Toddler bed questions and help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    our kiddos are currently in cribs. it's 'ok.' one of them is able to climb-out onto the dresser that is directly next to his dresser but only does it when he truly does not want to lay down. he may have done this maybe twice....

    the other LO is ok.

    we were *thinking* of getting them the Cars bed because they are truly obsessed with all things, cars. we have talked about it with them and i am not sure if they kwim, but seem interested. :) maybe santa can bring them we were thinking??? we were going to bring them to TRU to show them the beds and see if they were excited about them, etc.

    i guess i'm nervous to make this transition but was more nervous if i *had* to do it when the new baby came. (what if by then they truly need to transition, etc??) im preggo and it's getting harder for me to lift them and lay with them. i lay with them at night....(yes...i climb in the cribs and cuddle for a few minutes each night) :) :rolleyes:

    i dont want to wait until the new baby and throw the kids-off completly. but...i dont want to transition them into something if they aren't ready either.

    i need advice
  2. tracylyn

    tracylyn Active Member

    I'm due on January 17th and my boys are currently 28 months. I worried about this. I transitioned them to toddler beds when they turned 2. It was tough at first but overall they did pretty well. At that point, I had one that could( and did) climb out. I transitioned them both at the same time because I thought it would be more difficult to have one in a crib and one in a toddler bed since they shared a room.

    About three weeks ago we started having tons of bedtime trouble. They only wanted to sleep on the couch or in our room...not in their beds. We had discussed the possibility of buying twin beds for the boys mainly so we could use one of the cribs for the new baby. So we went out and got twin beds and completely re-did their room with their favorite characters. We bought new beds, bedding, and decals for the walls. I had been spending so much time getting the nursery ready I felt like I owed the boys something...

    They are doing great in their new beds. They are sleeping most nights without waking. It has been great and I am glad that we spent the extra time and money on making them feel like big boys before their new baby brother comes. Everyone keeps telling me that we could have more bedtime trouble when the baby comes, so I thought better to transition them early into beds than after the baby comes.

    Good luck!!!
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Honestly as soon as one can climb out, I'd do it... what if he falls off the dresser? I think that TRU has twin size car beds, I'd probably go with those instead (or check craigslist for toddler beds), it just seems that toddler beds are outgrown very fast, not sure they are worth the money...

    But for us the transition was really easy, we just emptied everything and left the room, it took them a week to adjust but it was really easy overall.
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This is reason enough for me to do it. I worry about your safety climbing in as you near the end of pregnancy and with after delivery. With a c/s I'm not sure you could physically do this (not saying you will have one but it's a possibility). I would switch them over for Fran's reasons as well as your personal safety.
  5. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    ok got it
    since our cribs are convertible (toddler beds and full-sized beds) do you still think i should get a twin car bed? their room is SO TIGHT and our new baby will eventually be in there until we move in a few years.
    so it would be two toddler beds and a crib. i can give my new baby one of their cribs and buy them new furniture when we move.
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Well if you have no room and will move, yeah, I'd probably wait then... maybe even just put the mattresses on the floor? It depends how long before you move though, or you could put the crib in your room at first? I know a lot of people do it, i just can't really imagine having a baby in the same room as two toddlers.

    Either way I get what you're saying, I just think that toddler beds are kinda a waste of money.
    1 person likes this.
  7. MichB

    MichB Well-Known Member

  8. MichB

    MichB Well-Known Member

    Hi - We moved our kids out of cribs a few months ago and at first we worried we had made the wrong decision as they stayed up and ran around and played for hours before they would finally go to sleep. This didn't last long though and now they sleep fine. BUT, we have the car bed (toddler size) and I am really happy that we got it from someone and didn't buy it as my DS doesn't like to sleep in it at all. He LOVED it when he saw it and was SOO excited. We got him cool race car bedding to go with hit and he slept in it for about a week....but now he ends up on the floor sleeping then I move him when I go to bed. I am pretty sure it is because it is already too small for him so that when he moves he hits the plastic sides and if he wants to sleep a little more diagonal he can't fit. My DS is quite small for his age (turning 3 in March) so if yours is average or taller he will grow out of it really quickly.
    I would definitely recommend either the twin size....or even just a regular twin size bed because the Car bed twin size takes up a lot of room if you are short on space you can make it more fun with the bedding....
    Or I agree with PP even just start them with a mattress on the floor and see how that goes.
    BTW: we did what a lot of people have done and moved pretty much everything out of the room so that they can't hurt themselves or get into anything when playing.

  9. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd try matresses on the floor first too. Or, you could get some inexpensive toddler beds from Ikea or craigslist. If you're short on space totally worth it! And I would definitely move them if one is climbing out. Plus, hopefully they'll be used to the new arrangement before the new baby comes. I would hate to go through that transition while having a newborn.
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