Four year old Christmas list...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OK. So my kids have wayyyy too much stuff. I will be the first to admit it. And last year, we went crazy overboard! LOL! And I am finding the age of four to be really difficult for gifts-even when people asked what they wanted for their birthday in October.

    I'm thinking the LeapPad possibly for them both. I'd suggest the ipod touch, but dh may think I am crazy. Plus, I think I may be as well. And then I was thinking a scooter. Well, dh thinks that it is the most ridiculous thing in the entire world! He says they have no idea what is it and they won't know how to use it. And it's something that they should get it when they are six or seven. I say-isn't part of the holiday not knowing what is out there and surprising them with it? I know my SIL doesn't take the kids to the store during the holiday season so it's all a surprise to them on Christmas morning.

    He just thinks I am crazy for even suggesting it. So he had them look through the Target toy book and see what they wanted. They wanted everything they saw! They have no idea! They want a racetrack-have it. Legos-the sets are way too old for them. XBox 360-they are clueless. I just can't wrap my head around his thinking!

    So a) what's on your four year old's list(or was)? and b) what do you think of a scooter? I'm thinking three wheeled scooter...
  2. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I'm using these posts to help me build my list!

    But what do you mean by scooter? something like this?,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=565&wrapid=tlif132111351530710&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=4754599706695984542&sa=X&ei=qZe-TtzvN4bh0QGVg7DcBA&ved=0CGYQ8wIwAA#

    I'm sure you're thinking a little bigger, to grow with them. But is it the same concept, one foot on and scoot with the other? I got the one in the link for my daughter over the summer and she caught on pretty quickly. She was under 3.5 at the time.
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    We got the girls a power wheels dune buggy this year and I am going to get them these fairy things that you pul the string and they fly - kinda like sky dancers. They also want a doll house so I may do that too but dh says no - their birthday is a week after Christmas so I may do that then. I will fill their stockings but the dune buggy will be the hit of the day and not much else will be noticed. My girls get stuff all year so I am trying not to go overboard. My house looks like toys r us exploded already. It is taking everything in me not to go overboard so I hope I can be strong but if I am it will be the first year LOL!!!!
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes-something like that. I'm not sure one would be able to do the two wheeled version. I don't know. I would take them to the store and have them try one out unsuspectingly or something. I already told myself a bike is for next birthday/Christmas, so that's out.
  5. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    It might be hard to gauge by testing in the store, or maybe they'll pick it up immediately and it won't. My daughter was a little wobbly and unsure the first week or so, had to get used to how to keep her leg off to the side so she wouldn't get it in the way of the wheel as she scooted. I got it second hand and thought maybe I should have waited because it looked like a bad accident waiting to happen with her first attempts. But she loved it and always wanted to ride it, and was determined to figure it out. Now she's a pro at it. So, like with anything it may take a little while to get the hang of it. But I figure that's true with any good toy that will last because they need to grow into. But I definitely think it's age-appropriate, and waiting til 6 or 7 is not necessary.
  6. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    My kids absolutely love these scooters. They are expensive! Perhapsa wish list for family. Super safe since you steer by shifting your weight like skiing or skateboardking rather that steering with handlebar. My twins learned the mini version of this one at 2.
  7. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    My kids have the three wheel scooters and they love them. They use the two wheel ones at daycare and caught on pretty quickly and have asked for those this year. The two wheel version takes some practive and they wear their bike helmets while on them.

    In regards to what we are getting our son, we are getting him a lego table and legos (the 5 and up ones). Have you thought about a remote control vehicle? My son has one and loves it.
  8. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I'd skip the 3 wheeled versions and go straight for a razor scooter with 2 wheels. My guys have been using them since spring 2010. Which would have made them an older 2 almost 3. It is Jesse's very favorite outside toy. He is SO fast, it's almost scary. The extendable handle is completely lowered, but it fits them perfectly.

    What about roller blades! If I could get them small enough, mine would have them and use them daily! They both want a motorcross bike for Christmas, LOL. They've also asked for a couple of playdoh kits to use with the edible playdoh that I make. We'll get them each at least 1 DVD.

    They need nothing other than winter boots and gloves. So that's not helpful either.
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Mine played with scooters this summer at one of their cousins' and loved it. Dh and I talked about getting them one (and then maybe a big wheels or kettler car for the other). I dont know that we'll do it for Christmas though... Think we are getting them 16" bikes since we sold their 12" ones.
  10. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine had scooters and roller skates at age 4. We didn't really talk about. Dh just found some scooters at garage sale for about $5 and brought them home. They still use the scooters at almost 8 and have moved on to roller blades. You could get scooters with fancy helmets and knee pads.

  11. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm planning to get all 4 of mine scooters. Target has some (2 and 3 wheeled ones) for $20 I think it was in their christmas sale catalog.

    4 is a hard age because they are outgrowing baby stuff but too little for big kid stuff! I had trouble with my older kids at that age too. We did the big power wheels toys too, we now have a quad with trailer and a barbie jeep, both hold 2 kids each.
  12. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I think they're a good age for scooters. My big girls had the 3 wheel ones with two wheels at the back, I think they were 3 when they got them and they got the hang of them pretty quickly. N & L went straight to 2 wheel ones when they were about 4 I think, it took them a little longer to get good at riding them (they have to balance more) but they still had it down within a month or so, and once they did get it they could go a lot faster. E & E have the mini version of the ones Nancy C posted. They each got one for their second birthday, Eleanor could ride well within a week, Ethan took about a month to get good at it-he would just stand on and wait for it to move :lol:. They are actually a brilliant brand/design of scooter (although admittedly very expensive), especially if you're concerned about balance. Because they have the two wheels at the front and the handles do not turn (they steer by leaning the way they want to go) they are very stable. If they're in your budget I'd really recommend them.
  13. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    the scooters look neat! our neighbors have them and they are 3yrs etc. so age wise seems appropriate. if you're thinking of waiting on bikes... why not just do that now? we LOVE our balance bikes.

    I am also thinking of some type of electronic toy... leapfrog or mobygo ?) I've been told. I'm thinking that that type of thing would help keep the kids entertained and quiet at times opportune for me.

    good luck!
  14. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The first princess scooter that was linked is what my MIL got the girls for Xmas last year. It was a HUGE hit. They love those things and have no problem steering them. You can't go wrong with that OR the razor scooter. Their cousins have the Razors and my girls really like those too.
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