Absolute Bare Minimum Necessities

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 3under2!, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Hi everybody,
    I'm posting this here instead of the expecting forum because you all are experienced in these things :D

    I'm trying to figure out what the bare necessities are for when my twins are born up to around 3 months or so. I don't believe in wipes warmers or any of that extra type of stuff and the other lists on here are so long (!!) I can't possibly need all of that crap ;). So far this is what I have on my list, can you tell me if I'm missing anything?

    2 carseats
    Snap n go double frame
    Breast pump and bottles
    Mini crib (I plan on having them sleep together in one crib in my room for a while)

    I already have a baby swing, bouncy seat type thing, and a mat to put them on the floor from my first. I also have a bunch of baby blankets, towels and clothes from my first. Is there anything else I absolutely NEED? Diapers, etc goes without saying. Thanks for the help!!
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I had 2 bouncy chairs. I had one from my first and after 6 weeks broke down and bought another. I only had one swing though, they alternated.
  3. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness, we have too much stuff, I bought two rockers/bouncers on ebay, they didn't like it so I've just put them back on ebay. I bought a Fisher Price swing on ebay, they don't like that either. Also bought a Avent IQ digital warmer, used about 5 times as DH is "digiphobe" and plus we don't warm Liara's bottles as I used cooled boiled water.

    The breast pump was extremely handy (bought off ebay and then bought the tubes, etc new) when they were in NICU but it has sat there unused since they were 4 weeks old as I just didn't have time to pump.

    I like having the PNP downstairs as I use the changer on it and can put one baby in there while I change the other.

    Floor mat with hanging toys is the best 'play toy" they love so definitely recommend that.

    The other thing I absolutely love and if you can find a cheap one is a super big diaper wrapper bin, I got this off ebay also and got two canisters with it, it's just run out and they are so expensive to replace that I think I will get creative and try to use plastic bags somehow.

    The other thing which has been really useful is an Oricom baby monitor - this has been really handy. I also have and still use for my little twin, a Tea Tree snuggle bed ( fits inside the cot and don't know if you can get that over there?) and when it was cool, swaddle wraps which they have only just stop wearing.

    I bought two different types of breastfeeding pillows which I've hardly used and since I bought two half donut shaped type cushions (Boppy style), I use that mainly as it's great to prop them up on that.

    Oh dear... so much stuff I've listed... I also bought two change tables, one to match the cots in the nursery, one foldown one which fits a bath, which we still use and is great.

    I bought the Baby Bjorn carrier, which I love but have hardly used and of course a great double pram which will convert into a stroller, which fits through standard doors. I've also bought two single strollers off ebay which I keep in the house to wheel them around in when they are unsettled (mostly older DD's chore - poor thing! :) )...

    Hope this helps a little, didn't mean it to be so long... as you can see a lot of my stuff is from ebay...LOL!
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Something to swaddle them in. I don't know if you did that with your first, but swaddling was a lifesaver with our twins. We did it with the hospital blankets for the first few weeks, but then got Miracle Blankets which were soooo much easier. I can't say the babies slept 100x better, but they were certainly easier for us to use as the babies got bigger.

    If your babies are going to be born in the winter, some kind of snuggly carseat cover that zips on & off is useful. You can do the same thing with blankets, but it's a pain to keep redoing it every time they're in and out of the seat.

    I also agree that it was really nice to have two bouncy seats and one swing. We started off with one of each, but I got a second bouncy for like $5 at a twins club sale, and they all got plenty of use.

    I like your minimalist approach, though! :good:

    You said birth to 3 months, but I wanted to add that an exersaucer is also great for the (roughly) 5-10 month period. It keeps them happily contained when they're starting to be mobile. Mobility is great, but sometimes you just need to park them somewhere safe for 15 minutes.
  5. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    We had 2 swings and 2 bouncey seats but we also have a Nana who was way to excited LOL. I would personally do a pack n play vrs a mini crib. You will get more use out of it. You can let them sleep in it for months, it has a changing pad, you can pack it and take it with you to grandparents, hotels etc all things you cannot do with a mini crib. 2 boppies, I also would rent a breast pump vrs buying. If they do come early you are going to want a hospital grade one for the first few months and they are really expensive to buy but just about $50 to rent per month. Also before investing in a good pump you need to know you are going to be able to produce enough milk. I rented for 3 months, if possible rent the same one they have in the hospitals that way if you are doing time in the NICU you can take your tubing with you and pump there. That was so nice to be able to do for us. Also as you know from having 1 don't go buy multiples of 1 type of bottle every baby is different. we went through 4 brands before finding the ones that worked for our twins. I am with you on wipe warmers, they dry out the wipes and the ones on the bottom acutally burn! I had a bottle warmer but we ended up using playtex drop ins so we sold the warmer. love love loved sleep sacks and I don't know that you can have to many burp clothes.

