Glucose test that didnt go so well

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by sscetta, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. sscetta

    sscetta Well-Known Member

    I went for my glucose test today (1st test) and about 40 minutes after drinking the juice or whatever you call it I became hot and dizzy. I had to go lie down until it was time for my blood to be drawn. I'm hoping this doesn't mean that I failed but I won't find out for a few days. I don't remember feeling anything with my son when I had it done 5 years ago. Anyone else have a bad experience with this?

    On a positive note I hit 28 weeks and still feeling pretty good.
  2. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    With my first pregnancy I wasnt able to hold down the drink, it made me really thirsty and nauseous...I ended up rushing to the bathroom and vomiting. They sent me home to monitor my blood sugar for two weeks and it was never elevated so they didnt test any further.
    I am sorry you had a bad experience, hopefully your test will come back negative!
  3. kellyhod

    kellyhod Active Member

    Every glucose test I have had has made me sick and woozy feeling. The results were always good though,so it may be just that the drink is so awful. Good luck.
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The drink is awful and it's all you've eaten that day! I am always amazed that they make women go through that special brand of torture when they're pregnant.

    By the way, it's very common to flunk the first round and have to do the 3 hour test, so don't panic if the results are bad.
  5. praises1139

    praises1139 Well-Known Member

    it didn't make me sick, it just made my throat feel yucky/scratchy. i did an early one and then did it again at the normal time and passed both times. i scheduled my appt first thing in the morning so i didn't have to go without eating during the day. my OB recommends fasting before the glucola so you don't get a false positive.
  6. kellyhod

    kellyhod Active Member

    HI, I was just wondering if you got your test results in. I hope it all came out well.
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This! I'm a bit late to this ball game but I wanted to add that I just found out that here in Calgary you can eat 18 jelly beans in place of drinking the glucose water so that's what I did instead. I felt so much better. It's worth checking with your care provider if that's an option.
  8. sscetta

    sscetta Well-Known Member

    I just got results on friday and all was good! I was relieved as I thought getting sick was an indication of something being wrong. Thanks for everyones good thoughts
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