Naps in same room - Help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by HorseyLover, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. HorseyLover

    HorseyLover Well-Known Member

    My boys have always slept in the same room. Before naps and bed, they usually jump in the cribs and play, and then fall asleep. Starting a few months ago, the boys are getting so worked up during naptime while jumping in their cribs, they aren't going to sleep. They are at daycare 5 days a week, and are in separate rooms, and they nap just fine like that. But, at home, I guess because they are together, they have a hard time napping. We are thinking about putting them in separate rooms, which means we would have to give up a room of living space, which i am reluctant to do. Is there anything else we can do? i was hoping this was a stage, but it's been a few months now, at least 3 and doesn't seem to be going away. Maybe we could put a screen in between the two of them, or hang a sheet so that they don't see each other? Any experiences or thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    Can you keep them in the same room for night but put one of them in a different room to nap? If they are still in cribs could one nap in a PNP in another room? My girls are in big beds and since we moved them I have had to split them for naps. I put one to bed in my bed and the other one stays in their room. At night we have never had an issue so they will continue to share a room. The odd time they do both go to sleep in the same room but they have to be pretty exhausted for that to happen. Since we don't have the option of splitting them up (we only have 3 bedrooms) this solution was pretty much our only option but it's working out really well.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    When I was having issues with them being in the same room for nap, I would park myself in there and keep reminding them to go to sleep until they would. It is a HUGE time 'waster' though. Good luck!
  4. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We put one in the guest room for naps at home. Otherwise its just playtime to them.
  5. HorseyLover

    HorseyLover Well-Known Member

    I was thinking about putting one in a PNP in our room so that they are separated, but wasn't sure if they were too big for a PNP. They are still in cribs and can't climb out yet, so maybe one will be okay. I'll have to try it this weekend and keep you all posted on how it goes. How do i decide who to put in my room in the PNP? I'm guessing i should put my better sleeper in the PNP, since the one that has a harder time sleeping should stay in his room. Thoughts? Thanks all!!
  6. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd do a PNP with your better sleeper. Something else I thought of is that at day care, they are probably more tired. Have you taken them to a park or play place for a good couple of hours to wear them out before nap?
  7. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    [quote name=s think'HorseyLover' date='18 November 2011 - 02:36 PM' timestamp='1321645019' post='1837072']
    How do i decide who to put in my room in the PNP? I'm guessing i should put my better sleeper in the PNP, since the one that has a harder time sleeping should stay in his room. Thoughts? Thanks all!!
    I actually keep my good sleeper in their room, that way I know she will have a good nap whereas my "bad" sleeper is hit or miss regardless of where she sleeps so she goes in my room. Some days she sleeps, some days she doesn't :).
  8. HorseyLover

    HorseyLover Well-Known Member

    @ cheezewhiz24 - yes, i've tried wearing them out. I think that they get so excited to be in the room together in the "daylight", because at daycare they are separated.

    Soooo... update... i ended up hanging a sheet up in their room so that they couldn't see each other. They giggled and jumped for a little while, but then went to sleep - BOTH DAYS!! So, i hope this success continues! I guess because they can't see each other that they just get bored and go to sleep.
  9. mintpint

    mintpint Active Member

    That is exactly what I have done. One of my girls was always jumping in her crib as a result the other one had trouble sleeping. So I put a sheet between their cribs an it has been that way since they were 15 months old. They cannot see each other and it is so easy to put them for nap or at night. They both fall asleep in 10-15 min.
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