    Editing to add yes yes yes to what someone else said about the bundle me. It is not safe to put a baby in a carseat wearing a coat or a snowsuit. Ask your nurse or carseat expert. that is where the bundle me comes in. Best money we spent.
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Honestly besides the obvious diapers, wipes and clothes, blankets - I really didn't need anything else. Mine never took bottles, the breast pump was a waste of money, the swings were a waste and I didn't use the Boppy pillows until they were older than newborn to sit them in. I propped myself up in my big chair with pillows from my bed and there I sat with both babies 99% of the time shirtless. Even our cribs were a waste - they never slept in them I had a. Pack n play that they both slept in. My last baby was a singleton and I got a Fisher Price newborn rock and play sleeper at my shower - I LOVE it and so does he! If I were you I would register for two of them.
  7. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    The things I've used more than anything else with the twins: Arm's Reach Bedside co-sleeper, twin nursing pillow, baby pouch, double stroller (I like our umbrella one the best), and nursing cover. I also use the bouncy seat way more with the twins than I ever did with my singletons probably because I can have one in my arm, but it's more difficult to have two.
  8. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    I would say 2 bouncers are a must, mine had their bottles in them until they turned 1, when we stopped giving them bottles. You just sit on the floor wiht your back against a bed or couch and have them lay in the bouncers while you feed their bottles. Early on they also took naps in the bouncers. I think one swing is enough also. Another great item for me was the Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo

    I recommend this one over any other, because it has a narrow seat and a headreast, as long as a baby can hold his head, he can go in there. I think Vanessa went in it when she was 2 months old, and she seemed happy. We only let her in for a minute or 2 in the beginning. By the time they were 3-4 months old they loved this thing. We went out and bought the Baby Einstein Jumperoo also, but we brought it back, that one has a large seat, and they dangled in it, also the springs are somehow positioned horizontally so it doesn't jump as easily. We ended up buying a second Fisher pirce, the Laugh and Learn one, but this one is better, because of the head rest. These were so useful after they started moving and crawling, when we needed a break to maybe go to the bathroom, or something you can't take 2 babies with you to do :). I knew they were safe in there and they loved them, they even fell asleep in them at times.
  9. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Thank you soooo much for all the tips everybody!!!! I have a few questions/comments so please bear with me :)

    Bouncy seats-I have the one, guess I will see how it goes and get another one if needed. I guess I kind of feel that between the seat and the swing I'll be covered, but now that I'm thinking about it, the seat was great for when I was in the kitchen. Although I definitely don't have room for two in my kitchen. Guess we will see on that one.

    PnP vs Minicrib- We already have a PnP, but it's very basic, doesn't have the newborn 'shelf', so bending all the way over to get them out seems like it would be a pain in the neck, especially in the middle of the night. If we get a minicrib, we will probably buy used and then resell. We're in an apartment so I don't have to worry about hiking up and down stairs all day for changing, etc, and have no problemo using a blanket on the couch ;) Any thoughts?

    Diaper bin- hmm didn't think about this one...w my first I breastfed and found the smells really didn't bother me until she was eating solids so we just designated a regular mini trash can for diapers. Guess we will need a bigger can lol. Is the smell much worse with double the amount of diapers?

    Nursing pillow- I have a boppy and it was lifesaver the first few weeks until I was able to nurse lying down. Does a boppy work? I know there are a couple of twin nursing pillows. I'll check out the breastfeeding forum about those, but any thoughts anyone?

