Waht are you getting your kids for Christmas?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by ~Laura M~, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. ~Laura M~

    ~Laura M~ Well-Known Member

    Ian who is almost 8 is really into HALO and GI JOE. So we are getting him those kinds of things. Montana, also almost 8, is into cooking, music, and diaries. Lordy, they are so different. So she is getting an EZ bake oven and other odds and ends. Plus lots of books... LOL!

    Tell me about your children and their holidays wishes.
  2. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm not sure what we are getting the girls. I know we picked out a few DS games for them. If we see my parents we might get them a Xbox Kinnect game. My parents got them the Xbox Kinnect with the Disneyland game.
  3. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    At this point? Coal.
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  4. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    We got Jessica the Barbie camper van and Katelyn is getting the art tablet that goes with the wii. Those are the big gifts. Then they are each getting clothes, some Tea Cup piggy mom/twins sets, books, and maybe a few other little trinkets. I am trying not to overdo things.
  5. angelsmom2001

    angelsmom2001 Well-Known Member

    I'm with Irene!

    At least 4 out of 7 days a week the last few weeks.

    When they are not on mommy's naughty list....I had a friend pick up a couple of password journals, since that's what they really wanted. I did get a couple of outfits on sale at Old Navy, and a couple of DS games. I'm trying to come up with a last gift for Cassie since I got one for Holly that is all kinds of nail stuff, which she LOVES....Cas..eh not so much.
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My 9 yr old boy is getting a knockoff razor scooter, remote control truck, a science experiment kit, and a ds or wii game, a piggy bank, plus stocking stuffers.

    Mt 5 yr old girl is getting a knock off scooter remote control car, bean bag chair, and some zhu zhu pet stuff, a piggy bank, plus stocking stuffers.
  7. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I sort of over did it this year .. but really .. my guys don't ask for much and take such good care of their things .. that I felt good about being able to do this for them ..
    Jayden is getting an iPad and Jesse is getting a laptop.
    I really just didn't want to spend money on more video games. We have a Wii and each game cost $20-50 and they really don't play it THAT much. They have DS's that also requires games that cost $20-30 and again, they play with them .. but not THAT much.
    I got Jesse an iPod for his birthday in July and has played it every day since and games for that cost $0- 5.00 and they love them !
    The iPad plays pretty much the same games as the iPod and the games are SO much cheaper than a game system and you can't scratch or lose these games.
    So those are their big gifts .. I got them a few board games to share as well. Plus a few small Lego sets .. and a couple of pairs of pj's.
  8. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    The month of December is always pure Hell for us. The girls misbeave something fierce.

    However the little turds will be getting the Xbox Kinect, ZOe is getting Cars stuff and an art kit and Allison is gettin gmonster High stuff and art stuff. We are also giving in and getting them hamsters. :escape:
  9. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Angelsmom--where did you get the voice lock diary?

    In reality, Aaron cleaned up. He got a Nintendo DS XL (we don't have one yet), a bunch of games for it, games for the Wii, a remote control helicopter, nerf gun, and some other odds and ends (baby pillow pet, board games).

    I love the kid but man is he pushing it.
  10. angelsmom2001

    angelsmom2001 Well-Known Member

    Weeeellllll. I found them before thanksgiving cheap, but waited. DUH! After Black Friday no one had them and the price had gone up by $5-15!

    Last week I found them on the Target website, only to discover they were only available in stores. Our local store was supposed to have them, but when I got there they didn't. BUT the employee I asked, told me there were some at another store near where one of my friends lives. I called her and she picked two up for me that night! Last two on the shelf! WHOO HOO for me!!!! So check the Target website for store availablity and call around. You might get lucky.
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  11. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    Wow, it's been a long time since I posted there! HAHAHA!!

    The twins are nearly 7 (in March):

    McAuley is getting a Light Saber, new goggles, undies, new Veggie Tales video, What's In the Bible video, PJ's, DSi (bought on Kijiji with a pre-loaded game card with a TON of games on it - I will never have to buy a game again!), DSi case, screen protectors, his own headphones and extra stylus pens.

