right now and doing okay. This is my first pregnancy and I've had pelvic pain since about 20 weeks and now rolling over is getting harder. Hang in there! We have to keep these little ones cooking for a while longer :)
  26. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Fruitofthewomb, I'm 29 weeks, had a doc appt yesterday, I'm measuring at 40 weeks. I have a bunch of friends that are pregnant with singletons and we're all due within 2 weeks of each other (Guess we all had a really boring winter! lol), they're still up and doing everything and looking tiny, me on the other hand have been diagnosed with "irritable uterus" and been having braxton hicks contractions. My MFM docs put on modified bed rest where I have to be horizontal for 6 more hours out of a day (my OB laughed when I told him that statment b/c he said that's how I got into this perdicament to begin with, lol -- I love my OB he's got a great sense of humor). But I feel absolutely huge, I've put on 60 lbs with this pregnancy (guess the banana pudding and carrot cake haven't helped in that regard, lol!). I'm normally more comfortable in the recliner but since I have to be horizontal that means the couch or the bed, and watching me get up from that position is just down right comical, and then the peeing 10 times a night, not being able to stay comfortable at night, etc -- that means no restful sleep. I'm blessed in the regards that Im not working right now so I can be as lazy as I need to be! Then add in the ridiculous body heat (I'm laying on the couch in bra and underwear and DH is in sweat pants, a fleece jacket, socks and slipper, and I'm STILL sweating), leaky breasts, back pain, never ending congestion, constipation, getting kicked in the rib constantly by Jackson, the mandate of no more sex from my docs, etc ... oh yeah pregnancy is just great! lol

    I swear I think women that tell me that they just LOVED being pregnant and everything about it is wonderful were either high on drugs the entire time, lying out their rears, obviously not pregnant with twins or all of the above. And any woman that tells me how much she wanted to have twins and how wonderful it would be I laugh at and tell her, I'm sure it's wonderful once their born, but not during the pregnancy. I think my friends that are pregnant with singletons think I'm crazy when I tell them what I'm going through .... There is honestly a bond you will always have with a woman who has had a twin or multiples birth.

    But with all of that I will continue to deal with everything to make sure they make it to a good gestation (keep your fingers crossed for 37 weeks) and I'll finally be able to meet them!
  27. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    I started out my pregnancy at 158, my OB put a weight limit of 210 on me, I'm now 219, when I started creeping into the 200's (at the time I was only about 25 weeks) I told him I was concerned b/c I was getting close to that cap he put on me, he started laughing and said, yeah you're going to be waving at that number as you pass it by! LMAO!!! These babies have been WELL FED!!! lol. He and his nurse laughed yesterday when they did the fundal height and I was at 40 weeks (I'm currently 29 weeks).... I'm going to be massive by the end of this pregnancy!!
  28. DannyT

    DannyT Well-Known Member

    So glad to hear others struggling with the same things.

    I'm at 28 weeks today and I've put on 38 lbs so far. I was getting really worried about the weight gain as I didn't gain hardly any until 20 weeks and I've ballooned in weight gain the last 8 weeks. Does it slow down? My poor feet and hips. I'm still working full time and I honestly get tired of sitting but my feet hurt walking. The only place I feel good is in the pool in the evenings.

    I don't know how my skin can stretch any tighter, it hurts to the touch!
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