    Strollers: I have a single stroller with a bassinet that I was thinking of squeezing them into together for extended trips for the first few weeks ( not that I foresee myself going on many of those lol) and getting a snap n go and figuring out the double stroller eventually...bad idea?

    Breastpump: I'm not planning on pumping full time, just so that I can go out once in a while or have DH do nights once a week or something like that. I have TONS of milk, so that is not an issue thank G-d. I like the idea of renting one if I need to pump full time in the beginning, can you do that through the hospital? If I am pumping only for occasional use, is a single pump enough? Thanks for the tip about not buying just one type of bottle!

    Trisha L- which double umbrella stroller do you have? I am torn between a true umbrella that fully reclines like Maclaren or something more like a combi double, or I am totally crushing on the new mountain buggy duet or maybe a city mini. Choices choices!!

    Already have an excersaucer and live in Florida, so even though I'm due in January/February I don't need to worry about those snuggly things, although they look so cozy I kind of wish I needed them lol.

    Again, thank you all so much for the tips!!
  10. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I liked the PNP with a newborn shelf for changes and naps (although mine rarely slept in a PNP until later). I actually like having 2 PNPs for when they were both getting into stuff and I needed both boys separate and safe.

    I didn't have a changing table- just a blanket on the floor. They can't fall off of anything that way and for the first year, we also lived in an apartment so space was at a premium.

    I BF and did not own a diaper bin. I used our reg trash and changed it frequently. The smell didn't bother me or my DH (who has a super sniffer).

    I had the Boppy but couldn't tandem nurse my boys with it effectively. I had the EZ2Nurse and it was freaking awesome. I could not have EBFd without it. :)

    I could have fit both boys in a single stroller but the SnG was great b/c you don't have to take them out of their carriers. We used it until about 10 months then bought a true double stroller.

    As to pumps, usually you can rent through the hospital. Check to see what nursing resources your hospital has- mine rented and sold parts right from the giftshop on the delivery floor. :) For 2 babies I would do a double. With 3 kids your time will be precious and if your going to pump both breasts it'll be 1/2 the time to do it. ;)
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    Yes, the only stroller you'll need for the time being is the DSNG... we used it for 20 months! for walks in the neighborhood once they were able to sit up more we had a jogging stroller. we also had the combi side by side double stroller... it's a moderate stroller maybe $200-300.

    YES you will LOVE the EZ2Nurse double nursing pillow! See if you can get a used one through a twins group... 4 yrs ago they retailed at $50+10 shipping... but I think they are more expensive... but the ONE gift I got that I used every single day for 24 full months!!

    Diaper pail... we used the Diaper Champ (not sure if it's the same now), but it is able to use regular bags... it's also great to cloth diaper with... if you want to try that!

    I vote for getting a 2nd PNP, one with the bassinet - I think they have $60 versions that have the bassinet but not all the crazy fancy stuff. Later on you'll most likely want 2 anyway, if you go traveling or something. so might as well get it now and enjoy the bassinet part. The one made for twins is able to hold more weight up top... might be worth looking into or I think the Arms Reach one holds more weight up top too.

    blanket on the couch thing... we had two of these "co-sleeper" "snuggle nest" things that are hard plastic frames with a fabric cover. actually BOTH kids fit in it for a while, and it was a nice way to have the kids on the couch or floor on a clean surface that was washable... I got mine used and sold them used... win-win. here's a link to what I'm talking about. snuggle nest

    oh and swaddles, once at 5 wks that I started swaddling the babies started sleeping through their night feeds. woohoo!

    oh, and white noise (doesn't take up much room for your minimalistic approach!) saved our lives keeping them asleep in the night.

    good luck! fun getting ready for babies!
  12. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    I would definitely recommend a double pump - it will save you heaps of time! I bought a Medela Pump In Style Advanced, which I absolutely loved and found it on par with the hospital grade ones. Easy to use anywhere (especially middle of the night by the bed or on the couch watching tv).

    Diaper bin, I love this it's an extra large like the ones they use in daycare. It wasn't so much the smells that made me buy it, but convenience so I wasn't traipsing out to garbage all the time (I just don't like diapers hanging around inside). But the refill canisters are really really expensive and I'm just debating whether or not to replace.