    Zayne is getting a Zhu Zhu Pet, new goggles, undies, a couple boxes of glitter nail polish and lip chap, headbands, PJ's, a DSi (bought with Shopper's Optimum points+ a few $$) with a pre-loaded game card with over 80 girly games, DSi case, screen protectors, her own headphones and extra stylus pens.

    They are also getting some "shared" gifts - a box of Jelly Bellies, a new Adventures in Odessy CD set and Adventures in Odessy DVD box set.

    We are also letting the kids know at Christmas that in March we are going to Florida and to Disney World! My inlaws are flying us down to visit with them while they are on holidays there. I am planning in making a big count down calendar for them to unwrap. Hope that will cut down on the whining and questions.

    Zayne is buying McAuley's stocking stuffers (I am adding a few) and McAuley is buying Zayne's. They are both using money from their own money bank for the gifts...and they are each picking out something for their baby brother.

    Rowan doesn't really NEED things (yay hand me downs!) but we are getting him a couple toy cars (he loves cars), matching Pj's like McAuley's, and the best gift ever - his OWN Blackberry Curve!! LOL. I got a "fake" one for FREE at the Walmart Phone center. It's one of those floor, display phones that looks real, looks like it is ON and has buttons you can push. It's basically a real Black Berry that is sealed shut for display. Best thing ever! He will also get some little gifts from his bro and sis.

    My husband's parents are giving the kids their own Kodak Digital Waterproof cameras (bought with Shoppers points) for our trip to Florida. They will be tickled because there are video cameras on them and my son REALLY wanted a Video Camera.
    I am getting excited - I have to wrap everything yet - and I am praying that the baby I am on call for doesn't make his appearance on Christmas Day!
  12. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my twins are getting a full set of hockey pads, sticks and bags - they will start playing the week after Christmas (they've been doing learn to skate for months) - so of course they got practice jerseys and socks also - family effort...

    my IL's went all out (as usual) and they'll be getting TONS of crap from them...

    from "Santa" they got 3 games, a lite brite, a Spirograph, a Wii game each and the Cars 2 movie - plus stocking stuff...
  13. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Oldest is getting the Harry Potter Lego Hogwarts, a mirror, a bike helmet, a new piggy bank, a drawing pad, and a book.

    Middle boys are getting new bikes, Legos, books, Legos, a bike helmet, more Legos.

    Little man is getting a gaming chair (the older 3 got theirs for their birthday, it is what the watch TV on), a bike helmet, and Legos.

    Jointly there will be some DVDs, Wii games, and other stuff I am sure I will uncover Christmas Eve.
  14. Julie L

    Julie L Well-Known Member

    All three wanted desks for their rooms, so they are each getting a desk, chair, and bulletin board for their room. They have a pretty good idea they are getting desks, just because of the size of the boxes, but they have no idea about the chairs or bulletin boards.
  15. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    What type of desk did you get? My girls both want desks.
  16. Julie L

    Julie L Well-Known Member

    We found a white one at Target to match Cassie's room. My link

    The boys got black ones that I found online at Walmart and had shipped Site to store. My link

    Their chairs are all plastic tractor seat chairs to match their rooms.

    We will see how they like them and how well they go together. They get to help put them together on Christmas Day :)
  17. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    The girls are getting a new leappad a piece from my parents. I bought them 4 of them games they didn't have, 2 movies, art stuff, a set of wuzzle pets, scrabble soup game, squinkies and bizu for stocking stuffers, a book a piece
  18. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't it be great to do it just one year! They would hopefully be angels the following!

    Nerf Guns
    Cars missile ship
    remote control cars

    KungFuPanda DVD

    And a TRIP TO DISNEY! I got their preschool backpacks which are Mickey and bought mickey water bottles and tshirts and pajamas. So they will open that last. I am then going to give them index cards and they will each have a word and go back and forth. The sentence will read, "We are going on an airplane to..."and then we will have them guess!
  19. ~Laura M~

    ~Laura M~ Well-Known Member

    they went like hotcakes here too! Got Montana one -- the last one at Toys R Us
  20. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks for the link. My girls have been asking for desk. DH went to target yesterday and got them for the girls. He put Dani's together before we got home from dancing school and was in the middle of putting sydney's together., so sydney got to help.
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