I don't think they know their own names...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BubbleDragon, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. BubbleDragon

    BubbleDragon Well-Known Member

    They know each others names. (Well, Tycho calls Kepler "Bo," but Kepler calls Tycho by his name.) But we had our pediatrician appointment for their 2 year check up yesterday and they asked if they used the typical "Kepler _____" or "Tycho _____" formation. Tycho uses the correct pronoun "I want..." but Kepler's not using phrases and doesn't refer to himself yet. I can't ask them "What's your name?" and get an answer. So I suppose that's a problem... any suggestions on how to work on this?
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ooh there was a time when mine didn't know who was who. I just made an effort to talk in the 3rd person more. So my world is now, "mommy's tired" "Sebastian fell down" or "Orion touch gentle". I think it took about a week to really sink in but they've got it now. :)
  3. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    We just talked about this last night! They both refer to the other as "sister." Oops. Michelle, I'm going to follow your lead and start using names for everything.
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Steph, mine call eachother brother, too. I have fostered it, as I prefer them to think of themselves as brothers v. twins.
  5. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I mean, it is pretty cute.... :wub:
  6. mtnmama

    mtnmama Well-Known Member

    I used the third person pretty much since my girls started to learn to talk (8 months) and am finally weaning away from it. It's embarrassing when I start referring to myself as Mommy when talking to people other than my kids...
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Mine really got it after 3... DD took the longest, she was almost 3.5!
  8. Reeny691

    Reeny691 Well-Known Member

    For a long time mine would call each other and themselves Maymay. Now they each know their own names and Brendan no longer calls himself Maymay. Megan is still refered to as Maymay sometimes and I think its cute. I call her that once in a while. Mine a 27 months
  9. BubbleDragon

    BubbleDragon Well-Known Member

    See, that's where "Bo" came from, my DH would use "Bro" like brother and Tycho picked it up as a nickname for Kepler. Who knows, sometimes I even started using it. I might start playing a "Who's there?" game with each of them to ingrain the "My name is....." response. (They always get mixed up when I leave them at the Y childcare, it'd be nice if they could tell them their own name.)
  10. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    We did this too. They knew their names really well but had a difficult transition to using "I", "you", "we". And yes, I have had my share of embarrassment too because this mode of referring to myself is hard to switch off.
  11. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    I find that the kids tend to fight A LOT, so I always say "Gavin, say sorry to Libby" or "Libby, say sorry to Gavin". But I agree, start talking in the 3rd person. Kids know ELmo so well because he talk's 3rd person for everything! (drives me batty, but its good for the kids)
  12. MichB

    MichB Well-Known Member

    hi - have to add to this string...I always called my son 'sweet pea' and never thought anything of it. Then they went to daycare at 18 mths and the teacher asked DS what his name is and without a moments hesitation he said "sweet pea" cute, but from that day on I have always used their names. :)
    Now they know their full names and already LOVE to call DH & me by our first names!
  13. mikeyswife1999

    mikeyswife1999 Well-Known Member

    My girls refer to each other as "Baby". When I say to Juliette "Where's Irelyn", she'll point at her sister and if I ask Juliette "Where's Juliette", she'll pat her chest and say "Baby" (and vice versa) so I know they know their own names they just can't say them yet.
  14. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to let you know that my boys just started answering the "What's your name?" question and they are nearly three. At around 2.5 years old, their speech and phrasing really took off. Colin still refers to himself in the third person and I have been working on teaching him the right pronouns to use. I personally don't think your boys are behind or there is any reason for concern. In fact, I think they are doing pretty well!!!

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