    PNP - definitely get one with a newborn insert and a changer - I'm glad I only got one because one of my girls will not sleep anywhere but in her own crib in her bedroom (already she is particular!). Before I got this for downstairs, we were changing the babies on the couch on a change mat that you get with nappy bags. But my back thanks me now for getting the PNP :)

    The Tetra snuggle bed, similar to the snuggle nest is so handy. They both slept in there until a few weeks ago when they started kicking each other. And it's great if I have them in my bedroom, as it means I can prop them up in that safely while I go about my business. In the beginning, I also had it in the lounge where they spent their naps.

    I had a Outdoor Twin breastfeeding pillow same as the EZY2Nurse, but I just couldn't get comfortable with it and found it a bit awkward. I use the boppy and find that and using pillows/cushions more effective. I feel that you won't know what works for you until you get them home so perhaps wait and see on that one.

    It's so fun planning and buying stuff for the babies, really makes it feel more real :) - I've run out of things to buy now, can't wait for the next stage so I can go shopping again lol!
  13. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I forgot the wonder of the Swaddle Me. (cheaper version of the Miracle blanket). Those were a lifesaver for us starting about week 3.
  14. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    we rented the Medela hospital grade lactina (because they didn't have the symphony. would have much rather had the symphony.) Our Lactation consultant gave us names of places to rent. We ended up renting ours from a place called Mother Nurture. Its a local place that sells mostly things like nursing bra's, breast pumps and accessories, mobys etc.

    OH a MOBY! I lovelove love mine. I wore them all the time. You can wear them both with the moby and even now I can wear them one at a time either facing out or on my hip. comes in super handy during teething when they don't want to be put down but momma needs to do something else.
  15. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    We just have the babies r us side by side stroller (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=10884645). I've really liked it a lot. I like it better than the stroller we can put the two carriers in.

    THere is no way I could have tandem nursed with a boppy. I hard a hard time tandem nursing the first 3 weeks, but after that we got the hang of it and the My Brest Friend nursing pillow has been indispensable (http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4217869&prodFindSrc=search). With my singltons I didn't really ever use a nursing pillow, but for tandem nursing I find I really need it.
  16. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I second a white noise machine! They can be a huge help, especially in a small house where it's unrealistic to keep things relatively quiet while the babies are sleeping. Also, with my girls, it's almost a Pavlov's dog response to the white noise machine now - we turn it on, they know it's sleep time. :good: I also think you may be able to download white noise tracks online if you want.
  17. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    For the first three months, the only thing we had two of were carseats.

    The bare minimum is something to keep them warm like swaddling blankets, a place for them to sleep within earshot (if you have a big house, that means like a PNP for downstairs in you have a small house, you won't need an extra item). Something to help you transport two babies (like a snap-n-go) and a carrier like a moby. Something to help you feed two babies like a nursing pillow.
    And that's really about it.
    Of course plenty of clothes (if they spit up you will need more than if they don't), towels, and diapers.
  18. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Just chipping in to say I would look at your stroller choices now. If you want to get the mountain buggy duet that lets you fit in car seats so you would not need the snap n go. No point in paying for two when you could just get one to do both jobs, especially as the mountain buggy is pricey.
  19. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Thank you!! Makes me feel like my approach is slightly less insane :D Space is at a super premium for us as we are in an apartment and already have a 15-month old. I think I will take a 'wait and see' approach with most of these things, renting a breastpump if I need one before investing, seeing how it goes with one bouncy seat, just getting the snap n go at first, etc. Although I would like to get a Moby.

    Actually, one more question, with my first I just swaddled using regular baby blankets. Do the SwaddleMes etc make such a big difference?
    Thank you all so much for your help!!!!
  20. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    EZ2 nurse pillow was key for me. You can find super cheap on a local twin site or consignment sale.

    Miracle blanket for swaddling was great though with my first I used the large thermal blankets (reinforced with an ace wrap as they got older).
  21. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I used receiving blankets at first but mine loved their Swaddle so around 8 weeks it got tougher and tougher to keep them in it. I bought 1 Swaddle Me used and tried it one night. I knew I needed more b/c I felt extreme jealousy /annoyance that I was changing whoever was in still in a receiving blanket and it was so much harder to get a good tight Swaddle at that point. :lol: you can find them used at Goodwill or at kids resale shops as well for a fraction of the price.
  22. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Since you live in FL, I would suggest a mosquito net to go over the DSNG. We didn't use the DSNG, we went with the Graco stroller that accepted their carseats, but the mosquito net was definitely needed.
  23. Where do you find a local twin site to sell stuff? I had twins almost 5 months ago and have tons of stuff I need to get rid of and of course double of everything. We had lots of excited family so we have almost every kind gadget and tons of clothes..lol

    These were my favorite items. Boppys, if you do bottle feed. (I really wanted to breastfeed and bought everything for it and couldn't build a supply. :() Diaper genie and our boys absolutely LOVE the rainforest bouncers. One of our boys loved to be swaddled so swaddling blankets were a must. :)
  24. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I never used the swaddle me type things w my first and got rid of them after a while, but she was never Sooo into swaddling. Now I wish I had kept them. Thanks I will keep that in mind about you the mosquito net.
    2010babydreamz, is there a Moms of Multiples group near you? The chapter near me makes a huge consignment sale every year, maybe yours would too. Also search google for kids consignment.
  25. keirin

    keirin Well-Known Member

    Things I could not live without the first 3 months:
    - Swaddling blankets, lots of them (probably have at least 10)... but I stopped swaddling around 3 months when they started to sleep better. Lifesaver at first though, I even brought 2 with me to the hospital and I was glad I did!
    - Burp cloths. You probably have some since you have another child, but I vastly underestimated how many I would need. I bought the cloth diapers. I started with like 15 of them and now I think I have 40 and I still wash every other day just for burp cloths.
    - A swing. I have one that plugs into the wall and that has saved us a ton on batteries. I eventually broke down and bought a 2nd swing, although AT FIRST our baby boy did not like the swing and we only needed one. He's starting to dislike it again so I only had a period of about 6-8 weeks where he would use it. Might not have been worth the purchase of the 2nd, but it was pretty helpful during the time he tolerated it.
    -a wedge to put in the pack and play/crib for our baby with acid reflux. Babies R Us sells them for $18 and I found it helped our baby girl.
    -those nursettes. We used similac but you can get them by enfamil and gerber too. They were wonderful on trips out of the house. However, if you're breastfeeding you may want to stay away from them... I breastfed for 3 1/2 months, but I still found them handy on trips out. http://www.amazon.com/Similac-Advance-Newborn-2-Fluid-Packaging/dp/B000N351WQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321706248&sr=8-1

    Things I thought I needed and didn't:
    - pacifiers. I think I have 20 or so lying around and I never could find one when I needed it. However, neither of mine really wanted a pacifier and both quit taking one by 3 - 4 months when they started to find their hands. Maybe would have been better to just keep a few around to see if they really want it before investing so much in it.
    - that 2nd swing. Yes it's on both lists.
    - bouncy/rocker chairs. I only used them for 6 weeks after which neither twin would tolerate being sat in one. This is a YMMV thing - some twins love them.
  26. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    See it's funny, I got some with my first (really cute ones at that) and literally never used them. My baby never had a spit up problem, but I'm guessing that's what you would use them for? What else did you do with them?
  27. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    My son didn't spit alot and I still used the birp cloths with him for every feeding. I didn't want his little face on my shirt (or whoever was feeding him) Didn't want the fabric to irriate his skin or if the person feeding him had just come over wasn't sure if there was pet hair or other things that could bother him.
  28. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    love your approach ! We had a Pnp that had a change table on one side, a bassinet for the younger and then it came out to be a pnp. I loved it ! It was a second changing station and really because it had some deep sides it was better than the regular change tables. It was a second sleep station so if the kids were downstairs one or two could sleep in there. It was a second nap station for later on when two at night in the same room is good but nap times was harder and better if I split them up.

    Loan a swing because you sometimes love it (depending on the kid) but you only LOVe it for say 2 months and then it is a pain and takes up room.

    I got an infant-to-toddler rocker -- used it to feed in, great for the colic kid to sleep in, vibrates and good to soothe, and it later is a chair for a toddler. not bad.

    masking tape, marker to write notes and stick to counter and write on bottles. Zipper sleepers are a must if anyone asks.

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